diff genshi/template/eval.py @ 442:97544725bb7f trunk

Back out [510] and instead implement configurable error handling modes. The default is the old 0.3.x behaviour, but more strict error handling is available as an option.
author cmlenz
date Thu, 12 Apr 2007 22:40:49 +0000
parents 2c38ec4e2dff
children 4ed941aa0cbf
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/genshi/template/eval.py
+++ b/genshi/template/eval.py
@@ -27,15 +27,16 @@
 from genshi.template.base import TemplateRuntimeError
 from genshi.util import flatten
-__all__ = ['Code', 'Expression', 'Suite', 'UndefinedError']
+__all__ = ['Code', 'Expression', 'Suite', 'LenientLookup', 'StrictLookup',
+           'Undefined', 'UndefinedError']
 __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
 class Code(object):
     """Abstract base class for the `Expression` and `Suite` classes."""
-    __slots__ = ['source', 'code']
+    __slots__ = ['source', 'code', '_globals']
-    def __init__(self, source, filename=None, lineno=-1):
+    def __init__(self, source, filename=None, lineno=-1, lookup='lenient'):
         """Create the code object, either from a string, or from an AST node.
         :param source: either a string containing the source code, or an AST
@@ -43,6 +44,9 @@
         :param filename: the (preferably absolute) name of the file containing
                          the code
         :param lineno: the number of the line on which the code was found
+        :param lookup: the lookup class that defines how variables are looked
+                       up in the context. Can be either `LenientLookup` (the
+                       default), `StrictLookup`, or a custom lookup class
         if isinstance(source, basestring):
             self.source = source
@@ -57,6 +61,11 @@
         self.code = _compile(node, self.source, mode=self.mode,
                              filename=filename, lineno=lineno)
+        if lookup is None:
+            lookup = LenientLookup
+        elif isinstance(lookup, basestring):
+            lookup = {'lenient': LenientLookup, 'strict': StrictLookup}[lookup]
+        self._globals = lookup.globals()
     def __eq__(self, other):
         return (type(other) == type(self)) and (self.code == other.code)
@@ -122,13 +131,9 @@
         :return: the result of the evaluation
         __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this'
-        return eval(self.code, {'data': data,
-                                '_lookup_name': _lookup_name,
-                                '_lookup_attr': _lookup_attr,
-                                '_lookup_item': _lookup_item,
-                                'defined': _defined(data),
-                                'value_of': _value_of(data)},
-                               {'data': data})
+        _globals = self._globals
+        _globals['data'] = data
+        return eval(self.code, _globals, {'data': data})
 class Suite(Code):
@@ -148,29 +153,207 @@
         :param data: a mapping containing the data to execute in
         __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this'
-        exec self.code in {'data': data,
-                           '_lookup_name': _lookup_name,
-                           '_lookup_attr': _lookup_attr,
-                           '_lookup_item': _lookup_item,
-                           'defined': _defined(data),
-                           'value_of': _value_of(data)}, data
+        _globals = self._globals
+        _globals['data'] = data
+        exec self.code in _globals, data
-def _defined(data):
-    def defined(name):
-        """Return whether a variable with the specified name exists in the
-        expression scope.
+UNDEFINED = object()
+class UndefinedError(TemplateRuntimeError):
+    """Exception thrown when a template expression attempts to access a variable
+    not defined in the context.
+    :see: `LenientLookup`, `StrictLookup`
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, owner=UNDEFINED):
+        if owner is not UNDEFINED:
+            message = '%s has no member named "%s"' % (repr(owner), name)
+        else:
+            message = '"%s" not defined' % name
+        TemplateRuntimeError.__init__(self, message)
+class Undefined(object):
+    """Represents a reference to an undefined variable.
+    Unlike the Python runtime, template expressions can refer to an undefined
+    variable without causing a `NameError` to be raised. The result will be an
+    instance of the `Undefined` class, which is treated the same as ``False`` in
+    conditions, but raise an exception on any other operation:
+    >>> foo = Undefined('foo')
+    >>> bool(foo)
+    False
+    >>> list(foo)
+    []
+    >>> print foo
+    undefined
+    However, calling an undefined variable, or trying to access an attribute
+    of that variable, will raise an exception that includes the name used to
+    reference that undefined variable.
+    >>> foo('bar')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    UndefinedError: "foo" not defined
+    >>> foo.bar
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    UndefinedError: "foo" not defined
+    :see: `LenientLookup`
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['_name', '_owner']
+    def __init__(self, name, owner=UNDEFINED):
+        """Initialize the object.
+        :param name: the name of the reference
+        :param owner: the owning object, if the variable is accessed as a member
-        return name in data
-    return defined
+        self._name = name
+        self._owner = owner
-def _value_of(data):
-    def value_of(name, default=None):
-        """If a variable of the specified name is defined, return its value.
-        Otherwise, return the provided default value, or ``None``.
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter([])
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        return False
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._name)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return 'undefined'
+    def _die(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Raise an `UndefinedError`."""
+        __traceback_hide__ = True
+        raise UndefinedError(self._name, self._owner)
+    __call__ = __getattr__ = __getitem__ = _die
+class LookupBase(object):
+    """Abstract base class for variable lookup implementations."""
+    def globals(cls):
+        """Construct the globals dictionary to use as the execution context for
+        the expression or suite.
-        return data.get(name, default)
-    return value_of
+        return {
+            '_lookup_name': cls.lookup_name,
+            '_lookup_attr': cls.lookup_attr,
+            '_lookup_item': cls.lookup_item
+        }
+    globals = classmethod(globals)
+    def lookup_name(cls, data, name):
+        __traceback_hide__ = True
+        val = data.get(name, UNDEFINED)
+        if val is UNDEFINED:
+            val = BUILTINS.get(name, val)
+            if val is UNDEFINED:
+                return cls.undefined(name)
+        return val
+    lookup_name = classmethod(lookup_name)
+    def lookup_attr(cls, data, obj, key):
+        __traceback_hide__ = True
+        if hasattr(obj, key):
+            return getattr(obj, key)
+        try:
+            return obj[key]
+        except (KeyError, TypeError):
+            return cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
+    lookup_attr = classmethod(lookup_attr)
+    def lookup_item(cls, data, obj, key):
+        __traceback_hide__ = True
+        if len(key) == 1:
+            key = key[0]
+        try:
+            return obj[key]
+        except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError, TypeError), e:
+            if isinstance(key, basestring):
+                val = getattr(obj, key, UNDEFINED)
+                if val is UNDEFINED:
+                    return cls.undefined(key, owner=obj)
+                return val
+            raise
+    lookup_item = classmethod(lookup_item)
+    def undefined(cls, key, owner=UNDEFINED):
+        """Can be overridden by subclasses to specify behavior when undefined
+        variables are accessed.
+        :param key: the name of the variable
+        :param owner: the owning object, if the variable is accessed as a member
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    undefined = classmethod(undefined)
+class LenientLookup(LookupBase):
+    """Default variable lookup mechanism for expressions.
+    When an undefined variable is referenced using this lookup style, the
+    reference evaluates to an instance of the `Undefined` class:
+    >>> expr = Expression('nothing', lookup='lenient')
+    >>> undef = expr.evaluate({})
+    >>> undef
+    <Undefined 'nothing'>
+    The same will happen when a non-existing attribute or item is accessed on
+    an existing object:
+    >>> expr = Expression('something.nil', lookup='lenient')
+    >>> expr.evaluate({'something': dict()})
+    <Undefined 'nil'>
+    See the documentation of the `Undefined` class for details on the behavior
+    of such objects.
+    :see: `StrictLookup`
+    """
+    def undefined(cls, key, owner=UNDEFINED):
+        """Return an ``Undefined`` object."""
+        __traceback_hide__ = True
+        return Undefined(key, owner=owner)
+    undefined = classmethod(undefined)
+class StrictLookup(LookupBase):
+    """Strict variable lookup mechanism for expressions.
+    Referencing an undefined variable using this lookup style will immediately
+    raise an ``UndefinedError``:
+    >>> expr = Expression('nothing', lookup='strict')
+    >>> expr.evaluate({})
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    UndefinedError: "nothing" not defined
+    The same happens when a non-existing attribute or item is accessed on an
+    existing object:
+    >>> expr = Expression('something.nil', lookup='strict')
+    >>> expr.evaluate({'something': dict()})
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    UndefinedError: {} has no member named "nil"
+    """
+    def undefined(cls, key, owner=UNDEFINED):
+        """Raise an ``UndefinedError`` immediately."""
+        __traceback_hide__ = True
+        raise UndefinedError(key, owner=owner)
+    undefined = classmethod(undefined)
 def _parse(source, mode='eval'):
     if isinstance(source, unicode):
@@ -205,53 +388,7 @@
                     code.co_lnotab, (), ())
 BUILTINS = __builtin__.__dict__.copy()
-BUILTINS.update({'Markup': Markup})
-UNDEFINED = object()
-class UndefinedError(TemplateRuntimeError):
-    """Exception thrown when a template expression attempts to access a variable
-    not defined in the context.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, owner=UNDEFINED):
-        if owner is not UNDEFINED:
-            message = '%s has no member named "%s"' % (repr(owner), name)
-        else:
-            message = '"%s" not defined' % name
-        TemplateRuntimeError.__init__(self, message)
-def _lookup_name(data, name):
-    __traceback_hide__ = True
-    val = data.get(name, UNDEFINED)
-    if val is UNDEFINED:
-        val = BUILTINS.get(name, val)
-        if val is UNDEFINED:
-            raise UndefinedError(name)
-    return val
-def _lookup_attr(data, obj, key):
-    __traceback_hide__ = True
-    if hasattr(obj, key):
-        return getattr(obj, key)
-    try:
-        return obj[key]
-    except (KeyError, TypeError):
-        raise UndefinedError(key, owner=obj)
-def _lookup_item(data, obj, key):
-    __traceback_hide__ = True
-    if len(key) == 1:
-        key = key[0]
-    try:
-        return obj[key]
-    except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError, TypeError), e:
-        if isinstance(key, basestring):
-            val = getattr(obj, key, UNDEFINED)
-            if val is UNDEFINED:
-                raise UndefinedError(key, owner=obj)
-            return val
-        raise
+BUILTINS.update({'Markup': Markup, 'Undefined': Undefined})
 class ASTTransformer(object):
@@ -499,7 +636,7 @@
     def __init__(self):
-        self.locals = [set(['defined', 'value_of'])]
+        self.locals = []
     def visitConst(self, node):
         if isinstance(node.value, str):
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