cmlenz@4: [global] cmlenz@4: # The settings in this file should not vary depending on the deployment cmlenz@4: # environment. dev.cfg and prod.cfg are the locations for cmlenz@4: # the different deployment settings. Settings in this file will cmlenz@4: # be overridden by settings in those other files. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # The commented out values below are the defaults cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # VIEW cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # which view (template engine) to use if one is not specified in the cmlenz@4: # template name cmlenz@4: # tg.defaultview = "kid" cmlenz@4: tg.defaultview = "markup" cmlenz@4: markup.search_path = ["%(current_dir_uri)s"] cmlenz@4: markup.outputformat = "xml" cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # The following kid settings determine the settings used by the kid serializer. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # One of (html|xml|json) cmlenz@4: # kid.outputformat="html" cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # kid.encoding="utf-8" cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # The sitetemplate is used for overall styling of a site that cmlenz@4: # includes multiple TurboGears applications cmlenz@4: # tg.sitetemplate="" cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # Allow every exposed function to be called as json, cmlenz@4: # tg.allow_json = False cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # Set to True if you'd like all of your pages to include MochiKit cmlenz@4: # tg.mochikit_all = False cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: # Set to True if the scheduler should be started cmlenz@4: # tg.scheduler = False cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: [/static] cmlenz@4: static_filter.on = True cmlenz@4: static_filter.dir = "%(top_level_dir)s/static" cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: [/favicon.ico] cmlenz@4: static_filter.on = True cmlenz@4: static_filter.file = "%(top_level_dir)s/static/images/favicon.ico"