view examples/trac/trac/ @ 39:93b4dcbafd7b trunk

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author cmlenz
date Mon, 03 Jul 2006 18:53:27 +0000
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Daniel Lundin <>
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Emmanuel Blot <>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at

import time
import smtplib
import re

from trac import __version__
from trac.config import BoolOption, IntOption, Option
from trac.core import *
from trac.util.text import CRLF, wrap
from import Chrome
from trac.web.clearsilver import HDFWrapper
from trac.web.main import populate_hdf


class NotificationSystem(Component):

    smtp_enabled = BoolOption('notification', 'smtp_enabled', 'false',
        """Enable SMTP (email) notification.""")

    smtp_server = Option('notification', 'smtp_server', 'localhost',
        """SMTP server hostname to use for email notifications.""")

    smtp_port = IntOption('notification', 'smtp_port', 25,
        """SMTP server port to use for email notification.""")

    smtp_user = Option('notification', 'smtp_user', '',
        """Username for SMTP server. (''since 0.9'').""")

    smtp_password = Option('notification', 'smtp_password', '',
        """Password for SMTP server. (''since 0.9'').""")

    smtp_from = Option('notification', 'smtp_from', 'trac@localhost',
        """Sender address to use in notification emails.""")

    smtp_replyto = Option('notification', 'smtp_replyto', 'trac@localhost',
        """Reply-To address to use in notification emails.""")

    smtp_always_cc = Option('notification', 'smtp_always_cc', '',
        """Email address(es) to always send notifications to,
           addresses can be see by all recipients (Cc:).""")

    smtp_always_bcc = Option('notification', 'smtp_always_bcc', '',
        """Email address(es) to always send notifications to,
           addresses do not appear publicly (Bcc:). (''since 0.10'').""")
    smtp_default_domain = Option('notification', 'smtp_default_domain', '',
        """Default host/domain to append to address that do not specify one""")
    mime_encoding = Option('notification', 'mime_encoding', 'base64',
        """Specifies the MIME encoding scheme for emails.
        Valid options are 'base64' for Base64 encoding, 'qp' for
        Quoted-Printable, and 'none' for no encoding. Note that the no encoding
        means that non-ASCII characters in text are going to cause problems
        with notifications (''since 0.10'').""")

    use_public_cc = BoolOption('notification', 'use_public_cc', 'false',
        """Recipients can see email addresses of other CC'ed recipients.
        If this option is disabled (the default), recipients are put on BCC
        (''since 0.10'').""")

    use_short_addr = BoolOption('notification', 'use_short_addr', 'false',
        """Permit email address without a host/domain (i.e. username only)
        The SMTP server should accept those addresses, and either append
        a FQDN or use local delivery (''since 0.10'').""")
    use_tls = BoolOption('notification', 'use_tls', 'false',
        """Use SSL/TLS to send notifications (''since 0.10'').""")

class Notify(object):
    """Generic notification class for Trac.
    Subclass this to implement different methods.

    def __init__(self, env):
        self.env = env
        self.config = env.config
        self.db = env.get_db_cnx()

        loadpaths = Chrome(self.env).get_all_templates_dirs()
        self.hdf = HDFWrapper(loadpaths)
        populate_hdf(self.hdf, env)

    def notify(self, resid):
        (torcpts, ccrcpts) = self.get_recipients(resid)
        self.send(torcpts, ccrcpts)

    def get_recipients(self, resid):
        """Return a pair of list of subscribers to the resource 'resid'.
        First list represents the direct recipients (To:), second list
        represents the recipients in carbon copy (Cc:).
        raise NotImplementedError

    def begin_send(self):
        """Prepare to send messages.
        Called before sending begins.

    def send(self, torcpts, ccrcpts):
        """Send message to recipients."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def finish_send(self):
        """Clean up after sending all messages.
        Called after sending all messages.

class NotifyEmail(Notify):
    """Baseclass for notification by email."""

    smtp_server = 'localhost'
    smtp_port = 25
    from_email = 'trac+tickets@localhost'
    subject = ''
    server = None
    email_map = None
    template_name = None
    addrfmt = r"[\w\d_\.\-\+=]+\@(([\w\d\-])+\.)+([\w\d]{2,4})+"
    shortaddr_re = re.compile(addrfmt)
    longaddr_re = re.compile(r"^\s*(.*)\s+<(" + addrfmt + ")>\s*$");
    nodomaddr_re = re.compile(r"[\w\d_\.\-]+")
    addrsep_re = re.compile(r"[;\s,]+")

    def __init__(self, env):
        Notify.__init__(self, env)

        self._use_tls = self.env.config.getbool('notification', 'use_tls')
        # Get the email addresses of all known users
        self.email_map = {}
        for username, name, email in self.env.get_known_users(self.db):
            if email:
                self.email_map[username] = email
    def _init_pref_encoding(self):
        from email.Charset import Charset, QP, BASE64
        self._charset = Charset()
        self._charset.input_charset = 'utf-8'
        pref = self.env.config.get('notification', 'mime_encoding').lower()
        if pref == 'base64':
            self._charset.header_encoding = BASE64
            self._charset.body_encoding = BASE64
            self._charset.output_charset = 'utf-8'
            self._charset.input_codec = 'utf-8'
            self._charset.output_codec = 'utf-8'
        elif pref in ['qp', 'quoted-printable']:
            self._charset.header_encoding = QP
            self._charset.body_encoding = QP
            self._charset.output_charset = 'utf-8'
            self._charset.input_codec = 'utf-8'
            self._charset.output_codec = 'utf-8'
        elif pref == 'none':
            self._charset.header_encoding = None
            self._charset.body_encoding = None
            self._charset.input_codec = None
            self._charset.output_charset = 'ascii'
            raise TracError, 'Invalid email encoding setting: %s' % pref

    def notify(self, resid, subject):
        self.subject = subject

        if not self.config.getbool('notification', 'smtp_enabled'):
        self.smtp_server = self.config['notification'].get('smtp_server')
        self.smtp_port = self.config['notification'].getint('smtp_port')
        self.from_email = self.config['notification'].get('smtp_from')
        self.replyto_email = self.config['notification'].get('smtp_replyto')
        self.from_email = self.from_email or self.replyto_email
        if not self.from_email and not self.replyto_email:
            raise TracError(Markup('Unable to send email due to identity '
                                   'crisis.<p>Neither <b>notification.from</b> '
                                   'nor <b>notification.reply_to</b> are '
                                   'specified in the configuration.</p>'),
                            'SMTP Notification Error')

        # Authentication info (optional)
        self.user_name = self.config['notification'].get('smtp_user')
        self.password = self.config['notification'].get('smtp_password')

        Notify.notify(self, resid)

    def format_header(self, key, name, email=None):
        from email.Header import Header
        maxlength = MAXHEADERLEN-(len(key)+2)
        # Do not sent ridiculous short headers
        if maxlength < 10:
            raise TracError, "Header length is too short"
            tmp = name.encode('ascii')
            header = Header(tmp, 'ascii', maxlinelen=maxlength)
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            header = Header(name, self._charset, maxlinelen=maxlength)
        if not email:
            return header
            return "\"%s\" <%s>" % (header, email)

    def add_headers(self, msg, headers):
        for h in headers:
            msg[h] = self.encode_header(h, headers[h])

    def get_smtp_address(self, address):
        if not address:
            return None
        if address.find('@') == -1:
            if address == 'anonymous':
                return None
            if self.email_map.has_key(address):
                address = self.email_map[address]
            elif NotifyEmail.nodomaddr_re.match(address):
                if self.config.getbool('notification', 'use_short_addr'):
                    return address
                domain = self.config.get('notification', 'smtp_default_domain')
                if domain:
                    address = "%s@%s" % (address, domain)
          "Email address w/o domain: %s" % address)
                    return None
        mo =
        if mo:
        mo =
        if mo:
            return"Invalid email address: %s" % address)
        return None

    def encode_header(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(value, tuple):
            return self.format_header(key, value[0], value[1])
        if isinstance(value, list):
            items = []
            for v in value:
            return ',\n\t'.join(items)
        mo = NotifyEmail.longaddr_re.match(value)
        if mo:
            return self.format_header(key,,
        return self.format_header(key, value)

    def begin_send(self):
        self.server = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port)
        # self.server.set_debuglevel(True)
        if self._use_tls:
            if not self.server.esmtp_features.has_key('starttls'):
                raise TracError, "TLS enabled but server does not support TLS"
        if self.user_name:
            self.server.login(self.user_name, self.password)

    def send(self, torcpts, ccrcpts, mime_headers={}):
        from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
        from email.Utils import formatdate, formataddr
        body = self.hdf.render(self.template_name)
        projname = self.config.get('project', 'name')
        public_cc = self.config.getbool('notification', 'use_public_cc')
        headers = {}
        headers['X-Mailer'] = 'Trac %s, by Edgewall Software' % __version__
        headers['X-Trac-Version'] =  __version__
        headers['X-Trac-Project'] =  projname
        headers['X-URL'] = self.config.get('project', 'url')
        headers['Subject'] = self.subject
        headers['From'] = (projname, self.from_email)
        headers['Sender'] = self.from_email
        headers['Reply-To'] = self.replyto_email

        def build_addresses(rcpts):
            """Format and remove invalid addresses"""
            return filter(lambda x: x, \
                          [self.get_smtp_address(addr) for addr in rcpts])

        def remove_dup(rcpts, all):
            """Remove duplicates"""
            tmp = []
            for rcpt in rcpts:
                if not rcpt in all:
            return (tmp, all)

        toaddrs = build_addresses(torcpts)
        ccaddrs = build_addresses(ccrcpts)
        accparam = self.config.get('notification', 'smtp_always_cc')
        accaddrs = accparam and \
                   build_addresses(accparam.replace(',', ' ').split()) or []
        bccparam = self.config.get('notification', 'smtp_always_bcc')
        bccaddrs = bccparam and \
                   build_addresses(bccparam.replace(',', ' ').split()) or []

        recipients = []
        (toaddrs, recipients) = remove_dup(toaddrs, recipients)
        (ccaddrs, recipients) = remove_dup(ccaddrs, recipients)
        (accaddrs, recipients) = remove_dup(accaddrs, recipients)
        (bccaddrs, recipients) = remove_dup(bccaddrs, recipients)
        # if there is not valid recipient, leave immediately
        if len(recipients) < 1:

        pcc = accaddrs
        if public_cc:
            pcc += ccaddrs
            if toaddrs:
                headers['To'] = ', '.join(toaddrs)
        if pcc:
            headers['Cc'] = ', '.join(pcc)
        headers['Date'] = formatdate()
        # sanity check
        if not self._charset.body_encoding:
                dummy = body.encode('ascii')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                raise TracError, "Ticket contains non-Ascii chars. " \
                                 "Please change encoding setting"
        msg = MIMEText(body, 'plain')
        # Message class computes the wrong type from MIMEText constructor,
        # which does not take a Charset object as initializer. Reset the
        # encoding type to force a new, valid evaluation
        del msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding']
        self.add_headers(msg, headers);
        self.add_headers(msg, mime_headers);
        self.env.log.debug("Sending SMTP notification to %s on port %d to %s"
                           % (self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port, recipients))
        msgtext = msg.as_string()
        # Ensure the message complies with RFC2822: use CRLF line endings
        recrlf = re.compile("\r?\n")
        msgtext = "\r\n".join(recrlf.split(msgtext))
        self.server.sendmail(msg['From'], recipients, msgtext)

    def finish_send(self):
        if self._use_tls:
            # avoid false failure detection when the server closes
            # the SMTP connection with TLS enabled
            import socket
            except socket.sslerror:
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