view genshi/template/ @ 794:f9e23d472a6e trunk

Merged AST branch back into trunk. Most of this code was written by Marcin Kurczych for his Google Summer of Code 2008 project. The merge of this branch means that Genshi now uses the native `_ast` module on Python >= 2.5, and an emulation thereof on Python 2.4. This replaces the usage of the `compiler` package, which was deprecated in Python 2.6 and removed in Python 3.0. Another effect is that Genshi now runs on Google AppEngine (although performance is bad due to the lack of template caching).
author cmlenz
date Tue, 16 Dec 2008 23:02:36 +0000
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2008 Edgewall Software
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at

"""Support for using the Python AST on Google App Engine."""

__all__ = ['restore']
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

def restore(_ast):
    """Gross hack to restore the required classes to the _ast module if it
    appears to be missing them. Mostly lifted from Mako.
    _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST = 2 << 9

    e = compile('True', '<string>', 'eval', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
    _ast.Expression = type(e)
    for cls in _ast.Expression.__mro__:
        if cls.__name__ == 'AST':
            _ast.AST = cls

    m = compile("""\
bar = 'fish'
baz += bar
1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5 ** 6
6 // 7 % 8 << 9 >> 10
11 & 12 ^ 13 | 14
15 and 16 or 17
-baz + (not +18) - ~17
baz and 'foo' or 'bar'
(fish is baz == baz) is not baz != fish
fish > baz < fish >= baz <= fish
fish in baz not in (1, 2, 3)
baz[1, 1:2, ...]
""", '<string>', 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)

    _ast.Module = type(m)

    _ast.Expr = type(m.body[0])
    _ast.Call = type(m.body[0].value)

    _ast.Assign = type(m.body[1])
    _ast.Name = type(m.body[1].targets[0])
    _ast.Store = type(m.body[1].targets[0].ctx)
    _ast.Str = type(m.body[1].value)

    _ast.AugAssign = type(m.body[2])
    _ast.Load = type(m.body[2].value.ctx)

    _ast.Sub = type(m.body[3].value.op)
    _ast.Add = type(m.body[3].value.left.op)
    _ast.Div = type(m.body[3].value.right.op)
    _ast.Mult = type(m.body[3].value.right.left.op)
    _ast.Pow = type(m.body[3].value.right.right.op)

    _ast.RShift = type(m.body[4].value.op)
    _ast.LShift = type(m.body[4].value.left.op)
    _ast.Mod = type(m.body[4].value.left.left.op)
    _ast.FloorDiv = type(m.body[4].value.left.left.left.op)

    _ast.BitOr = type(m.body[5].value.op)
    _ast.BitXor = type(m.body[5].value.left.op)
    _ast.BitAnd = type(m.body[5].value.left.left.op)

    _ast.Or = type(m.body[6].value.op)
    _ast.And = type(m.body[6].value.values[0].op)

    _ast.Invert = type(m.body[7].value.right.op)
    _ast.Not = type(m.body[7].value.left.right.op)
    _ast.UAdd = type(m.body[7].value.left.right.operand.op)
    _ast.USub = type(m.body[7].value.left.left.op)

    _ast.Or = type(m.body[8].value.op)
    _ast.And = type(m.body[8].value.values[0].op)

    _ast.IsNot = type(m.body[9].value.ops[0])
    _ast.NotEq = type(m.body[9].value.ops[1])
    _ast.Is = type(m.body[9].value.left.ops[0])
    _ast.Eq = type(m.body[9].value.left.ops[1])

    _ast.Gt = type(m.body[10].value.ops[0])
    _ast.Lt = type(m.body[10].value.ops[1])
    _ast.GtE = type(m.body[10].value.ops[2])
    _ast.LtE = type(m.body[10].value.ops[3])

    _ast.In = type(m.body[11].value.ops[0])
    _ast.NotIn = type(m.body[11].value.ops[1])
    _ast.Tuple = type(m.body[11].value.comparators[1])

    _ast.ExtSlice = type(m.body[12].value.slice)
    _ast.Index = type(m.body[12].value.slice.dims[0])
    _ast.Slice = type(m.body[12].value.slice.dims[1])
    _ast.Ellipsis = type(m.body[12].value.slice.dims[2])
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