changeset 652:de04ce69da53

0.6dev: Removing code and updated docs related to Trac < 0.11 and Python < 2.4 (base requirements for Bitten 0.6).
author osimons
date Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:16:58 +0000
parents 44a862c1e559
children 166e1d272623
files README.txt bitten/build/ bitten/report/ bitten/
diffstat 4 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 363 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -6,21 +6,16 @@
 metrics generated by builds, to enable feedback and reporting about
 the progress of a software project.
-The Bitten software consists of three separate parts:
- * The build slave, which executes builds on behalf of a local or remote
-   build master
- * The build master, which orchestrates builds for a project across all
-   connected slaves, and stores the build status and results to the
-   database
+The Bitten software consists of two separate parts:
+ * The build slave, which executes builds on behalf of a build master.
  * The web interface, which is implemented as an add-on to Trac
    ( and provides a build management interface
    as well as presentation of build results.
-Both the build master and the web interface depend on Trac 0.10, and need
-to be installed on the same machine, together with the Subversion
-repository. The build slave only requires Python (>= 2.3), setuptools
-(>= 0.6a2),  as well as any tools required by the build process itself. A
-build slave may be run on any machine that can connect to the server
+The build master is a plugin for Trac 0.11, while the build slave can be
+installed without other dependencies than Python >= 2.4 and
+setuptools >= 0.6a2 in addition to any tools required by the build process 
+itself. A build slave may be run on any machine that can connect to the server
 running the Bitten build master.
--- a/bitten/build/
+++ b/bitten/build/
@@ -15,12 +15,9 @@
 import os
 import shlex
 import time
+import subprocess
 import sys
-    import subprocess
-except ImportError:
-    subprocess = None
 log = logging.getLogger('')
@@ -87,236 +84,99 @@
             assert os.path.isdir(self.cwd)
         self.returncode = None
-    if subprocess:
-        def execute(self, timeout=None):
-            """Execute the command, and return a generator for iterating over
-            the output written to the standard output and error streams.
-            :param timeout: number of seconds before the external process
-                            should be aborted (not supported on Windows without
-                            ``subprocess`` module / Python 2.4+)
-            """
-            from threading import Thread
-            from Queue import Queue, Empty
-            class ReadThread(Thread):
-                def __init__(self, pipe, pipe_name, queue):
-                    self.pipe = pipe
-                    self.pipe_name = pipe_name
-                    self.queue = queue
-                    Thread.__init__(self)
-                def run(self):
-                    while self.pipe and not self.pipe.closed:
-                        line = self.pipe.readline()
-                        if line == '':
-                            break
-                        self.queue.put((self.pipe_name, line))
-                    if not self.pipe.closed:
-                        self.pipe.close()
-            class WriteThread(Thread):
-                def __init__(self, pipe, data):
-                    self.pipe = pipe
-           = data
-                    Thread.__init__(self)
-                def run(self):
-                    if and self.pipe and not self.pipe.closed:
-                        self.pipe.write(
-                    if not self.pipe.closed:
-                        self.pipe.close()
-            args = [self.executable] + self.arguments
-            try:
-                p = subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=1, # Line buffered
-                            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            cwd=(self.cwd or None),
-                            shell=( == 'nt' and True or False),
-                            universal_newlines=True,
-                            env=None)
-            except Exception, e:
-                # NT executes through shell and will not raise BuildError
-                raise BuildError('Error executing %s: %s %s' % (args,
-                                            e.__class__.__name__, str(e)))
-            log.debug('Executing %s, (pid = %s)', args,
-            if self.input:
-                if isinstance(self.input, basestring):
-                    in_data = self.input
-                else:
-                    in_data =
-            else:
-                in_data = None
-            queue = Queue()
-            limit = timeout and timeout + time.time() or 0
-            pipe_in = WriteThread(p.stdin, in_data)
-            pipe_out = ReadThread(p.stdout, 'stdout', queue)
-            pipe_err = ReadThread(p.stderr, 'stderr', queue)
-            pipe_err.start(); pipe_out.start(); pipe_in.start()
-            while True:
-                if limit and limit < time.time():
-                    if hasattr(subprocess, 'kill'): # Python 2.6+
-                        p.kill()
-                    raise TimeoutError('Command %s timed out' % self.executable)
-                if p.poll() != None and self.returncode == None:
-                    self.returncode = p.returncode
-                try:
-                    name, line = queue.get(block=True, timeout=.01)
-                    line = line and _decode(line.rstrip().replace('\x00', ''))
-                    if name == 'stderr':
-                        yield (None, line)
-                    else:
-                        yield (line, None)
-                except Empty:
-                    if self.returncode != None:
-                        break
-            pipe_out.join(); pipe_in.join(); pipe_err.join()
-            log.debug('%s exited with code %s', self.executable,
-                      self.returncode)
-    elif == 'nt': # windows
-        def execute(self, timeout=None):
-            """Execute the command, and return a generator for iterating over
-            the output written to the standard output and error streams.
-            :param timeout: number of seconds before the external process
-                            should be aborted (not supported on Windows without
-                            ``subprocess`` module / Python 2.4+)
-            """
-            args = [self.executable] + self.arguments
-            for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
-                if arg.find(' ') >= 0:
-                    args[idx] = '"%s"' % arg
-            log.debug('Executing %s', args)
-            if self.cwd:
-                old_cwd = os.getcwd()
-                os.chdir(self.cwd)
-            import tempfile
-            in_name = None
-            if self.input:
-                if isinstance(self.input, basestring):
-                    in_file, in_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='bitten_',
-                                                        suffix='.pipe')
-                    os.write(in_file, self.input)
-                    os.close(in_file)
-                    in_redirect = '< "%s" ' % in_name
-                else:
-                    in_redirect = '< "%s" ' %
-            else:
-                in_redirect = ''
-            out_file, out_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='bitten_',
-                                                  suffix='.pipe')
-            os.close(out_file)
-            try:
-                # NT without subprocess joins output from stdout & stderr
-                cmd = '( %s ) > "%s" %s 2>&1' % (' '.join(args), out_name,
-                                                    in_redirect)
-      "running: %s", cmd)
-                self.returncode = os.system(cmd)
-                log.debug('Exited with code %s', self.returncode)
-                out_file = file(out_name, 'r')
-                out_lines = out_file.readlines()
-                err_lines = []
-                out_file.close()
-            finally:
-                if in_name:
-                    os.unlink(in_name)
-                if out_name:
-                    os.unlink(out_name)
-                if self.cwd:
-                    os.chdir(old_cwd)
-            for out_line, err_line in _combine(out_lines, err_lines):
-                yield out_line and _decode(
-                                    out_line.rstrip().replace('\x00', '')), \
-                      err_line and _decode(
-                                    err_line.rstrip().replace('\x00', ''))
-            if self.cwd:
-                os.chdir(old_cwd)
-    else: # posix
+    def execute(self, timeout=None):
+        """Execute the command, and return a generator for iterating over
+        the output written to the standard output and error streams.
+        :param timeout: number of seconds before the external process
+                        should be aborted (not supported on Windows without
+                        ``subprocess`` module / Python 2.4+)
+        """
+        from threading import Thread
+        from Queue import Queue, Empty
-        def execute(self, timeout=None):
-            """Execute the command, and return a generator for iterating over
-            the output written to the standard output and error streams.
-            :param timeout: number of seconds before the external process
-                            should be aborted (not supported on Windows without
-                            ``subprocess`` module / Python 2.4+)
-            """
-            import popen2, select
-            if self.cwd:
-                old_cwd = os.getcwd()
-                os.chdir(self.cwd)
-            log.debug('Executing %s', [self.executable] + self.arguments)
-            pipe = popen2.Popen3([self.executable] + self.arguments,
-                                 capturestderr=True)
-            if self.input:
-                if isinstance(self.input, basestring):
-                    in_data = self.input
-                else:
-                    in_data =
-            else:
-                pipe.tochild.close()
-                in_data = ''
+        class ReadThread(Thread):
+            def __init__(self, pipe, pipe_name, queue):
+                self.pipe = pipe
+                self.pipe_name = pipe_name
+                self.queue = queue
+                Thread.__init__(self)
+            def run(self):
+                while self.pipe and not self.pipe.closed:
+                    line = self.pipe.readline()
+                    if line == '':
+                        break
+                    self.queue.put((self.pipe_name, line))
+                if not self.pipe.closed:
+                    self.pipe.close()
-            out_data, err_data = [], []
-            in_eof = out_eof = err_eof = False
-            if not in_data:
-                in_eof = True
-            while not out_eof or not err_eof:
-                readable = [pipe.fromchild] * (not out_eof) + \
-                           [pipe.childerr] * (not err_eof)
-                writable = [pipe.tochild] * (not in_eof)
-                ready =, writable, [], timeout)
-                if not (ready[0] or ready[1]):
-                    raise TimeoutError('Command %s timed out' % self.executable)
-                if pipe.tochild in ready[1]:
-                    sent = os.write(pipe.tochild.fileno(), in_data)
-                    in_data = in_data[sent:]
-                    if not in_data:
-                        pipe.tochild.close()
-                        in_eof = True
-                if pipe.fromchild in ready[0]:
-                    data =, 1024)
-                    if data:
-                        out_data.append(data)
-                    else:
-                        out_eof = True
-                if pipe.childerr in ready[0]:
-                    data =, 1024)
-                    if data:
-                        err_data.append(data)
-                    else:
-                        err_eof = True
-                out_lines = self._extract_lines(out_data)
-                err_lines = self._extract_lines(err_data)
-                for out_line, err_line in _combine(out_lines, err_lines):
-                    yield out_line and _decode(out_line), \
-                          err_line and _decode(err_line)
-                time.sleep(.1)
-            self.returncode = pipe.wait()
-            log.debug('%s exited with code %s', self.executable,
-                      self.returncode)
+        class WriteThread(Thread):
+            def __init__(self, pipe, data):
+                self.pipe = pipe
+       = data
+                Thread.__init__(self)
+            def run(self):
+                if and self.pipe and not self.pipe.closed:
+                    self.pipe.write(
+                if not self.pipe.closed:
+                    self.pipe.close()
-            if self.cwd:
-                os.chdir(old_cwd)
+        args = [self.executable] + self.arguments
+        try:
+            p = subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=1, # Line buffered
+                        stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                        cwd=(self.cwd or None),
+                        shell=( == 'nt' and True or False),
+                        universal_newlines=True,
+                        env=None)
+        except Exception, e:
+            # NT executes through shell and will not raise BuildError
+            raise BuildError('Error executing %s: %s %s' % (args,
+                                        e.__class__.__name__, str(e)))
+        log.debug('Executing %s, (pid = %s)', args,
+        if self.input:
+            if isinstance(self.input, basestring):
+                in_data = self.input
+            else:
+                in_data =
+        else:
+            in_data = None
+        queue = Queue()
+        limit = timeout and timeout + time.time() or 0
+        pipe_in = WriteThread(p.stdin, in_data)
+        pipe_out = ReadThread(p.stdout, 'stdout', queue)
+        pipe_err = ReadThread(p.stderr, 'stderr', queue)
+        pipe_err.start(); pipe_out.start(); pipe_in.start()
+        while True:
+            if limit and limit < time.time():
+                if hasattr(subprocess, 'kill'): # Python 2.6+
+                    p.kill()
+                raise TimeoutError('Command %s timed out' % self.executable)
+            if p.poll() != None and self.returncode == None:
+                self.returncode = p.returncode
+            try:
+                name, line = queue.get(block=True, timeout=.01)
+                line = line and _decode(line.rstrip().replace('\x00', ''))
+                if name == 'stderr':
+                    yield (None, line)
+                else:
+                    yield (line, None)
+            except Empty:
+                if self.returncode != None:
+                    break
+        pipe_out.join(); pipe_in.join(); pipe_err.join()
+        log.debug('%s exited with code %s', self.executable,
+                  self.returncode)
     def _extract_lines(self, data):
         extracted = []
--- a/bitten/report/
+++ b/bitten/report/
@@ -127,113 +127,111 @@
-# Coverage annotation requires the new interface from 0.11
-if hasattr(IHTMLPreviewAnnotator, 'get_annotation_data'):
-    class TestCoverageAnnotator(Component):
-        """
-        >>> from genshi.builder import tag
-        >>> from trac.test import Mock, MockPerm
-        >>> from trac.mimeview import Context
-        >>> from trac.web.href import Href
-        >>> from bitten.model import BuildConfig, Build, Report
-        >>> from import env_stub_with_tables
-        >>> env = env_stub_with_tables()
-        >>> BuildConfig(env, name='trunk', path='trunk').insert()
-        >>> Build(env, rev=123, config='trunk', rev_time=12345, platform=1).insert()
-        >>> rpt = Report(env, build=1, step='test', category='coverage')
-        >>> rpt.items.append({'file': '', 'line_hits': '5 - 0'})
-        >>> rpt.insert()
-        >>> ann = TestCoverageAnnotator(env)
-        >>> req = Mock(href=Href('/'), perm=MockPerm(), chrome={})
-        Version in the branch should not match:
-        >>> context = Context.from_request(req, 'source', '/branches/blah/', 123)
-        >>> ann.get_annotation_data(context)
-        []
-        Version in the trunk should match:
-        >>> context = Context.from_request(req, 'source', '/trunk/', 123)
-        >>> data = ann.get_annotation_data(context)
-        >>> print data
-        [u'5', u'-', u'0']
-        >>> def annotate_row(lineno, line):
-        ...     row =
-        ...     ann.annotate_row(context, row, lineno, line, data)
-        ...     return row.generate().render('html')
-        >>> annotate_row(1, 'x = 1')
-        '<tr><th class="covered">5</th></tr>'
-        >>> annotate_row(2, '')
-        '<tr><th></th></tr>'
-        >>> annotate_row(3, 'y = x')
-        '<tr><th class="uncovered">0</th></tr>'
-        """
-        implements(IRequestFilter, IHTMLPreviewAnnotator)
-        # IRequestFilter methods
-        def pre_process_request(self, req, handler):
-            return handler
+class TestCoverageAnnotator(Component):
+    """
+    >>> from genshi.builder import tag
+    >>> from trac.test import Mock, MockPerm
+    >>> from trac.mimeview import Context
+    >>> from trac.web.href import Href
+    >>> from bitten.model import BuildConfig, Build, Report
+    >>> from import env_stub_with_tables
+    >>> env = env_stub_with_tables()
-        def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
-            """ Adds a 'Coverage' context navigation menu item. """
-            resource = data and data.get('context') \
-                            and data.get('context').resource or None
-            if resource and isinstance(resource, Resource) \
-                        and resource.realm=='source' and data.get('file') \
-                        and not req.args.get('annotate'):
-                add_ctxtnav(req, 'Coverage',
-                        title='Annotate file with test coverage '
-                              'data (if available)',
-                        href=req.href.browser(, 
-                            annotate='coverage', rev=data.get('rev')))
-            return template, data, content_type
-        # IHTMLPreviewAnnotator methods
-        def get_annotation_type(self):
-            return 'coverage', 'Cov', 'Code coverage'
-        def get_annotation_data(self, context):
-            add_stylesheet(context.req, 'bitten/bitten_coverage.css')
+    >>> BuildConfig(env, name='trunk', path='trunk').insert()
+    >>> Build(env, rev=123, config='trunk', rev_time=12345, platform=1).insert()
+    >>> rpt = Report(env, build=1, step='test', category='coverage')
+    >>> rpt.items.append({'file': '', 'line_hits': '5 - 0'})
+    >>> rpt.insert()
-            resource = context.resource
-            self.log.debug("Looking for coverage report for %s@%s..." % (
-                  , str(resource.version)))
-            builds =, rev=resource.version)
-            reports = []
-            for build in builds:
-                config = BuildConfig.fetch(self.env, build.config)
-                if not'/' + config.path.lstrip('/')):
-                    continue
-                reports =,,
-                                        category='coverage')
-                path_in_config =[len(config.path)+1:].lstrip('/')
-                for report in reports:
-                    for item in report.items:
-                        if item.get('file') == path_in_config:
-                            coverage = item.get('line_hits', '').split()
-                            if coverage:
-                                # Return first result with line data
-                                self.log.debug(
-                                    "Coverage annotate for %s@%s: %s" % \
-                                    (, resource.version, coverage))
-                                return coverage
-            return []
+    >>> ann = TestCoverageAnnotator(env)
+    >>> req = Mock(href=Href('/'), perm=MockPerm(), chrome={})
-        def annotate_row(self, context, row, lineno, line, data):
-            from genshi.builder import tag
-            lineno -= 1 # 0-based index for data
-            if lineno >= len(data):
-                row.append(
-                return
-            row_data = data[lineno]
-            if row_data == '-':
-                row.append(
-            elif row_data == '0':
-                row.append(, class_='uncovered'))
-            else:
-                row.append(, class_='covered'))
+    Version in the branch should not match:
+    >>> context = Context.from_request(req, 'source', '/branches/blah/', 123)
+    >>> ann.get_annotation_data(context)
+    []
+    Version in the trunk should match:
+    >>> context = Context.from_request(req, 'source', '/trunk/', 123)
+    >>> data = ann.get_annotation_data(context)
+    >>> print data
+    [u'5', u'-', u'0']
+    >>> def annotate_row(lineno, line):
+    ...     row =
+    ...     ann.annotate_row(context, row, lineno, line, data)
+    ...     return row.generate().render('html')
+    >>> annotate_row(1, 'x = 1')
+    '<tr><th class="covered">5</th></tr>'
+    >>> annotate_row(2, '')
+    '<tr><th></th></tr>'
+    >>> annotate_row(3, 'y = x')
+    '<tr><th class="uncovered">0</th></tr>'
+    """
+    implements(IRequestFilter, IHTMLPreviewAnnotator)
+    # IRequestFilter methods
+    def pre_process_request(self, req, handler):
+        return handler
+    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
+        """ Adds a 'Coverage' context navigation menu item. """
+        resource = data and data.get('context') \
+                        and data.get('context').resource or None
+        if resource and isinstance(resource, Resource) \
+                    and resource.realm=='source' and data.get('file') \
+                    and not req.args.get('annotate'):
+            add_ctxtnav(req, 'Coverage',
+                    title='Annotate file with test coverage '
+                          'data (if available)',
+                    href=req.href.browser(, 
+                        annotate='coverage', rev=data.get('rev')))
+        return template, data, content_type
+    # IHTMLPreviewAnnotator methods
+    def get_annotation_type(self):
+        return 'coverage', 'Cov', 'Code coverage'
+    def get_annotation_data(self, context):
+        add_stylesheet(context.req, 'bitten/bitten_coverage.css')
+        resource = context.resource
+        self.log.debug("Looking for coverage report for %s@%s..." % (
+              , str(resource.version)))
+        builds =, rev=resource.version)
+        reports = []
+        for build in builds:
+            config = BuildConfig.fetch(self.env, build.config)
+            if not'/' + config.path.lstrip('/')):
+                continue
+            reports =,,
+                                    category='coverage')
+            path_in_config =[len(config.path)+1:].lstrip('/')
+            for report in reports:
+                for item in report.items:
+                    if item.get('file') == path_in_config:
+                        coverage = item.get('line_hits', '').split()
+                        if coverage:
+                            # Return first result with line data
+                            self.log.debug(
+                                "Coverage annotate for %s@%s: %s" % \
+                                (, resource.version, coverage))
+                            return coverage
+        return []
+    def annotate_row(self, context, row, lineno, line, data):
+        from genshi.builder import tag
+        lineno -= 1 # 0-based index for data
+        if lineno >= len(data):
+            row.append(
+            return
+        row_data = data[lineno]
+        if row_data == '-':
+            row.append(
+        elif row_data == '0':
+            row.append(, class_='uncovered'))
+        else:
+            row.append(, class_='covered'))
--- a/bitten/
+++ b/bitten/
@@ -61,20 +61,6 @@
         return False
-# Python 2.3 doesn't include HTTPErrorProcessor in urllib2. So instead of deriving we just make our own one
-class SaneHTTPErrorProcessor(urllib2.BaseHandler):
-    "The HTTPErrorProcessor defined in urllib needs some love."
-    handler_order = 1000
-    def http_response(self, request, response):
-        code, msg, hdrs = response.code, response.msg,
-        if code >= 300:
-            response = self.parent.error(
-                'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
-        return response
-    https_response = http_response
 class SaneHTTPRequest(urllib2.Request):
@@ -163,7 +149,7 @@
                 self.auth_map = dict(map(lambda x: (x, False), urls))
     def _get_opener(self):
-        opener = urllib2.build_opener(SaneHTTPErrorProcessor)
+        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor())
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