diff examples/trac/trac/wiki/formatter.py @ 39:93b4dcbafd7b trunk

Copy Trac to main branch.
author cmlenz
date Mon, 03 Jul 2006 18:53:27 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/trac/trac/wiki/formatter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Edgewall Software
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Jonas Borgström <jonas@edgewall.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Christian Boos <cboos@neuf.fr>
+# All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.com/license.html.
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/.
+# Author: Jonas Borgström <jonas@edgewall.com>
+#         Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
+#         Christian Boos <cboos@neuf.fr>
+import re
+import os
+import urllib
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from trac.core import *
+from trac.mimeview import *
+from trac.wiki.api import WikiSystem
+from trac.util.text import shorten_line, to_unicode
+from trac.util.markup import escape, Markup, Element, html
+__all__ = ['wiki_to_html', 'wiki_to_oneliner', 'wiki_to_outline',
+           'wiki_to_link', 'Formatter' ]
+def system_message(msg, text=None):
+    return html.DIV(html.STRONG(msg), text and html.PRE(text),
+                    class_="system-message")
+class WikiProcessor(object):
+    _code_block_re = re.compile('^<div(?:\s+class="([^"]+)")?>(.*)</div>$')
+    def __init__(self, env, name):
+        # TODO: transmit `formatter` argument
+        self.env = env
+        self.name = name
+        self.error = None
+        self.macro_provider = None
+        builtin_processors = {'html': self._html_processor,
+                              'default': self._default_processor,
+                              'comment': self._comment_processor}
+        self.processor = builtin_processors.get(name)
+        if not self.processor:
+            # Find a matching wiki macro
+            for macro_provider in WikiSystem(self.env).macro_providers:
+                for macro_name in macro_provider.get_macros():
+                    if self.name == macro_name:
+                        self.processor = self._macro_processor
+                        self.macro_provider = macro_provider
+                        break
+        if not self.processor:
+            # Find a matching mimeview renderer
+            from trac.mimeview.api import Mimeview
+            mimetype = Mimeview(self.env).get_mimetype(self.name)
+            if mimetype:
+                self.name = mimetype
+                self.processor = self._mimeview_processor
+            else:
+                self.processor = self._default_processor
+                self.error = "No macro or processor named '%s' found" % name
+    # builtin processors
+    def _comment_processor(self, req, text):
+        return ''
+    def _default_processor(self, req, text):
+        return html.PRE(text, class_="wiki")
+    def _html_processor(self, req, text):
+        from HTMLParser import HTMLParseError
+        try:
+            return Markup(text).sanitize()
+        except HTMLParseError, e:
+            self.env.log.warn(e)
+            return system_message('HTML parsing error: %s' % escape(e.msg),
+                                  text.splitlines()[e.lineno - 1].strip())
+    # generic processors
+    def _macro_processor(self, req, text):
+        # TODO: macro should take a `formatter` argument
+        self.env.log.debug('Executing Wiki macro %s by provider %s'
+                           % (self.name, self.macro_provider))
+        return self.macro_provider.render_macro(req, self.name, text)
+    def _mimeview_processor(self, req, text):
+        # TODO: transmit context from `formatter`
+        return Mimeview(self.env).render(req, self.name, text)
+    def process(self, req, text, in_paragraph=False):
+        if self.error:
+            text = system_message(Markup('Error: Failed to load processor '
+                                         '<code>%s</code>', self.name),
+                                  self.error)
+        else:
+            text = self.processor(req, text)
+        if in_paragraph:
+            content_for_span = None
+            interrupt_paragraph = False
+            if isinstance(text, Element):
+                tagname = text.tagname.lower()
+                if tagname == 'div':
+                    class_ = text.attr.get('class_', '')
+                    if class_ and 'code' in class_:
+                        content_for_span = text.children
+                    else:
+                        interrupt_paragraph = True
+                elif tagname == 'table':
+                    interrupt_paragraph = True
+            else:
+                match = re.match(self._code_block_re, text)
+                if match:
+                    if match.group(1) and 'code' in match.group(1):
+                        content_for_span = match.group(2)
+                    else:
+                        interrupt_paragraph = True
+                elif text.startswith('<table'):
+                    interrupt_paragraph = True
+            if content_for_span:
+                text = html.SPAN(content_for_span, class_='code-block')
+            elif interrupt_paragraph:
+                text = "</p>%s<p>" % to_unicode(text)
+        return text
+class Formatter(object):
+    flavor = 'default'
+    # Some constants used for clarifying the Wiki regexps:
+    BOLDITALIC_TOKEN = "'''''"
+    BOLD_TOKEN = "'''"
+    ITALIC_TOKEN = "''"
+    STRIKE_TOKEN = "~~"
+    INLINE_TOKEN = "`"
+    STARTBLOCK_TOKEN = r"\{\{\{"
+    STARTBLOCK = "{{{"
+    ENDBLOCK_TOKEN = r"\}\}\}"
+    ENDBLOCK = "}}}"
+    LINK_SCHEME = r"[\w.+-]+" # as per RFC 2396
+    INTERTRAC_SCHEME = r"[a-zA-Z.+-]*?" # no digits (support for shorthand links)
+    QUOTED_STRING = r"'[^']+'|\"[^\"]+\""
+    SHREF_TARGET_FIRST = r"[\w/?!#@]"
+    SHREF_TARGET_MIDDLE = r"(?:\|(?=[^|\s])|[^|<>\s])"
+    SHREF_TARGET_LAST = r"[a-zA-Z0-9/=]" # we don't want "_"
+    LHREF_RELATIVE_TARGET = r"[/.][^\s[\]]*"
+    # Sequence of regexps used by the engine
+    _pre_rules = [
+        # Font styles
+        r"(?P<bolditalic>!?%s)" % BOLDITALIC_TOKEN,
+        r"(?P<bold>!?%s)" % BOLD_TOKEN,
+        r"(?P<italic>!?%s)" % ITALIC_TOKEN,
+        r"(?P<underline>!?%s)" % UNDERLINE_TOKEN,
+        r"(?P<strike>!?%s)" % STRIKE_TOKEN,
+        r"(?P<subscript>!?%s)" % SUBSCRIPT_TOKEN,
+        r"(?P<superscript>!?%s)" % SUPERSCRIPT_TOKEN,
+        r"(?P<inlinecode>!?%s(?P<inline>.*?)%s)" \
+        r"(?P<inlinecode2>!?%s(?P<inline2>.*?)%s)" \
+    # Rules provided by IWikiSyntaxProviders will be inserted here
+    _post_rules = [
+        # > ...
+        r"(?P<citation>^(?P<cdepth>>(?: *>)*))",
+        # &, < and > to &amp;, &lt; and &gt;
+        r"(?P<htmlescape>[&<>])",
+        # wiki:TracLinks
+        r"(?P<shref>!?((?P<sns>%s):(?P<stgt>%s|%s(?:%s*%s)?)))" \
+        # [[macro]] call
+        (r"(?P<macro>!?\[\[(?P<macroname>[\w/+-]+)"
+         r"(\]\]|\((?P<macroargs>.*?)\)\]\]))"),
+        # [wiki:TracLinks with label]
+        (r"(?P<lhref>!?\[(?:"
+         r"(?P<rel>%s)|" % LHREF_RELATIVE_TARGET + # ./... or /...
+         r"(?:(?P<lns>%s):)?(?P<ltgt>%s|[^\]\s]*))" % \
+         (LINK_SCHEME, QUOTED_STRING) + # wiki:TracLinks or wiki:"trac links"
+         r"(?:\s+(?P<label>%s|[^\]]+))?\])" % QUOTED_STRING), # label
+        # == heading == #hanchor
+        r"(?P<heading>^\s*(?P<hdepth>=+)\s.*\s(?P=hdepth)\s*"
+        r"(?P<hanchor>#[\w:](?<!\d)[\w:.-]*)?$)",
+        #  * list
+        r"(?P<list>^(?P<ldepth>\s+)(?:[-*]|\d+\.|[a-zA-Z]\.|[ivxIVX]{1,5}\.) )",
+        # definition:: 
+        r"(?P<definition>^\s+((?:%s.*?%s|%s.*?%s|[^%s%s])+?::)(?:\s+|$))"
+        # (leading space)
+        r"(?P<indent>^(?P<idepth>\s+)(?=\S))",
+        # || table ||
+        r"(?P<last_table_cell>\|\|\s*$)",
+        r"(?P<table_cell>\|\|)"]
+    _processor_re = re.compile('#\!([\w+-][\w+-/]*)')
+    _anchor_re = re.compile('[^\w:.-]+', re.UNICODE)
+    def __init__(self, env, req=None, absurls=False, db=None):
+        self.env = env
+        self.req = req
+        self._db = db
+        self._absurls = absurls
+        self._anchors = {}
+        self._open_tags = []
+        self.href = absurls and (req or env).abs_href or (req or env).href
+        self._local = env.config.get('project', 'url') \
+                      or (req or env).abs_href.base
+        self.wiki = WikiSystem(self.env)
+    def _get_db(self):
+        if not self._db:
+            self._db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
+        return self._db
+    db = property(fget=_get_db)
+    def split_link(self, target):
+        """Split a target along "?" and "#" in `(path, query, fragment)`."""
+        query = fragment = ''
+        idx = target.find('#')
+        if idx >= 0:
+            target, fragment = target[:idx], target[idx:]
+        idx = target.find('?')
+        if idx >= 0:
+            target, query = target[:idx], target[idx:]
+        return (target, query, fragment)
+    # -- Pre- IWikiSyntaxProvider rules (Font styles)
+    def tag_open_p(self, tag):
+        """Do we currently have any open tag with `tag` as end-tag?"""
+        return tag in self._open_tags
+    def close_tag(self, tag):
+        tmp =  ''
+        for i in xrange(len(self._open_tags)-1, -1, -1):
+            tmp += self._open_tags[i][1]
+            if self._open_tags[i][1] == tag:
+                del self._open_tags[i]
+                for j in xrange(i, len(self._open_tags)):
+                    tmp += self._open_tags[j][0]
+                break
+        return tmp
+    def open_tag(self, open, close):
+        self._open_tags.append((open, close))
+    def simple_tag_handler(self, match, open_tag, close_tag):
+        """Generic handler for simple binary style tags"""
+        if match[0] == '!':
+            return match[1:]
+        if self.tag_open_p((open_tag, close_tag)):
+            return self.close_tag(close_tag)
+        else:
+            self.open_tag(open_tag, close_tag)
+        return open_tag
+    def _bolditalic_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        if match[0] == '!':
+            return match[1:]
+        italic = ('<i>', '</i>')
+        italic_open = self.tag_open_p(italic)
+        tmp = ''
+        if italic_open:
+            tmp += italic[1]
+            self.close_tag(italic[1])
+        tmp += self._bold_formatter(match, fullmatch)
+        if not italic_open:
+            tmp += italic[0]
+            self.open_tag(*italic)
+        return tmp
+    def _bold_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return self.simple_tag_handler(match, '<strong>', '</strong>')
+    def _italic_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return self.simple_tag_handler(match, '<i>', '</i>')
+    def _underline_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return self.simple_tag_handler(match, '<span class="underline">',
+                                       '</span>')
+    def _strike_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return self.simple_tag_handler(match, '<del>', '</del>')
+    def _subscript_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return self.simple_tag_handler(match, '<sub>', '</sub>')
+    def _superscript_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return self.simple_tag_handler(match, '<sup>', '</sup>')
+    def _inlinecode_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return html.TT(fullmatch.group('inline'))
+    def _inlinecode2_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return html.TT(fullmatch.group('inline2'))
+    # -- Post- IWikiSyntaxProvider rules
+    # HTML escape of &, < and >
+    def _htmlescape_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return match == "&" and "&amp;" or match == "<" and "&lt;" or "&gt;"
+    # Short form (shref) and long form (lhref) of TracLinks
+    def _unquote(self, text):
+        if text and text[0] in "'\"" and text[0] == text[-1]:
+            return text[1:-1]
+        else:
+            return text
+    def _shref_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        ns = fullmatch.group('sns')
+        target = self._unquote(fullmatch.group('stgt'))
+        return self._make_link(ns, target, match, match)
+    def _lhref_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        rel = fullmatch.group('rel')
+        ns = fullmatch.group('lns') or (not rel and 'wiki')
+        target = self._unquote(fullmatch.group('ltgt'))
+        label = fullmatch.group('label')
+        if not label: # e.g. `[http://target]` or `[wiki:target]`
+            if target:
+                if target.startswith('//'): # for `[http://target]`
+                    label = ns+':'+target   #  use `http://target`
+                else:                       # for `wiki:target`
+                    label = target          #  use only `target`
+            else: # e.g. `[search:]` 
+                label = ns
+        else:
+            label = self._unquote(label)
+        if rel:
+            return self._make_relative_link(rel, label or rel)
+        else:
+            return self._make_link(ns, target, match, label)
+    def _make_link(self, ns, target, match, label):
+        # first check for an alias defined in trac.ini
+        ns = self.env.config.get('intertrac', ns) or ns
+        if ns in self.wiki.link_resolvers:
+            return self.wiki.link_resolvers[ns](self, ns, target,
+                                                escape(label, False))
+        elif target.startswith('//') or ns == "mailto":
+            return self._make_ext_link(ns+':'+target, label)
+        else:
+            return self._make_intertrac_link(ns, target, label) or \
+                   self._make_interwiki_link(ns, target, label) or \
+                   match
+    def _make_intertrac_link(self, ns, target, label):
+        url = self.env.config.get('intertrac', ns + '.url')
+        if url:
+            name = self.env.config.get('intertrac', ns + '.title',
+                                       'Trac project %s' % ns)
+            sep = target.find(':')
+            if sep != -1:
+                url = '%s/%s/%s' % (url, target[:sep], target[sep + 1:])
+            else: 
+                url = '%s/search?q=%s' % (url, urllib.quote_plus(target))
+            return self._make_ext_link(url, label, '%s in %s' % (target, name))
+        else:
+            return None
+    def shorthand_intertrac_helper(self, ns, target, label, fullmatch):
+        if fullmatch: # short form
+            it_group = fullmatch.group('it_%s' % ns)
+            if it_group:
+                alias = it_group.strip()
+                intertrac = self.env.config.get('intertrac', alias) or alias
+                target = '%s:%s' % (ns, target[len(it_group):])
+                return self._make_intertrac_link(intertrac, target, label) or \
+                       label
+        return None
+    def _make_interwiki_link(self, ns, target, label):
+        from trac.wiki.interwiki import InterWikiMap        
+        interwiki = InterWikiMap(self.env)
+        if ns in interwiki:
+            url, title = interwiki.url(ns, target)
+            return self._make_ext_link(url, label, title)
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _make_ext_link(self, url, text, title=''):
+        if not url.startswith(self._local):
+            return html.A(html.SPAN(text, class_="icon"),
+                          class_="ext-link", href=url, title=title or None)
+        else:
+            return html.A(text, href=url, title=title or None)
+    def _make_relative_link(self, url, text):
+        if url.startswith('//'): # only the protocol will be kept
+            return html.A(text, class_="ext-link", href=url)
+        else:
+            return html.A(text, href=url)
+    # WikiMacros
+    def _macro_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        name = fullmatch.group('macroname')
+        if name.lower() == 'br':
+            return '<br />'
+        args = fullmatch.group('macroargs')
+        try:
+            macro = WikiProcessor(self.env, name)
+            return macro.process(self.req, args, True)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.env.log.error('Macro %s(%s) failed' % (name, args),
+                               exc_info=True)
+            return system_message('Error: Macro %s(%s) failed' % (name, args),
+                                  e)
+    # Headings
+    def _parse_heading(self, match, fullmatch, shorten):
+        match = match.strip()
+        depth = min(len(fullmatch.group('hdepth')), 5)
+        anchor = fullmatch.group('hanchor') or ''
+        heading = match[depth+1:-depth-1-len(anchor)]
+        heading = wiki_to_oneliner(heading, self.env, self.db, shorten,
+                                   self._absurls)
+        if anchor:
+            anchor = anchor[1:]
+        else:
+            sans_markup = heading.plaintext(keeplinebreaks=False)
+            anchor = self._anchor_re.sub('', sans_markup)
+            if not anchor or anchor[0].isdigit() or anchor[0] in '.-':
+                # an ID must start with a Name-start character in XHTML
+                anchor = 'a' + anchor # keeping 'a' for backward compat
+        i = 1
+        anchor_base = anchor
+        while anchor in self._anchors:
+            anchor = anchor_base + str(i)
+            i += 1
+        self._anchors[anchor] = True
+        return (depth, heading, anchor)
+    def _heading_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        self.close_table()
+        self.close_paragraph()
+        self.close_indentation()
+        self.close_list()
+        self.close_def_list()
+        depth, heading, anchor = self._parse_heading(match, fullmatch, False)
+        self.out.write('<h%d id="%s">%s</h%d>' %
+                       (depth, anchor, heading, depth))
+    # Generic indentation (as defined by lists and quotes)
+    def _set_tab(self, depth):
+        """Append a new tab if needed and truncate tabs deeper than `depth`
+        given:       -*-----*--*---*--
+        setting:              *
+        results in:  -*-----*-*-------
+        """
+        tabstops = []
+        for ts in self._tabstops:
+            if ts >= depth:
+                break
+            tabstops.append(ts)
+        tabstops.append(depth)
+        self._tabstops = tabstops
+    # Lists
+    def _list_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        ldepth = len(fullmatch.group('ldepth'))
+        listid = match[ldepth]
+        self.in_list_item = True
+        class_ = start = None
+        if listid in '-*':
+            type_ = 'ul'
+        else:
+            type_ = 'ol'
+            idx = '01iI'.find(listid)
+            if idx >= 0:
+                class_ = ('arabiczero', None, 'lowerroman', 'upperroman')[idx]
+            elif listid.isdigit():
+                start = match[ldepth:match.find('.')]
+            elif listid.islower():
+                class_ = 'loweralpha'
+            elif listid.isupper():
+                class_ = 'upperalpha'
+        self._set_list_depth(ldepth, type_, class_, start)
+        return ''
+    def _get_list_depth(self):
+        """Return the space offset associated to the deepest opened list."""
+        return self._list_stack and self._list_stack[-1][1] or 0
+    def _set_list_depth(self, depth, new_type, list_class, start):
+        def open_list():
+            self.close_table()
+            self.close_paragraph()
+            self.close_indentation() # FIXME: why not lists in quotes?
+            self._list_stack.append((new_type, depth))
+            self._set_tab(depth)
+            class_attr = list_class and ' class="%s"' % list_class or ''
+            start_attr = start and ' start="%s"' % start or ''
+            self.out.write('<'+new_type+class_attr+start_attr+'><li>')
+        def close_list(tp):
+            self._list_stack.pop()
+            self.out.write('</li></%s>' % tp)
+        # depending on the indent/dedent, open or close lists
+        if depth > self._get_list_depth():
+            open_list()
+        else:
+            while self._list_stack:
+                deepest_type, deepest_offset = self._list_stack[-1]
+                if depth >= deepest_offset:
+                    break
+                close_list(deepest_type)
+            if depth > 0:
+                if self._list_stack:
+                    old_type, old_offset = self._list_stack[-1]
+                    if new_type and old_type != new_type:
+                        close_list(old_type)
+                        open_list()
+                    else:
+                        if old_offset != depth: # adjust last depth
+                            self._list_stack[-1] = (old_type, depth)
+                        self.out.write('</li><li>')
+                else:
+                    open_list()
+    def close_list(self):
+        self._set_list_depth(0, None, None, None)
+    # Definition Lists
+    def _definition_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        tmp = self.in_def_list and '</dd>' or '<dl>'
+        definition = match[:match.find('::')]
+        tmp += '<dt>%s</dt><dd>' % wiki_to_oneliner(definition, self.env,
+                                                    self.db)
+        self.in_def_list = True
+        return tmp
+    def close_def_list(self):
+        if self.in_def_list:
+            self.out.write('</dd></dl>\n')
+        self.in_def_list = False
+    # Blockquote
+    def _indent_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        idepth = len(fullmatch.group('idepth'))
+        if self._list_stack:
+            ltype, ldepth = self._list_stack[-1]
+            if idepth < ldepth:
+                for _, ldepth in self._list_stack:
+                    if idepth > ldepth:
+                        self.in_list_item = True
+                        self._set_list_depth(idepth, None, None, None)
+                        return ''
+            elif idepth <= ldepth + (ltype == 'ol' and 3 or 2):
+                self.in_list_item = True
+                return ''
+        if not self.in_def_list:
+            self._set_quote_depth(idepth)
+        return ''
+    def _citation_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        cdepth = len(fullmatch.group('cdepth').replace(' ', ''))
+        self._set_quote_depth(cdepth, True)
+        return ''
+    def close_indentation(self):
+        self._set_quote_depth(0)
+    def _get_quote_depth(self):
+        """Return the space offset associated to the deepest opened quote."""
+        return self._quote_stack and self._quote_stack[-1] or 0
+    def _set_quote_depth(self, depth, citation=False):
+        def open_quote(depth):
+            self.close_table()
+            self.close_paragraph()
+            self.close_list()
+            def open_one_quote(d):
+                self._quote_stack.append(d)
+                self._set_tab(d)
+                class_attr = citation and ' class="citation"' or ''
+                self.out.write('<blockquote%s>' % class_attr + os.linesep)
+            if citation:
+                for d in range(quote_depth+1, depth+1):
+                    open_one_quote(d)
+            else:
+                open_one_quote(depth)
+        def close_quote():
+            self.close_table()
+            self.close_paragraph()
+            self._quote_stack.pop()
+            self.out.write('</blockquote>' + os.linesep)
+        quote_depth = self._get_quote_depth()
+        if depth > quote_depth:
+            self._set_tab(depth)
+            tabstops = self._tabstops[::-1]
+            while tabstops:
+                tab = tabstops.pop()
+                if tab > quote_depth:
+                    open_quote(tab)
+        else:
+            while self._quote_stack:
+                deepest_offset = self._quote_stack[-1]
+                if depth >= deepest_offset:
+                    break
+                close_quote()
+            if not citation and depth > 0:
+                if self._quote_stack:
+                    old_offset = self._quote_stack[-1]
+                    if old_offset != depth: # adjust last depth
+                        self._quote_stack[-1] = depth
+                else:
+                    open_quote(depth)
+        if depth > 0:
+            self.in_quote = True
+    # Table
+    def _last_table_cell_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return ''
+    def _table_cell_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        self.open_table()
+        self.open_table_row()
+        if self.in_table_cell:
+            return '</td><td>'
+        else:
+            self.in_table_cell = 1
+            return '<td>'
+    def open_table(self):
+        if not self.in_table:
+            self.close_paragraph()
+            self.close_list()
+            self.close_def_list()
+            self.in_table = 1
+            self.out.write('<table class="wiki">' + os.linesep)
+    def open_table_row(self):
+        if not self.in_table_row:
+            self.open_table()
+            self.in_table_row = 1
+            self.out.write('<tr>')
+    def close_table_row(self):
+        if self.in_table_row:
+            self.in_table_row = 0
+            if self.in_table_cell:
+                self.in_table_cell = 0
+                self.out.write('</td>')
+            self.out.write('</tr>')
+    def close_table(self):
+        if self.in_table:
+            self.close_table_row()
+            self.out.write('</table>' + os.linesep)
+            self.in_table = 0
+    # Paragraphs
+    def open_paragraph(self):
+        if not self.paragraph_open:
+            self.out.write('<p>' + os.linesep)
+            self.paragraph_open = 1
+    def close_paragraph(self):
+        if self.paragraph_open:
+            while self._open_tags != []:
+                self.out.write(self._open_tags.pop()[1])
+            self.out.write('</p>' + os.linesep)
+            self.paragraph_open = 0
+    # Code blocks
+    def handle_code_block(self, line):
+        if line.strip() == Formatter.STARTBLOCK:
+            self.in_code_block += 1
+            if self.in_code_block == 1:
+                self.code_processor = None
+                self.code_text = ''
+            else:
+                self.code_text += line + os.linesep
+                if not self.code_processor:
+                    self.code_processor = WikiProcessor(self.env, 'default')
+        elif line.strip() == Formatter.ENDBLOCK:
+            self.in_code_block -= 1
+            if self.in_code_block == 0 and self.code_processor:
+                self.close_table()
+                self.close_paragraph()
+                self.out.write(to_unicode(self.code_processor.process(
+                    self.req, self.code_text)))
+            else:
+                self.code_text += line + os.linesep
+        elif not self.code_processor:
+            match = Formatter._processor_re.search(line)
+            if match:
+                name = match.group(1)
+                self.code_processor = WikiProcessor(self.env, name)
+            else:
+                self.code_text += line + os.linesep 
+                self.code_processor = WikiProcessor(self.env, 'default')
+        else:
+            self.code_text += line + os.linesep
+    def close_code_blocks(self):
+        while self.in_code_block > 0:
+            self.handle_code_block(Formatter.ENDBLOCK)
+    # -- Wiki engine
+    def handle_match(self, fullmatch):
+        for itype, match in fullmatch.groupdict().items():
+            if match and not itype in self.wiki.helper_patterns:
+                # Check for preceding escape character '!'
+                if match[0] == '!':
+                    return escape(match[1:])
+                if itype in self.wiki.external_handlers:
+                    external_handler = self.wiki.external_handlers[itype]
+                    return external_handler(self, match, fullmatch)
+                else:
+                    internal_handler = getattr(self, '_%s_formatter' % itype)
+                    return internal_handler(match, fullmatch)
+    def replace(self, fullmatch):
+        """Replace one match with its corresponding expansion"""
+        replacement = self.handle_match(fullmatch)
+        if replacement:
+            return to_unicode(replacement)
+    def reset(self, out=None):
+        class NullOut(object):
+            def write(self, data): pass
+        self.out = out or NullOut()
+        self._open_tags = []
+        self._list_stack = []
+        self._quote_stack = []
+        self._tabstops = []
+        self.in_code_block = 0
+        self.in_table = 0
+        self.in_def_list = 0
+        self.in_table_row = 0
+        self.in_table_cell = 0
+        self.paragraph_open = 0
+    def format(self, text, out=None, escape_newlines=False):
+        self.reset(out)
+        for line in text.splitlines():
+            # Handle code block
+            if self.in_code_block or line.strip() == Formatter.STARTBLOCK:
+                self.handle_code_block(line)
+                continue
+            # Handle Horizontal ruler
+            elif line[0:4] == '----':
+                self.close_table()
+                self.close_paragraph()
+                self.close_indentation()
+                self.close_list()
+                self.close_def_list()
+                self.out.write('<hr />' + os.linesep)
+                continue
+            # Handle new paragraph
+            elif line == '':
+                self.close_paragraph()
+                self.close_indentation()
+                self.close_list()
+                self.close_def_list()
+                continue
+            # Tab expansion and clear tabstops if no indent
+            line = line.replace('\t', ' '*8)
+            if not line.startswith(' '):
+                self._tabstops = []
+            if escape_newlines:
+                line += ' [[BR]]'
+            self.in_list_item = False
+            self.in_quote = False
+            # Throw a bunch of regexps on the problem
+            result = re.sub(self.wiki.rules, self.replace, line)
+            if not self.in_list_item:
+                self.close_list()
+            if not self.in_quote:
+                self.close_indentation()
+            if self.in_def_list and not line.startswith(' '):
+                self.close_def_list()
+            if self.in_table and line.strip()[0:2] != '||':
+                self.close_table()
+            if len(result) and not self.in_list_item and not self.in_def_list \
+                    and not self.in_table:
+                self.open_paragraph()
+            self.out.write(result + os.linesep)
+            self.close_table_row()
+        self.close_table()
+        self.close_paragraph()
+        self.close_indentation()
+        self.close_list()
+        self.close_def_list()
+        self.close_code_blocks()
+class OneLinerFormatter(Formatter):
+    """
+    A special version of the wiki formatter that only implement a
+    subset of the wiki formatting functions. This version is useful
+    for rendering short wiki-formatted messages on a single line
+    """
+    flavor = 'oneliner'
+    def __init__(self, env, absurls=False, db=None):
+        Formatter.__init__(self, env, None, absurls, db)
+    # Override a few formatters to disable some wiki syntax in "oneliner"-mode
+    def _list_formatter(self, match, fullmatch): return match
+    def _indent_formatter(self, match, fullmatch): return match
+    def _citation_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return escape(match, False)
+    def _heading_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return escape(match, False)
+    def _definition_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return escape(match, False)
+    def _table_cell_formatter(self, match, fullmatch): return match
+    def _last_table_cell_formatter(self, match, fullmatch): return match
+    def _macro_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        name = fullmatch.group('macroname')
+        if name.lower() == 'br':
+            return ' '
+        elif name == 'comment':
+            return ''
+        else:
+            args = fullmatch.group('macroargs')
+            return '[[%s%s]]' % (name,  args and '(...)' or '')
+    def format(self, text, out, shorten=False):
+        if not text:
+            return
+        self.out = out
+        self._open_tags = []
+        # Simplify code blocks
+        in_code_block = 0
+        processor = None
+        buf = StringIO()
+        for line in text.strip().splitlines():
+            if line.strip() == Formatter.STARTBLOCK:
+                in_code_block += 1
+            elif line.strip() == Formatter.ENDBLOCK:
+                if in_code_block:
+                    in_code_block -= 1
+                    if in_code_block == 0:
+                        if processor != 'comment':
+                            buf.write(' ![...]' + os.linesep)
+                        processor = None
+            elif in_code_block:
+                if not processor:
+                    if line.startswith('#!'):
+                        processor = line[2:].strip()
+            else:
+                buf.write(line + os.linesep)
+        result = buf.getvalue()[:-1]
+        if shorten:
+            result = shorten_line(result)
+        result = re.sub(self.wiki.rules, self.replace, result)
+        result = result.replace('[...]', '[&hellip;]')
+        if result.endswith('...'):
+            result = result[:-3] + '&hellip;'
+        # Close all open 'one line'-tags
+        result += self.close_tag(None)
+        # Flush unterminated code blocks
+        if in_code_block > 0:
+            result += '[&hellip;]'
+        out.write(result)
+class OutlineFormatter(Formatter):
+    """Special formatter that generates an outline of all the headings."""
+    flavor = 'outline'
+    def __init__(self, env, absurls=False, db=None):
+        Formatter.__init__(self, env, None, absurls, db)
+    # Avoid the possible side-effects of rendering WikiProcessors
+    def _macro_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        return ''
+    def handle_code_block(self, line):
+        if line.strip() == Formatter.STARTBLOCK:
+            self.in_code_block += 1
+        elif line.strip() == Formatter.ENDBLOCK:
+            self.in_code_block -= 1
+    def format(self, text, out, max_depth=6, min_depth=1):
+        self.outline = []
+        Formatter.format(self, text)
+        if min_depth > max_depth:
+            min_depth, max_depth = max_depth, min_depth
+        max_depth = min(6, max_depth)
+        min_depth = max(1, min_depth)
+        curr_depth = min_depth - 1
+        for depth, anchor, text in self.outline:
+            if depth < min_depth or depth > max_depth:
+                continue
+            if depth < curr_depth:
+                out.write('</li></ol><li>' * (curr_depth - depth))
+            elif depth > curr_depth:
+                out.write('<ol><li>' * (depth - curr_depth))
+            else:
+                out.write("</li><li>\n")
+            curr_depth = depth
+            out.write('<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (anchor, text))
+        out.write('</li></ol>' * curr_depth)
+    def _heading_formatter(self, match, fullmatch):
+        depth, heading, anchor = self._parse_heading(match, fullmatch, True)
+        heading = re.sub(r'</?a(?: .*?)?>', '', heading) # Strip out link tags
+        self.outline.append((depth, anchor, heading))
+class LinkFormatter(OutlineFormatter):
+    """Special formatter that focuses on TracLinks."""
+    flavor = 'outline'
+    def __init__(self, env, absurls=False, db=None):
+        OutlineFormatter.__init__(self, env, absurls, db)
+    def match(self, wikitext):
+        """Return the Wiki match found at the beginning of the `wikitext`"""
+        self.reset()        
+        match = re.match(self.wiki.rules, wikitext)
+        if match:
+            return self.handle_match(match)
+# -- wiki_to_* helper functions
+def wiki_to_html(wikitext, env, req, db=None,
+                 absurls=False, escape_newlines=False):
+    if not wikitext:
+        return Markup()
+    out = StringIO()
+    Formatter(env, req, absurls, db).format(wikitext, out, escape_newlines)
+    return Markup(out.getvalue())
+def wiki_to_oneliner(wikitext, env, db=None, shorten=False, absurls=False):
+    if not wikitext:
+        return Markup()
+    out = StringIO()
+    OneLinerFormatter(env, absurls, db).format(wikitext, out, shorten)
+    return Markup(out.getvalue())
+def wiki_to_outline(wikitext, env, db=None,
+                    absurls=False, max_depth=None, min_depth=None):
+    if not wikitext:
+        return Markup()
+    out = StringIO()
+    OutlineFormatter(env, absurls, db).format(wikitext, out, max_depth,
+                                              min_depth)
+    return Markup(out.getvalue())
+def wiki_to_link(wikitext, env, req):
+    if not wikitext:
+        return ''
+    return LinkFormatter(env, False, None).match(wikitext)
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