diff examples/trac/setup.py @ 39:93b4dcbafd7b trunk

Copy Trac to main branch.
author cmlenz
date Mon, 03 Jul 2006 18:53:27 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/trac/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+import string
+from glob import glob
+from distutils.core import setup
+from distutils.command.install import install
+from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
+from distutils.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
+from stat import ST_MODE, S_ISDIR
+import trac
+PACKAGE = 'Trac'
+VERSION = str(trac.__version__)
+URL = trac.__url__
+LICENSE = trac.__license__
+if sys.version_info < (2, 3):
+    print >>sys.stderr, 'You need at least Python 2.3 for %s %s' \
+                        % (PACKAGE, VERSION)
+    sys.exit(3)
+def _p(unix_path):
+     return os.path.normpath(unix_path)
+class my_install (install):
+     def run (self):
+         self.siteconfig()
+     def siteconfig(self):
+         path = self.prefix or self.home
+         path = os.path.expanduser(path)
+         conf_dir = os.path.join(path, 'share', 'trac', 'conf')
+         templates_dir = os.path.join(path, 'share', 'trac', 'templates')
+         htdocs_dir = os.path.join(path, 'share', 'trac', 'htdocs')
+         wiki_dir = os.path.join(path, 'share', 'trac', 'wiki-default')
+         macros_dir = os.path.join(path, 'share', 'trac', 'wiki-macros')
+         plugins_dir = os.path.join(path, 'share', 'trac', 'plugins')
+         f = open(_p('trac/siteconfig.py'), 'w')
+         f.write("""
+# This file was autogenerated when installing %(trac)s %(ver)s.
+__default_conf_dir__ = %(conf)r
+__default_templates_dir__ = %(templates)r
+__default_htdocs_dir__ = %(htdocs)r
+__default_wiki_dir__ = %(wiki)r
+__default_macros_dir__ = %(macros)r
+__default_plugins_dir__ = %(plugins)r
+""" % {'trac': PACKAGE, 'ver': VERSION, 'conf': _p(conf_dir),
+       'templates': _p(templates_dir), 'htdocs': _p(htdocs_dir),
+       'wiki': _p(wiki_dir), 'macros': _p(macros_dir),
+       'plugins': _p(plugins_dir)})
+         f.close()
+         # Run actual install
+         install.run(self)
+         print
+         print "Thank you for choosing Trac %s. Enjoy your stay!" % VERSION
+         print
+class my_install_scripts (install_scripts):
+    def initialize_options (self):
+        install_scripts.initialize_options(self)
+        self.install_data = None
+    def finalize_options (self):
+        install_scripts.finalize_options(self)
+        self.set_undefined_options('install',
+                                   ('install_data', 'install_data'))
+    def run (self):
+        if not self.skip_build:
+            self.run_command('build_scripts')
+        self.outfiles = []
+        self.mkpath(os.path.normpath(self.install_dir))
+        ofile, copied = self.copy_file(os.path.join(self.build_dir,
+                                                     'trac-admin'),
+                                        self.install_dir)
+        if copied:
+            self.outfiles.append(ofile)
+        ofile, copied = self.copy_file(os.path.join(self.build_dir,
+                                                     'tracd'),
+                                        self.install_dir)
+        if copied:
+            self.outfiles.append(ofile)
+        ofile, copied = self.copy_file(os.path.join(self.build_dir,
+                                                     'tracdb2env'),
+                                        self.install_dir)
+        if copied:
+            self.outfiles.append(ofile)
+        cgi_dir = os.path.join(self.install_data, 'share', 'trac', 'cgi-bin')
+        if not os.path.exists(cgi_dir):
+            os.makedirs(cgi_dir)
+        ofile, copied = self.copy_file(os.path.join(self.build_dir,
+                                                    'trac.cgi'), cgi_dir)
+        if copied:
+            self.outfiles.append(ofile)
+        ofile, copied = self.copy_file(os.path.join(self.build_dir,
+                                                    'trac.fcgi'), cgi_dir)
+        if copied:
+            self.outfiles.append(ofile)
+        for path in ('plugins', 'conf'):
+            full_path = os.path.join(self.install_data, 'share', 'trac', path)
+            if not os.path.exists(full_path):
+                os.makedirs(full_path)
+        if os.name == 'posix':
+            # Set the executable bits (owner, group, and world) on
+            # all the scripts we just installed.
+            for file in self.get_outputs():
+                if not self.dry_run:
+                    mode = ((os.stat(file)[ST_MODE]) | 0555) & 07777
+                    os.chmod(file, mode)
+        elif os.name == 'nt':
+            # Install post-install script on windows
+            ofile, copied = self.copy_file(os.path.join(self.build_dir,
+                                                        'trac-postinstall.py'),
+                                            self.install_dir)
+            if copied:
+                self.outfiles.append(ofile)
+class my_install_data (install_data):
+    def run (self):
+        install_data.run(self)
+        if os.name == 'posix' and not self.dry_run:
+            # Make the data files we just installed world-readable,
+            # and the directories world-executable as well.
+            for path in self.get_outputs():
+                mode = os.stat(path)[ST_MODE]
+                if S_ISDIR(mode):
+                    mode |= 011
+                mode |= 044
+                os.chmod(path, mode)
+# Our custom bdist_wininst
+import distutils.command.bdist_wininst
+from distutils.command.bdist_wininst import bdist_wininst
+class my_bdist_wininst(bdist_wininst):
+    def initialize_options(self):
+        bdist_wininst.initialize_options(self)
+        self.title = 'Trac %s' % VERSION
+        self.bitmap = 'setup_wininst.bmp'
+        self.install_script = 'trac-postinstall.py'
+distutils.command.bdist_wininst.bdist_wininst = my_bdist_wininst
+# parameters for various rpm distributions
+rpm_distros = {
+    'suse_options': { 'version_suffix': 'SuSE',
+                      'requires': """python >= 2.3
+                        subversion >= 1.0.0
+                        pysqlite >= 0.4.3
+                        clearsilver >= 0.9.3
+                        httpd""" },
+    'fedora_options': { 'version_suffix': 'fc'}
+    }
+# Our custom bdist_rpm
+import distutils.command.bdist_rpm
+from distutils.command.bdist_rpm import bdist_rpm
+class generic_bdist_rpm(bdist_rpm):
+    def __init__(self, dist, distro):
+        self.distro = distro
+        bdist_rpm.__init__(self, dist)
+    def initialize_options(self):
+        bdist_rpm.initialize_options(self)
+        self.title = "Trac %s" % VERSION
+        self.packager = "Edgewall Software <info@edgewall.com>"
+        for x in rpm_distros[self.distro].keys():
+            setattr(self, x, rpm_distros[self.distro][x])
+        self.install_script = "scripts/rpm-install.sh"
+    def run(self):
+        bdist_rpm.run(self)
+        if hasattr(self, 'version_suffix'):
+            prefix = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, string.lower(PACKAGE)+'-'+VERSION+'-1')
+            os.rename(prefix+'.noarch.rpm', prefix+self.version_suffix+'.noarch.rpm')
+            os.rename(prefix+'.src.rpm', prefix+self.version_suffix+'.src.rpm')
+class proxy_bdist_rpm(bdist_rpm):
+    def __init__(self, dist):
+        bdist_rpm.__init__(self, dist)
+        self.dist = dist
+    def initialize_options(self):
+        bdist_rpm.initialize_options(self)
+    def run(self):
+        for distro in rpm_distros.keys():
+            r = generic_bdist_rpm(self.dist, distro)
+            r.initialize_options()
+            self.dist._set_command_options(r, self.dist.command_options['bdist_rpm'])
+            r.finalize_options()
+            r.run()
+distutils.command.bdist_rpm.bdist_rpm = proxy_bdist_rpm
+      description="Integrated scm, wiki, issue tracker and project environment",
+      long_description=\
+Trac is a minimalistic web-based software project management and bug/issue
+tracking system. It provides an interface to the Subversion revision control
+systems, an integrated wiki, flexible issue tracking and convenient report
+      version=VERSION,
+      author="Edgewall Software",
+      author_email="info@edgewall.com",
+      license=LICENSE,
+      url=URL,
+      packages=['trac', 'trac.db', 'trac.mimeview', 'trac.scripts',
+                'trac.ticket', 'trac.upgrades', 'trac.util', 'trac.web',
+                'trac.versioncontrol', 'trac.versioncontrol.web_ui', 
+                'trac.wiki'],
+      data_files=[(_p('share/trac/templates'), glob('templates/*')),
+                  (_p('share/trac/htdocs'), glob(_p('htdocs/*.*')) + [_p('htdocs/README')]),
+                  (_p('share/trac/htdocs/css'), glob(_p('htdocs/css/*'))),
+                  (_p('share/trac/htdocs/js'), glob(_p('htdocs/js/*'))),
+                  (_p('share/man/man1'), glob(_p('scripts/*.1'))),
+                  (_p('share/trac/wiki-default'), glob(_p('wiki-default/[A-Z]*'))),
+                  (_p('share/trac/wiki-macros'), glob(_p('wiki-macros/*.py')))],
+      scripts=[_p('scripts/trac-admin'),
+               _p('scripts/trac-postinstall.py'),
+               _p('scripts/tracd'),
+               _p('scripts/tracdb2env'),
+               _p('cgi-bin/trac.cgi'),
+               _p('cgi-bin/trac.fcgi')],
+      cmdclass = {'install': my_install,
+                  'install_scripts': my_install_scripts,
+                  'install_data': my_install_data})
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Edgewall Software