cmlenz@441: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@441: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@441: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Welcome to TurboGears cmlenz@441: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@441: cmlenz@441:

Congratulations, your TurboGears application is running as of cmlenz@441: now.

cmlenz@4: cmlenz@441:

Using Genshi in TurboGears

cmlenz@4: cmlenz@441:

cmlenz@441: Please see the online cmlenz@441: documentation cmlenz@441: for general information on Genshi. cmlenz@441:

cmlenz@4: cmlenz@441:

Here's an example for using a TurboGears widget in a Genshi template:

mgood@110: ${ET(widget.display())} mgood@110: cmlenz@441:

cmlenz@441: And here's a link to the output of a plain-text cmlenz@441: template. cmlenz@441:

cmlenz@265: cmlenz@441: cmlenz@4: