diff examples/trac/templates/report.cs @ 39:93b4dcbafd7b trunk

Copy Trac to main branch.
author cmlenz
date Mon, 03 Jul 2006 18:53:27 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/trac/templates/report.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs" ?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs" ?>
+<div id="ctxtnav" class="nav">
+ <h2>Report Navigation</h2>
+ <ul><li class="first"><?cs
+   if:chrome.links.up.0.href ?><a href="<?cs
+    var:chrome.links.up.0.href ?>">Available Reports</a><?cs
+   else ?>Available Reports<?cs
+  /if ?></li><?cs
+  if:report.query_href ?><li class="last"><a href="<?cs
+   var:report.query_href ?>">Custom Query</a></li><?cs
+  /if ?></ul>
+<div id="content" class="report">
+ <?cs def:report_hdr(header) ?>
+   <?cs if $header ?>
+     <?cs if idx > 0 ?>
+       </table>
+     <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs if:header ?><h2><?cs var:header ?></h2><?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs if $report.id == -1 ?>
+     <table class="listing reports">
+   <?cs else ?>
+     <table class="listing tickets">
+   <?cs /if ?>
+    <thead>
+     <tr>
+       <?cs set numcols = #0 ?>
+       <?cs each header = report.headers ?>
+         <?cs if $header.fullrow ?>
+           </tr><tr><th colspan="100"><?cs var:header ?></th>
+         <?cs else ?>
+           <?cs if $report.sorting.enabled ?>
+             <?cs set vars='' ?>
+             <?cs each arg = report.var ?>
+               <?cs set vars = vars + '&amp;' + name(arg) + '=' + arg ?>
+             <?cs /each ?>
+             <?cs set sortValue = '' ?>
+             <?cs if $header.asc == '1' ?>
+               <?cs set sortValue = '?sort='+$header.real+'&amp;asc=0' ?>
+             <?cs else ?>
+               <?cs set sortValue = '?sort='+$header.real+'&amp;asc=1' ?>
+             <?cs /if ?>
+             <?cs if $header ?>
+             <th><a href="<?cs var:sortValue ?><?cs var:vars ?>"><?cs var:header ?></a></th>
+             <?cs /if ?>
+           <?cs elif $header ?>
+             <th><?cs var:header ?></th>
+           <?cs /if ?>
+           <?cs if $header.breakrow ?>
+              </tr><tr>
+           <?cs /if ?>
+         <?cs /if ?>
+         <?cs set numcols = numcols + #1 ?>
+       <?cs /each ?>
+     </tr>
+    </thead>
+ <?cs /def ?>
+ <?cs def:report_cell(class,contents) ?>
+   <?cs if $cell.fullrow ?>
+     </tr><tr class="<?cs var:row_class ?>" style="<?cs var: row_style ?>;border: none; padding: 0;">
+      <td class="fullrow" colspan="100">
+       <?cs var:$contents ?><hr />
+      </td>
+   <?cs else ?>
+   <td <?cs if $cell.breakrow || $col == $numcols ?>colspan="100" <?cs /if
+ ?>class="<?cs var:$class ?>"><?cs if $contents ?><?cs var:$contents ?><?cs /if ?></td>
+ <?cs if $cell.breakafter ?>
+     </tr><tr class="<?cs var: row_class ?>" style="<?cs var: row_style ?>;border: none; padding: 0">
+ <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs set col = $col + #1 ?>
+ <?cs /def ?>
+ <?cs set idx = #0 ?>
+ <?cs set group = '' ?>
+ <?cs if:report.mode == "list" ?>
+  <h1><?cs var:title ?><?cs
+   if:report.numrows && report.id != -1 ?><span class="numrows"> (<?cs
+    var:report.numrows ?> matches)</span><?cs
+   /if ?></h1><?cs
+   if:report.description ?><div id="description"><?cs
+    var:report.description ?></div><?cs
+   /if ?><?cs
+   if:report.id != -1 ?><?cs
+    if:report.can_create || report.can_modify || report.can_delete ?>
+     <div class="buttons"><?cs
+      if:report.can_modify ?><form action="" method="get"><div>
+       <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" />
+       <input type="submit" value="Edit report" accesskey="e" />
+      </div></form><?cs /if ?><?cs
+      if:report.can_create ?><form action="" method="get"><div>
+       <input type="hidden" name="action" value="copy" />
+       <input type="submit" value="Copy report" />
+      </div></form><?cs /if ?><?cs
+      if:report.can_delete ?><form action="" method="get"><div>
+       <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" />
+       <input type="submit" value="Delete report" />
+      </div></form><?cs /if ?>
+     </div><?cs
+    /if ?><?cs
+   /if ?>
+     <?cs each row = report.items ?>
+       <?cs if group != row.__group__ || idx == #0 ?>
+         <?cs if:idx != #0 ?></tbody><?cs /if ?>
+         <?cs set group = row.__group__ ?>
+         <?cs call:report_hdr(group) ?>
+         <tbody>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if row.__color__ ?>
+         <?cs set rstem='color'+$row.__color__ +'-' ?>
+       <?cs else ?>
+        <?cs set rstem='' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if idx % #2 ?>
+         <?cs set row_class=$rstem+'even' ?>
+       <?cs else ?>
+         <?cs set row_class=$rstem+'odd' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs set row_style='' ?>
+       <?cs if row.__bgcolor__ ?>
+         <?cs set row_style='background: ' + row.__bgcolor__ + ';' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if row.__fgcolor__ ?>
+         <?cs set row_style=$row_style + 'color: ' + row.__fgcolor__ + ';' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if row.__style__ ?>
+         <?cs set row_style=$row_style + row.__style__ + ';' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <tr class="<?cs var: row_class ?>" style="<?cs var: row_style ?>">
+       <?cs set idx = idx + #1 ?>
+       <?cs set col = #0 ?>
+       <?cs each cell = row ?>
+         <?cs if cell.hidden || cell.hidehtml ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "ticket" || name(cell) == "id" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('ticket',
+                                 '<a title="View ticket" href="'+
+                                 $cell.ticket_href+'">#'+$cell+'</a>') ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "summary" && cell.ticket_href ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('summary', '<a title="View ticket" href="'+
+                                 $cell.ticket_href+'">'+$cell+'</a>') ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "report" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('report',
+                '<a title="View report" href="'+$cell.report_href+'">{'+$cell+'}</a>') ?>
+           <?cs set:report_href=$cell.report_href ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "time" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('date', $cell.date) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "date" || name(cell) == "created" || name(cell) == "modified" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('date', $cell.date) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "datetime"  ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('date', $cell.datetime) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "description" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('', $cell.parsed) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "title" && $report.id == -1 ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('title',
+                                 '<a  title="View report" href="'+
+                                 $report_href+'">'+$cell+'</a>') ?>
+         <?cs else ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell(name(cell), $cell) ?>
+         <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs /each ?>
+       </tr>
+     <?cs /each ?>
+    </tbody>
+   </table><?cs
+   if:report.id == -1 && report.can_create?><div class="buttons">
+    <form action="" method="get"><div>
+     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="new" />
+     <input type="submit" value="Create new report" />
+    </div></form></div><?cs
+   /if ?><?cs
+   if report.message ?>
+    <div class="system-message"><?cs var report.message ?></div><?cs
+   elif:idx == #0 ?>
+    <div id="report-notfound">No matches found.</div><?cs
+   /if ?>
+ <?cs elif:report.mode == "delete" ?>
+  <h1><?cs var:title ?></h1>
+  <form action="<?cs var:report.href ?>" method="post">
+   <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?cs var:report.id ?>" />
+   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete" />
+   <p><strong>Are you sure you want to delete this report?</strong></p>
+   <div class="buttons">
+    <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel" />
+    <input type="submit" value="Delete report" />
+   </div>
+  </form>
+ <?cs elif:report.mode == "edit" ?>
+   <h1><?cs var:title ?></h1>
+   <form action="<?cs var:report.href ?>" method="post">
+    <div>
+     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?cs var:report.action ?>" />
+     <div class="field">
+      <label for="title">Report Title:</label><br />
+      <input type="text" id="title" name="title"
+             value="<?cs var:report.title ?>" size="50" /><br />
+     </div>
+     <div class="field">
+      <label for="description">
+       Description:</label> (You may use <a tabindex="42" href="<?cs
+         var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/WikiFormatting">WikiFormatting</a> here)
+      </label><br />
+      <textarea id="description" name="description" class="wikitext" rows="10" cols="78">
+<?cs var:report.description ?></textarea>
+     </div>
+     <div class="field">
+      <label for="query">
+       SQL Query for Report:</label><br />
+      <textarea id="query" name="query" cols="85" rows="20"><?cs
+        var:report.sql ?></textarea>
+     </div>
+     <div class="buttons">
+      <input type="submit" value="Save report" />
+      <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel" />
+     </div>
+    </div>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?cs
+      var:htdocs_location ?>js/wikitoolbar.js"></script>
+   </form>
+ <?cs /if?>
+ <div id="help">
+  <strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="<?cs
+    var:trac.href.wiki ?>/TracReports">TracReports</a> for help on using and
+  creating reports.
+ </div>
+<?cs include "footer.cs" ?>
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