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author cmlenz
date Mon, 03 Jul 2006 18:53:27 +0000
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jonas Borgström <>
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Christopher Lenz <>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# Author: Jonas Borgström <>
#         Christopher Lenz <>

__all__ = ['Component', 'ExtensionPoint', 'implements', 'Interface',

class TracError(Exception):
    """Exception base class for errors in Trac."""

    def __init__(self, message, title=None, show_traceback=False):
        Exception.__init__(self, message)
        self.message = message
        self.title = title
        self.show_traceback = show_traceback

class Interface(object):
    """Marker base class for extension point interfaces."""

class ExtensionPoint(property):
    """Marker class for extension points in components."""

    def __init__(self, interface):
        """Create the extension point.
        @param interface: the `Interface` subclass that defines the protocol
            for the extension point
        property.__init__(self, self.extensions)
        self.interface = interface
        self.__doc__ = 'List of components that implement `%s`' % \

    def extensions(self, component):
        """Return a list of components that declare to implement the extension
        point interface."""
        extensions = ComponentMeta._registry.get(self.interface, [])
        return filter(None, [component.compmgr[cls] for cls in extensions])

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return a textual representation of the extension point."""
        return '<ExtensionPoint %s>' % self.interface.__name__

class ComponentMeta(type):
    """Meta class for components.
    Takes care of component and extension point registration.
    _components = []
    _registry = {}

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
        """Create the component class."""

        new_class = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
        if name == 'Component':
            # Don't put the Component base class in the registry
            return new_class

        # Only override __init__ for Components not inheriting ComponentManager
        if True not in [issubclass(x, ComponentManager) for x in bases]:
            # Allow components to have a no-argument initializer so that
            # they don't need to worry about accepting the component manager
            # as argument and invoking the super-class initializer
            init = d.get('__init__')
            if not init:
                # Because we're replacing the initializer, we need to make sure
                # that any inherited initializers are also called.
                for init in [b.__init__._original for b in new_class.mro()
                             if issubclass(b, Component)
                             and '__init__' in b.__dict__]:
            def maybe_init(self, compmgr, init=init, cls=new_class):
                if cls not in compmgr.components:
                    compmgr.components[cls] = self
                    if init:
            maybe_init._original = init
            new_class.__init__ = maybe_init

        if d.get('abstract'):
            # Don't put abstract component classes in the registry
            return new_class

        for interface in d.get('_implements', []):
            ComponentMeta._registry.setdefault(interface, []).append(new_class)
        for base in [base for base in bases if hasattr(base, '_implements')]:
            for interface in base._implements:
                ComponentMeta._registry.setdefault(interface, []).append(new_class)

        return new_class

def implements(*interfaces):
    Can be used in the class definiton of `Component` subclasses to declare
    the extension points that are extended.
    import sys

    frame = sys._getframe(1)
    locals = frame.f_locals

    # Some sanity checks
    assert locals is not frame.f_globals and '__module__' in frame.f_locals, \
           'implements() can only be used in a class definition'
    assert not '_implements' in locals, \
           'implements() can only be used once in a class definition'

    locals['_implements'] = interfaces

class Component(object):
    """Base class for components.

    Every component can declare what extension points it provides, as well as
    what extension points of other components it extends.
    __metaclass__ = ComponentMeta

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return an existing instance of the component if it has already been
        activated, otherwise create a new instance.
        # If this component is also the component manager, just invoke that
        if issubclass(cls, ComponentManager):
            self = super(Component, cls).__new__(cls)
            self.compmgr = self
            return self

        # The normal case where the component is not also the component manager
        compmgr = args[0]
        self = compmgr.components.get(cls)
        if self is None:
            self = super(Component, cls).__new__(cls)
            self.compmgr = compmgr
        return self

class ComponentManager(object):
    """The component manager keeps a pool of active components."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the component manager."""
        self.components = {}
        self.enabled = {}
        if isinstance(self, Component):
            self.components[self.__class__] = self

    def __contains__(self, cls):
        """Return wether the given class is in the list of active components."""
        return cls in self.components

    def __getitem__(self, cls):
        """Activate the component instance for the given class, or return the
        existing the instance if the component has already been activated."""
        if cls not in self.enabled:
            self.enabled[cls] = self.is_component_enabled(cls)
        if not self.enabled[cls]:
            return None
        component = self.components.get(cls)
        if not component:
            if cls not in ComponentMeta._components:
                raise TracError, 'Component "%s" not registered' % cls.__name__
                component = cls(self)
            except TypeError, e:
                raise TracError, 'Unable to instantiate component %r (%s)' \
                                 % (cls, e)
        return component

    def component_activated(self, component):
        """Can be overridden by sub-classes so that special initialization for
        components can be provided.

    def is_component_enabled(self, cls):
        """Can be overridden by sub-classes to veto the activation of a

        If this method returns False, the component with the given class will
        not be available.
        return True
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