cmlenz@1: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- cmlenz@1: # cmlenz@719: # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Edgewall Software cmlenz@1: # All rights reserved. cmlenz@1: # cmlenz@1: # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which cmlenz@1: # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms cmlenz@230: # are also available at cmlenz@1: # cmlenz@1: # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many cmlenz@1: # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision cmlenz@230: # history and logs, available at cmlenz@1: cmlenz@111: """Basic support for evaluating XPath expressions against streams. cmlenz@111: cmlenz@230: >>> from genshi.input import XML cmlenz@111: >>> doc = XML(''' athomas@516: ... cmlenz@111: ... cmlenz@111: ... Foo cmlenz@111: ... cmlenz@111: ... cmlenz@111: ... Bar cmlenz@111: ... athomas@516: ... athomas@516: ... Baz athomas@516: ... athomas@516: ... athomas@516: ... Waz athomas@516: ... cmlenz@111: ... cmlenz@111: ... ''') athomas@516: >>> print'items/item[@status="closed" and ' athomas@516: ... '(@resolution="invalid" or not(@resolution))]/summary/text()') athomas@516: BarBaz cmlenz@111: cmlenz@111: Because the XPath engine operates on markup streams (as opposed to tree cmlenz@111: structures), it only implements a subset of the full XPath 1.0 language. cmlenz@111: """ cmlenz@1: cmlenz@818: from collections import deque cmlenz@792: try: cmlenz@792: from functools import reduce cmlenz@792: except ImportError: cmlenz@792: pass # builtin in Python <= 2.5 cmlenz@155: from math import ceil, floor cmlenz@593: import operator cmlenz@1: import re cmlenz@818: from itertools import chain cmlenz@1: cmlenz@230: from genshi.core import Stream, Attrs, Namespace, QName cmlenz@638: from genshi.core import START, END, TEXT, START_NS, END_NS, COMMENT, PI, \ cmlenz@638: START_CDATA, END_CDATA cmlenz@1: cmlenz@106: __all__ = ['Path', 'PathSyntaxError'] cmlenz@425: __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' cmlenz@1: cmlenz@1: cmlenz@114: class Axis(object): cmlenz@114: """Defines constants for the various supported XPath axes.""" cmlenz@114: cmlenz@114: ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute' cmlenz@114: CHILD = 'child' cmlenz@114: DESCENDANT = 'descendant' cmlenz@114: DESCENDANT_OR_SELF = 'descendant-or-self' cmlenz@114: SELF = 'self' cmlenz@114: cmlenz@822: @classmethod cmlenz@114: def forname(cls, name): cmlenz@114: """Return the axis constant for the given name, or `None` if no such cmlenz@114: axis was defined. cmlenz@114: """ cmlenz@114: return getattr(cls, name.upper().replace('-', '_'), None) cmlenz@114: cmlenz@114: cmlenz@114: ATTRIBUTE = Axis.ATTRIBUTE cmlenz@114: CHILD = Axis.CHILD cmlenz@114: DESCENDANT = Axis.DESCENDANT cmlenz@114: DESCENDANT_OR_SELF = Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF cmlenz@114: SELF = Axis.SELF cmlenz@114: cmlenz@114: cmlenz@818: class GenericStrategy(object): cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: @classmethod cmlenz@818: def supports(cls, path): cmlenz@818: return True cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def __init__(self, path): cmlenz@818: self.path = path cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def test(self, ignore_context): cmlenz@818: p = self.path cmlenz@818: if ignore_context: cmlenz@818: if p[0][0] is ATTRIBUTE: cmlenz@818: steps = [_DOTSLASHSLASH] + p cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: steps = [(DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, p[0][1], p[0][2])] + p[1:] cmlenz@818: elif p[0][0] is CHILD or p[0][0] is ATTRIBUTE \ cmlenz@818: or p[0][0] is DESCENDANT: cmlenz@818: steps = [_DOTSLASH] + p cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: steps = p cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # for node it contains all positions of xpath expression cmlenz@818: # where its child should start checking for matches cmlenz@818: # with list of corresponding context counters cmlenz@818: # there can be many of them, because position that is from cmlenz@818: # descendant-like axis can be achieved from different nodes cmlenz@818: # for example should match both //a//b[1] cmlenz@818: # and //a//b[2] cmlenz@818: # positions always form increasing sequence (invariant) cmlenz@818: stack = [[(0, [[]])]] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def _test(event, namespaces, variables, updateonly=False): cmlenz@818: kind, data, pos = event[:3] cmlenz@818: retval = None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # Manage the stack that tells us "where we are" in the stream cmlenz@818: if kind is END: cmlenz@818: if stack: cmlenz@818: stack.pop() cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: if kind is START_NS or kind is END_NS \ cmlenz@818: or kind is START_CDATA or kind is END_CDATA: cmlenz@818: # should we make namespaces work? cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: pos_queue = deque([(pos, cou, []) for pos, cou in stack[-1]]) cmlenz@818: next_pos = [] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # length of real part of path - we omit attribute axis cmlenz@818: real_len = len(steps) - ((steps[-1][0] == ATTRIBUTE) or 1 and 0) cmlenz@818: last_checked = -1 cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # places where we have to check for match, are these cmlenz@818: # provided by parent cmlenz@818: while pos_queue: cmlenz@818: x, pcou, mcou = pos_queue.popleft() cmlenz@818: axis, nodetest, predicates = steps[x] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # we need to push descendant-like positions from parent cmlenz@818: # further cmlenz@818: if (axis is DESCENDANT or axis is DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) and pcou: cmlenz@818: if next_pos and next_pos[-1][0] == x: cmlenz@818: next_pos[-1][1].extend(pcou) cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: next_pos.append((x, pcou)) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # nodetest first cmlenz@818: if not nodetest(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@818: continue cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # counters packs that were already bad cmlenz@818: missed = set() cmlenz@818: counters_len = len(pcou) + len(mcou) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # number of counters - we have to create one cmlenz@818: # for every context position based predicate cmlenz@818: cnum = 0 cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # tells if we have match with position x cmlenz@818: matched = True cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if predicates: cmlenz@818: for predicate in predicates: cmlenz@818: pretval = predicate(kind, data, pos, cmlenz@818: namespaces, cmlenz@818: variables) cmlenz@818: if type(pretval) is float: # FIXME <- need to check cmlenz@818: # this for other types that cmlenz@818: # can be coerced to float cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # each counter pack needs to be checked cmlenz@818: for i, cou in enumerate(chain(pcou, mcou)): cmlenz@818: # it was bad before cmlenz@818: if i in missed: cmlenz@818: continue cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if len(cou) < cnum + 1: cmlenz@818: cou.append(0) cmlenz@818: cou[cnum] += 1 cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # it is bad now cmlenz@818: if cou[cnum] != int(pretval): cmlenz@818: missed.add(i) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # none of counters pack was good cmlenz@818: if len(missed) == counters_len: cmlenz@818: pretval = False cmlenz@818: cnum += 1 cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if not pretval: cmlenz@818: matched = False cmlenz@818: break cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if not matched: cmlenz@818: continue cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # counter for next position with current node as context node cmlenz@818: child_counter = [] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if x + 1 == real_len: cmlenz@818: # we reached end of expression, because x + 1 cmlenz@818: # is equal to the length of expression cmlenz@818: matched = True cmlenz@818: axis, nodetest, predicates = steps[-1] cmlenz@818: if axis is ATTRIBUTE: cmlenz@818: matched = nodetest(kind, data, pos, namespaces, cmlenz@818: variables) cmlenz@818: if matched: cmlenz@818: retval = matched cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: next_axis = steps[x + 1][0] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # if next axis allows matching self we have cmlenz@818: # to add next position to our queue cmlenz@818: if next_axis is DESCENDANT_OR_SELF or next_axis is SELF: cmlenz@818: if not pos_queue or pos_queue[0][0] > x + 1: cmlenz@818: pos_queue.appendleft((x + 1, [], [child_counter])) cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: pos_queue[0][2].append(child_counter) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # if axis is not self we have to add it to child's list cmlenz@818: if next_axis is not SELF: cmlenz@818: next_pos.append((x + 1, [child_counter])) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if kind is START: cmlenz@818: stack.append(next_pos) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: return retval cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: return _test cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: class SimplePathStrategy(object): cmlenz@818: """Strategy for path with only local names, attributes and text nodes.""" cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: @classmethod cmlenz@818: def supports(cls, path): cmlenz@818: if path[0][0] is ATTRIBUTE: cmlenz@818: return False cmlenz@818: allowed_tests = (LocalNameTest, CommentNodeTest, TextNodeTest) cmlenz@818: for _, nodetest, predicates in path: cmlenz@818: if predicates: cmlenz@818: return False cmlenz@818: if not isinstance(nodetest, allowed_tests): cmlenz@818: return False cmlenz@818: return True cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def __init__(self, path): cmlenz@818: # fragments is list of tuples (fragment, pi, attr, self_beginning) cmlenz@818: # fragment is list of nodetests for fragment of path with only cmlenz@818: # child:: axes between cmlenz@818: # pi is KMP partial match table for this fragment cmlenz@818: # attr is attribute nodetest if fragment ends with @ and None otherwise cmlenz@818: # self_beginning is True if axis for first fragment element cmlenz@818: # was self (first fragment) or descendant-or-self (farther fragment) cmlenz@818: self.fragments = [] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: self_beginning = False cmlenz@818: fragment = [] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def nodes_equal(node1, node2): cmlenz@818: """Tests if two node tests are equal""" cmlenz@818: if node1.__class__ is not node2.__class__: cmlenz@818: return False cmlenz@818: if node1.__class__ == LocalNameTest: cmlenz@818: return == cmlenz@818: return True cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def calculate_pi(f): cmlenz@818: """KMP prefix calculation for table""" cmlenz@818: # the indexes in prefix table are shifted by one cmlenz@818: # in comparision with common implementations cmlenz@818: # pi[i] = NORMAL_PI[i + 1] cmlenz@818: if len(f) == 0: cmlenz@818: return [] cmlenz@818: pi = [0] cmlenz@818: s = 0 cmlenz@818: for i in xrange(1, len(f)): cmlenz@818: while s > 0 and not nodes_equal(f[s], f[i]): cmlenz@818: s = pi[s-1] cmlenz@818: if nodes_equal(f[s], f[i]): cmlenz@818: s += 1 cmlenz@818: pi.append(s) cmlenz@818: return pi cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: for axis in path: cmlenz@818: if axis[0] is SELF: cmlenz@818: if len(fragment) != 0: cmlenz@818: # if element is not first in fragment it has to be cmlenz@818: # the same as previous one cmlenz@818: # for example child::a/self::b is always wrong cmlenz@818: if axis[1] != fragment[-1][1]: cmlenz@818: self.fragments = None cmlenz@818: return cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: self_beginning = True cmlenz@818: fragment.append(axis[1]) cmlenz@818: elif axis[0] is CHILD: cmlenz@818: fragment.append(axis[1]) cmlenz@818: elif axis[0] is ATTRIBUTE: cmlenz@818: pi = calculate_pi(fragment) cmlenz@818: self.fragments.append((fragment, pi, axis[1], self_beginning)) cmlenz@818: # attribute has always to be at the end, so we can jump out cmlenz@818: return cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: pi = calculate_pi(fragment) cmlenz@818: self.fragments.append((fragment, pi, None, self_beginning)) cmlenz@818: fragment = [axis[1]] cmlenz@818: if axis[0] is DESCENDANT: cmlenz@818: self_beginning = False cmlenz@818: else: # DESCENDANT_OR_SELF cmlenz@818: self_beginning = True cmlenz@818: pi = calculate_pi(fragment) cmlenz@818: self.fragments.append((fragment, pi, None, self_beginning)) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def test(self, ignore_context): cmlenz@818: # stack of triples (fid, p, ic) cmlenz@818: # fid is index of current fragment cmlenz@818: # p is position in this fragment cmlenz@818: # ic is if we ignore context in this fragment cmlenz@818: stack = [] cmlenz@818: stack_push = stack.append cmlenz@818: stack_pop = stack.pop cmlenz@818: frags = self.fragments cmlenz@818: frags_len = len(frags) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def _test(event, namespaces, variables, updateonly=False): cmlenz@818: # expression found impossible during init cmlenz@818: if frags is None: cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: kind, data, pos = event[:3] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # skip events we don't care about cmlenz@818: if kind is END: cmlenz@818: if stack: cmlenz@818: stack_pop() cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: if kind is START_NS or kind is END_NS \ cmlenz@818: or kind is START_CDATA or kind is END_CDATA: cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if not stack: cmlenz@818: # root node, nothing on stack, special case cmlenz@818: fid = 0 cmlenz@818: # skip empty fragments (there can be actually only one) cmlenz@818: while not frags[fid][0]: cmlenz@818: fid += 1 cmlenz@818: p = 0 cmlenz@818: # empty fragment means descendant node at beginning cmlenz@818: ic = ignore_context or (fid > 0) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # expression can match first node, if first axis is self::, cmlenz@818: # descendant-or-self:: or if ignore_context is True and cmlenz@818: # axis is not descendant:: cmlenz@818: if not frags[fid][3] and (not ignore_context or fid > 0): cmlenz@818: # axis is not self-beggining, we have to skip this node cmlenz@818: stack_push((fid, p, ic)) cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: # take position of parent cmlenz@818: fid, p, ic = stack[-1] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if fid is not None and not ic: cmlenz@818: # fragment not ignoring context - we can't jump back cmlenz@818: frag, pi, attrib, _ = frags[fid] cmlenz@818: frag_len = len(frag) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if p == frag_len: cmlenz@818: # that probably means empty first fragment cmlenz@818: pass cmlenz@818: elif frag[p](kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@818: # match, so we can go further cmlenz@818: p += 1 cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: # not matched, so there will be no match in subtree cmlenz@818: fid, p = None, None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if p == frag_len and fid + 1 != frags_len: cmlenz@818: # we made it to end of fragment, we can go to following cmlenz@818: fid += 1 cmlenz@818: p = 0 cmlenz@818: ic = True cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if fid is None: cmlenz@818: # there was no match in fragment not ignoring context cmlenz@818: if kind is START: cmlenz@818: stack_push((fid, p, ic)) cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if ic: cmlenz@818: # we are in fragment ignoring context cmlenz@818: while True: cmlenz@818: frag, pi, attrib, _ = frags[fid] cmlenz@818: frag_len = len(frag) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # KMP new "character" cmlenz@818: while p > 0 and (p >= frag_len or not \ cmlenz@818: frag[p](kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)): cmlenz@818: p = pi[p-1] cmlenz@818: if frag[p](kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@818: p += 1 cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if p == frag_len: cmlenz@818: # end of fragment reached cmlenz@818: if fid + 1 == frags_len: cmlenz@818: # that was last fragment cmlenz@818: break cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: fid += 1 cmlenz@818: p = 0 cmlenz@818: ic = True cmlenz@818: if not frags[fid][3]: cmlenz@818: # next fragment not self-beginning cmlenz@818: break cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: break cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if kind is START: cmlenz@818: # we have to put new position on stack, for children cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if not ic and fid + 1 == frags_len and p == frag_len: cmlenz@818: # it is end of the only, not context ignoring fragment cmlenz@818: # so there will be no matches in subtree cmlenz@818: stack_push((None, None, ic)) cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: stack_push((fid, p, ic)) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # have we reached the end of the last fragment? cmlenz@818: if fid + 1 == frags_len and p == frag_len: cmlenz@818: if attrib: # attribute ended path, return value cmlenz@818: return attrib(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@818: return True cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: return _test cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: class SingleStepStrategy(object): cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: @classmethod cmlenz@818: def supports(cls, path): cmlenz@818: return len(path) == 1 cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def __init__(self, path): cmlenz@818: self.path = path cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def test(self, ignore_context): cmlenz@818: steps = self.path cmlenz@818: if steps[0][0] is ATTRIBUTE: cmlenz@818: steps = [_DOTSLASH] + steps cmlenz@818: select_attr = steps[-1][0] is ATTRIBUTE and steps[-1][1] or None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # for every position in expression stores counters' list cmlenz@818: # it is used for position based predicates cmlenz@818: counters = [] cmlenz@818: depth = [0] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: def _test(event, namespaces, variables, updateonly=False): cmlenz@818: kind, data, pos = event[:3] cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: # Manage the stack that tells us "where we are" in the stream cmlenz@818: if kind is END: cmlenz@818: if not ignore_context: cmlenz@818: depth[0] -= 1 cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: elif kind is START_NS or kind is END_NS \ cmlenz@818: or kind is START_CDATA or kind is END_CDATA: cmlenz@818: # should we make namespaces work? cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if not ignore_context: cmlenz@818: outside = (steps[0][0] is SELF and depth[0] != 0) \ cmlenz@818: or (steps[0][0] is CHILD and depth[0] != 1) \ cmlenz@818: or (steps[0][0] is DESCENDANT and depth[0] < 1) cmlenz@818: if kind is START: cmlenz@818: depth[0] += 1 cmlenz@818: if outside: cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: axis, nodetest, predicates = steps[0] cmlenz@818: if not nodetest(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if predicates: cmlenz@818: cnum = 0 cmlenz@818: for predicate in predicates: cmlenz@818: pretval = predicate(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@818: if type(pretval) is float: # FIXME <- need to check this cmlenz@818: # for other types that can be cmlenz@818: # coerced to float cmlenz@818: if len(counters) < cnum + 1: cmlenz@818: counters.append(0) cmlenz@818: counters[cnum] += 1 cmlenz@818: if counters[cnum] != int(pretval): cmlenz@818: pretval = False cmlenz@818: cnum += 1 cmlenz@818: if not pretval: cmlenz@818: return None cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: if select_attr: cmlenz@818: return select_attr(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: return True cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: return _test cmlenz@818: cmlenz@818: cmlenz@1: class Path(object): cmlenz@26: """Implements basic XPath support on streams. cmlenz@1: cmlenz@818: Instances of this class represent a "compiled" XPath expression, and cmlenz@818: provide methods for testing the path against a stream, as well as cmlenz@818: extracting a substream matching that path. cmlenz@1: """ cmlenz@1: cmlenz@818: STRATEGIES = (SingleStepStrategy, SimplePathStrategy, GenericStrategy) cmlenz@818: cmlenz@139: def __init__(self, text, filename=None, lineno=-1): cmlenz@26: """Create the path object from a string. cmlenz@26: cmlenz@425: :param text: the path expression cmlenz@498: :param filename: the name of the file in which the path expression was cmlenz@498: found (used in error messages) cmlenz@498: :param lineno: the line on which the expression was found cmlenz@26: """ cmlenz@1: self.source = text cmlenz@139: self.paths = PathParser(text, filename, lineno).parse() cmlenz@818: self.strategies = [] cmlenz@818: for path in self.paths: cmlenz@818: for strategy_class in self.STRATEGIES: cmlenz@818: if strategy_class.supports(path): cmlenz@818: self.strategies.append(strategy_class(path)) cmlenz@818: break cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: raise NotImplemented, "This path is not implemented" cmlenz@1: cmlenz@1: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: paths = [] cmlenz@137: for path in self.paths: cmlenz@137: steps = [] cmlenz@137: for axis, nodetest, predicates in path: cmlenz@137: steps.append('%s::%s' % (axis, nodetest)) cmlenz@137: for predicate in predicates: cmlenz@224: steps[-1] += '[%s]' % predicate cmlenz@137: paths.append('/'.join(steps)) cmlenz@137: return '<%s "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, '|'.join(paths)) cmlenz@1: cmlenz@224: def select(self, stream, namespaces=None, variables=None): cmlenz@26: """Returns a substream of the given stream that matches the path. cmlenz@26: cmlenz@26: If there are no matches, this method returns an empty stream. cmlenz@26: cmlenz@230: >>> from genshi.input import XML cmlenz@33: >>> xml = XML('Text') cmlenz@61: cmlenz@216: >>> print Path('.//child').select(xml) cmlenz@33: Text cmlenz@33: cmlenz@216: >>> print Path('.//child/text()').select(xml) cmlenz@33: Text cmlenz@33: cmlenz@425: :param stream: the stream to select from cmlenz@425: :param namespaces: (optional) a mapping of namespace prefixes to URIs cmlenz@425: :param variables: (optional) a mapping of variable names to values cmlenz@425: :return: the substream matching the path, or an empty stream cmlenz@498: :rtype: `Stream` cmlenz@26: """ cmlenz@224: if namespaces is None: cmlenz@224: namespaces = {} cmlenz@224: if variables is None: cmlenz@224: variables = {} cmlenz@1: stream = iter(stream) cmlenz@818: def _generate(stream=stream, ns=namespaces, vs=variables): cmlenz@818: next = cmlenz@1: test = self.test() cmlenz@305: for event in stream: cmlenz@818: result = test(event, ns, vs) cmlenz@1: if result is True: cmlenz@305: yield event cmlenz@330: if event[0] is START: cmlenz@330: depth = 1 cmlenz@330: while depth > 0: cmlenz@818: subevent = next() cmlenz@330: if subevent[0] is START: cmlenz@330: depth += 1 cmlenz@330: elif subevent[0] is END: cmlenz@330: depth -= 1 cmlenz@330: yield subevent cmlenz@818: test(subevent, ns, vs, updateonly=True) cmlenz@1: elif result: cmlenz@1: yield result cmlenz@605: return Stream(_generate(), cmlenz@605: serializer=getattr(stream, 'serializer', None)) cmlenz@1: cmlenz@38: def test(self, ignore_context=False): cmlenz@26: """Returns a function that can be used to track whether the path matches cmlenz@26: a specific stream event. cmlenz@26: cmlenz@425: The function returned expects the positional arguments ``event``, cmlenz@425: ``namespaces`` and ``variables``. The first is a stream event, while the cmlenz@305: latter two are a mapping of namespace prefixes to URIs, and a mapping cmlenz@306: of variable names to values, respectively. In addition, the function cmlenz@425: accepts an ``updateonly`` keyword argument that default to ``False``. If cmlenz@425: it is set to ``True``, the function only updates its internal state, cmlenz@306: but does not perform any tests or return a result. cmlenz@224: cmlenz@224: If the path matches the event, the function returns the match (for cmlenz@425: example, a `START` or `TEXT` event.) Otherwise, it returns ``None``. cmlenz@33: cmlenz@230: >>> from genshi.input import XML cmlenz@33: >>> xml = XML('') cmlenz@33: >>> test = Path('child').test() cmlenz@818: >>> namespaces, variables = {}, {} cmlenz@305: >>> for event in xml: cmlenz@818: ... if test(event, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@386: ... print event[0], repr(event[1]) cmlenz@386: START (QName(u'child'), Attrs([(QName(u'id'), u'2')])) cmlenz@498: cmlenz@498: :param ignore_context: if `True`, the path is interpreted like a pattern cmlenz@498: in XSLT, meaning for example that it will match cmlenz@498: at any depth cmlenz@498: :return: a function that can be used to test individual events in a cmlenz@498: stream against the path cmlenz@498: :rtype: ``function`` cmlenz@26: """ cmlenz@818: tests = [s.test(ignore_context) for s in self.strategies] cmlenz@818: if len(tests) == 1: cmlenz@818: return tests[0] cmlenz@216: cmlenz@818: def _multi(event, namespaces, variables, updateonly=False): cmlenz@818: retval = None cmlenz@818: for test in tests: cmlenz@818: val = test(event, namespaces, variables, updateonly=updateonly) cmlenz@818: if retval is None: cmlenz@818: retval = val cmlenz@259: return retval cmlenz@818: return _multi cmlenz@1: cmlenz@1: cmlenz@106: class PathSyntaxError(Exception): cmlenz@106: """Exception raised when an XPath expression is syntactically incorrect.""" cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def __init__(self, message, filename=None, lineno=-1, offset=-1): cmlenz@106: if filename: cmlenz@106: message = '%s (%s, line %d)' % (message, filename, lineno) cmlenz@106: Exception.__init__(self, message) cmlenz@106: self.filename = filename cmlenz@106: self.lineno = lineno cmlenz@106: self.offset = offset cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: cmlenz@137: class PathParser(object): cmlenz@106: """Tokenizes and parses an XPath expression.""" cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: _QUOTES = (("'", "'"), ('"', '"')) cmlenz@106: _TOKENS = ('::', ':', '..', '.', '//', '/', '[', ']', '()', '(', ')', '@', cmlenz@179: '=', '!=', '!', '|', ',', '>=', '>', '<=', '<', '$') cmlenz@163: _tokenize = re.compile('("[^"]*")|(\'[^\']*\')|((?:\d+)?\.\d+)|(%s)|([^%s\s]+)|\s+' % ( cmlenz@106: '|'.join([re.escape(t) for t in _TOKENS]), cmlenz@106: ''.join([re.escape(t[0]) for t in _TOKENS]))).findall cmlenz@106: cmlenz@139: def __init__(self, text, filename=None, lineno=-1): cmlenz@139: self.filename = filename cmlenz@139: self.lineno = lineno cmlenz@163: self.tokens = filter(None, [dqstr or sqstr or number or token or name cmlenz@163: for dqstr, sqstr, number, token, name in cmlenz@155: self._tokenize(text)]) cmlenz@106: self.pos = 0 cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: # Tokenizer cmlenz@106: cmlenz@822: @property cmlenz@822: def at_end(self): cmlenz@822: return self.pos == len(self.tokens) - 1 cmlenz@822: cmlenz@822: @property cmlenz@822: def cur_token(self): cmlenz@822: return self.tokens[self.pos] cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def next_token(self): cmlenz@106: self.pos += 1 cmlenz@106: return self.tokens[self.pos] cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def peek_token(self): cmlenz@106: if not self.at_end: cmlenz@106: return self.tokens[self.pos + 1] cmlenz@106: return None cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: # Recursive descent parser cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def parse(self): cmlenz@106: """Parses the XPath expression and returns a list of location path cmlenz@106: tests. cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: For union expressions (such as `*|text()`), this function returns one cmlenz@106: test for each operand in the union. For patch expressions that don't cmlenz@106: use the union operator, the function always returns a list of size 1. cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: Each path test in turn is a sequence of tests that correspond to the cmlenz@111: location steps, each tuples of the form `(axis, testfunc, predicates)` cmlenz@106: """ cmlenz@106: paths = [self._location_path()] cmlenz@106: while self.cur_token == '|': cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@106: paths.append(self._location_path()) cmlenz@106: if not self.at_end: cmlenz@106: raise PathSyntaxError('Unexpected token %r after end of expression' cmlenz@139: % self.cur_token, self.filename, self.lineno) cmlenz@106: return paths cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _location_path(self): cmlenz@106: steps = [] cmlenz@106: while True: cmlenz@215: if self.cur_token.startswith('/'): cmlenz@818: if not steps: cmlenz@818: if self.cur_token == '//': cmlenz@818: # hack to make //* match every node - also root cmlenz@818: self.next_token() cmlenz@818: axis, nodetest, predicates = self._location_step() cmlenz@818: steps.append((DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, nodetest, cmlenz@818: predicates)) cmlenz@818: if self.at_end or not self.cur_token.startswith('/'): cmlenz@818: break cmlenz@818: continue cmlenz@818: else: cmlenz@818: raise PathSyntaxError('Absolute location paths not ' cmlenz@818: 'supported', self.filename, cmlenz@818: self.lineno) cmlenz@818: elif self.cur_token == '//': cmlenz@215: steps.append((DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, NodeTest(), [])) cmlenz@111: self.next_token() cmlenz@111: cmlenz@137: axis, nodetest, predicates = self._location_step() cmlenz@137: if not axis: cmlenz@145: axis = CHILD cmlenz@137: steps.append((axis, nodetest, predicates)) cmlenz@111: if self.at_end or not self.cur_token.startswith('/'): cmlenz@106: break cmlenz@111: cmlenz@106: return steps cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _location_step(self): cmlenz@106: if self.cur_token == '@': cmlenz@114: axis = ATTRIBUTE cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@111: elif self.cur_token == '.': cmlenz@114: axis = SELF cmlenz@137: elif self.cur_token == '..': cmlenz@139: raise PathSyntaxError('Unsupported axis "parent"', self.filename, cmlenz@139: self.lineno) cmlenz@111: elif self.peek_token() == '::': cmlenz@114: axis = Axis.forname(self.cur_token) cmlenz@114: if axis is None: cmlenz@139: raise PathSyntaxError('Unsupport axis "%s"' % axis, cmlenz@139: self.filename, self.lineno) cmlenz@111: self.next_token() cmlenz@111: self.next_token() cmlenz@106: else: cmlenz@137: axis = None cmlenz@137: nodetest = self._node_test(axis or CHILD) cmlenz@111: predicates = [] cmlenz@106: while self.cur_token == '[': cmlenz@111: predicates.append(self._predicate()) cmlenz@137: return axis, nodetest, predicates cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _node_test(self, axis=None): cmlenz@224: test = prefix = None cmlenz@224: next_token = self.peek_token() cmlenz@224: if next_token in ('(', '()'): # Node type test cmlenz@106: test = self._node_type() cmlenz@106: cmlenz@224: elif next_token == ':': # Namespace prefix cmlenz@224: prefix = self.cur_token cmlenz@224: self.next_token() cmlenz@224: localname = self.next_token() cmlenz@224: if localname == '*': cmlenz@224: test = QualifiedPrincipalTypeTest(axis, prefix) cmlenz@224: else: cmlenz@224: test = QualifiedNameTest(axis, prefix, localname) cmlenz@224: cmlenz@106: else: # Name test cmlenz@137: if self.cur_token == '*': cmlenz@137: test = PrincipalTypeTest(axis) cmlenz@137: elif self.cur_token == '.': cmlenz@137: test = NodeTest() cmlenz@106: else: cmlenz@137: test = LocalNameTest(axis, self.cur_token) cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: if not self.at_end: cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@106: return test cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _node_type(self): cmlenz@106: name = self.cur_token cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: args = [] cmlenz@137: if self.cur_token != '()': cmlenz@137: # The processing-instruction() function optionally accepts the cmlenz@137: # name of the PI as argument, which must be a literal string cmlenz@137: self.next_token() # ( cmlenz@137: if self.cur_token != ')': cmlenz@137: string = self.cur_token cmlenz@137: if (string[0], string[-1]) in self._QUOTES: cmlenz@137: string = string[1:-1] cmlenz@137: args.append(string) cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: cls = _nodetest_map.get(name) cmlenz@137: if not cls: cmlenz@139: raise PathSyntaxError('%s() not allowed here' % name, self.filename, cmlenz@139: self.lineno) cmlenz@137: return cls(*args) cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _predicate(self): cmlenz@106: assert self.cur_token == '[' cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@111: expr = self._or_expr() cmlenz@121: if self.cur_token != ']': cmlenz@121: raise PathSyntaxError('Expected "]" to close predicate, ' cmlenz@139: 'but found "%s"' % self.cur_token, cmlenz@139: self.filename, self.lineno) cmlenz@111: if not self.at_end: cmlenz@111: self.next_token() cmlenz@111: return expr cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _or_expr(self): cmlenz@106: expr = self._and_expr() cmlenz@106: while self.cur_token == 'or': cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@137: expr = OrOperator(expr, self._and_expr()) cmlenz@106: return expr cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _and_expr(self): cmlenz@106: expr = self._equality_expr() cmlenz@106: while self.cur_token == 'and': cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@137: expr = AndOperator(expr, self._equality_expr()) cmlenz@106: return expr cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _equality_expr(self): cmlenz@162: expr = self._relational_expr() cmlenz@162: while self.cur_token in ('=', '!='): cmlenz@162: op = _operator_map[self.cur_token] cmlenz@162: self.next_token() cmlenz@162: expr = op(expr, self._relational_expr()) cmlenz@162: return expr cmlenz@162: cmlenz@162: def _relational_expr(self): athomas@516: expr = self._sub_expr() cmlenz@162: while self.cur_token in ('>', '>=', '<', '>='): cmlenz@162: op = _operator_map[self.cur_token] cmlenz@106: self.next_token() athomas@516: expr = op(expr, self._sub_expr()) athomas@516: return expr athomas@516: athomas@516: def _sub_expr(self): athomas@516: token = self.cur_token athomas@516: if token != '(': athomas@516: return self._primary_expr() athomas@516: self.next_token() athomas@516: expr = self._or_expr() athomas@516: if self.cur_token != ')': athomas@516: raise PathSyntaxError('Expected ")" to close sub-expression, ' athomas@516: 'but found "%s"' % self.cur_token, athomas@516: self.filename, self.lineno) athomas@516: self.next_token() cmlenz@106: return expr cmlenz@106: cmlenz@106: def _primary_expr(self): cmlenz@106: token = self.cur_token cmlenz@106: if len(token) > 1 and (token[0], token[-1]) in self._QUOTES: cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@137: return StringLiteral(token[1:-1]) cmlenz@163: elif token[0].isdigit() or token[0] == '.': cmlenz@106: self.next_token() athomas@518: return NumberLiteral(as_float(token)) cmlenz@179: elif token == '$': cmlenz@179: token = self.next_token() cmlenz@179: self.next_token() cmlenz@179: return VariableReference(token) cmlenz@121: elif not self.at_end and self.peek_token().startswith('('): cmlenz@155: return self._function_call() cmlenz@106: else: cmlenz@106: axis = None cmlenz@106: if token == '@': cmlenz@114: axis = ATTRIBUTE cmlenz@106: self.next_token() cmlenz@106: return self._node_test(axis) cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: def _function_call(self): cmlenz@155: name = self.cur_token cmlenz@155: if self.next_token() == '()': cmlenz@155: args = [] cmlenz@155: else: cmlenz@155: assert self.cur_token == '(' cmlenz@155: self.next_token() cmlenz@155: args = [self._or_expr()] cmlenz@155: while self.cur_token == ',': cmlenz@155: self.next_token() cmlenz@155: args.append(self._or_expr()) cmlenz@155: if not self.cur_token == ')': cmlenz@155: raise PathSyntaxError('Expected ")" to close function argument ' cmlenz@155: 'list, but found "%s"' % self.cur_token, cmlenz@155: self.filename, self.lineno) cmlenz@155: self.next_token() cmlenz@155: cls = _function_map.get(name) cmlenz@155: if not cls: cmlenz@155: raise PathSyntaxError('Unsupported function "%s"' % name, cmlenz@155: self.filename, self.lineno) cmlenz@155: return cls(*args) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@137: athomas@518: # Type coercion athomas@518: athomas@518: def as_scalar(value): athomas@518: """Convert value to a scalar. If a single element Attrs() object is passed athomas@518: the value of the single attribute will be returned.""" athomas@518: if isinstance(value, Attrs): athomas@518: assert len(value) == 1 athomas@518: return value[0][1] athomas@518: else: athomas@518: return value athomas@518: athomas@518: def as_float(value): athomas@518: # FIXME - if value is a bool it will be coerced to 0.0 and consequently athomas@518: # compared as a float. This is probably not ideal. athomas@518: return float(as_scalar(value)) athomas@518: athomas@518: def as_long(value): athomas@518: return long(as_scalar(value)) athomas@518: athomas@518: def as_string(value): athomas@518: value = as_scalar(value) athomas@518: if value is False: cmlenz@852: return '' athomas@518: return unicode(value) athomas@518: athomas@518: def as_bool(value): athomas@518: return bool(as_scalar(value)) athomas@518: athomas@518: cmlenz@137: # Node tests cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: class PrincipalTypeTest(object): cmlenz@161: """Node test that matches any event with the given principal type.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['principal_type'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, principal_type): cmlenz@137: self.principal_type = principal_type cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@137: if kind is START: cmlenz@137: if self.principal_type is ATTRIBUTE: cmlenz@137: return data[1] or None cmlenz@137: else: cmlenz@137: return True cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return '*' cmlenz@137: cmlenz@224: class QualifiedPrincipalTypeTest(object): cmlenz@224: """Node test that matches any event with the given principal type in a cmlenz@224: specific namespace.""" cmlenz@224: __slots__ = ['principal_type', 'prefix'] cmlenz@224: def __init__(self, principal_type, prefix): cmlenz@224: self.principal_type = principal_type cmlenz@224: self.prefix = prefix cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: namespace = Namespace(namespaces.get(self.prefix)) cmlenz@224: if kind is START: cmlenz@224: if self.principal_type is ATTRIBUTE and data[1]: cmlenz@224: return Attrs([(name, value) for name, value in data[1] cmlenz@224: if name in namespace]) or None cmlenz@224: else: cmlenz@224: return data[0] in namespace cmlenz@224: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@224: return '%s:*' % self.prefix cmlenz@224: cmlenz@137: class LocalNameTest(object): cmlenz@364: """Node test that matches any event with the given principal type and cmlenz@161: local name. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['principal_type', 'name'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, principal_type, name): cmlenz@137: self.principal_type = principal_type cmlenz@137: = name cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@137: if kind is START: cmlenz@137: if self.principal_type is ATTRIBUTE and in data[1]: athomas@518: return Attrs([(, data[1].get(]) cmlenz@137: else: cmlenz@137: return data[0].localname == cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return cmlenz@137: cmlenz@224: class QualifiedNameTest(object): cmlenz@364: """Node test that matches any event with the given principal type and cmlenz@224: qualified name. cmlenz@224: """ cmlenz@224: __slots__ = ['principal_type', 'prefix', 'name'] cmlenz@224: def __init__(self, principal_type, prefix, name): cmlenz@224: self.principal_type = principal_type cmlenz@224: self.prefix = prefix cmlenz@224: = name cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: qname = QName('%s}%s' % (namespaces.get(self.prefix), cmlenz@224: if kind is START: cmlenz@224: if self.principal_type is ATTRIBUTE and qname in data[1]: athomas@518: return Attrs([(, data[1].get(]) cmlenz@224: else: cmlenz@224: return data[0] == qname cmlenz@224: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@224: return '%s:%s' % (self.prefix, cmlenz@224: cmlenz@137: class CommentNodeTest(object): cmlenz@161: """Node test that matches any comment events.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@330: return kind is COMMENT cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return 'comment()' cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: class NodeTest(object): cmlenz@161: """Node test that matches any node.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@137: if kind is START: cmlenz@137: return True cmlenz@137: return kind, data, pos cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return 'node()' cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: class ProcessingInstructionNodeTest(object): cmlenz@161: """Node test that matches any processing instruction event.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['target'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, target=None): cmlenz@137: = target cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@330: return kind is PI and (not or data[0] == cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: arg = '' cmlenz@137: if cmlenz@137: arg = '"' + + '"' cmlenz@137: return 'processing-instruction(%s)' % arg cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: class TextNodeTest(object): cmlenz@161: """Node test that matches any text event.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@330: return kind is TEXT cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return 'text()' cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: _nodetest_map = {'comment': CommentNodeTest, 'node': NodeTest, cmlenz@137: 'processing-instruction': ProcessingInstructionNodeTest, cmlenz@137: 'text': TextNodeTest} cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: # Functions cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: class Function(object): cmlenz@155: """Base class for function nodes in XPath expressions.""" cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class BooleanFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `boolean` function, which converts its argument to a boolean cmlenz@161: value. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['expr'] cmlenz@818: _return_type = bool cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, expr): cmlenz@155: self.expr = expr cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: val = self.expr(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_bool(val) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'boolean(%r)' % self.expr cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class CeilingFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `ceiling` function, which returns the nearest lower integer number cmlenz@161: for the given number. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['number'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, number): cmlenz@155: self.number = number cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: number = self.number(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return ceil(as_float(number)) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'ceiling(%r)' % self.number cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class ConcatFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `concat` function, which concatenates (joins) the variable number of cmlenz@161: strings it gets as arguments. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['exprs'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, *exprs): cmlenz@155: self.exprs = exprs cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@155: strings = [] cmlenz@224: for item in [expr(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: for expr in self.exprs]: athomas@518: strings.append(as_string(item)) cmlenz@852: return ''.join(strings) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@169: return 'concat(%s)' % ', '.join([repr(expr) for expr in self.exprs]) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class ContainsFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `contains` function, which returns whether a string contains a given cmlenz@161: substring. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@161: __slots__ = ['string1', 'string2'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, string1, string2): cmlenz@155: self.string1 = string1 cmlenz@155: self.string2 = string2 cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: string1 = self.string1(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: string2 = self.string2(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_string(string2) in as_string(string1) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'contains(%r, %r)' % (self.string1, self.string2) cmlenz@155: athomas@534: class MatchesFunction(Function): athomas@534: """The `matches` function, which returns whether a string matches a regular athomas@534: expression. athomas@534: """ athomas@534: __slots__ = ['string1', 'string2'] athomas@534: flag_mapping = {'s': re.S, 'm': re.M, 'i': re.I, 'x': re.X} athomas@534: athomas@534: def __init__(self, string1, string2, flags=''): athomas@534: self.string1 = string1 athomas@534: self.string2 = string2 athomas@534: self.flags = self._map_flags(flags) athomas@534: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@534: string1 = as_string(self.string1(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@534: string2 = as_string(self.string2(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@534: return, string1, self.flags) athomas@534: def _map_flags(self, flags): cmlenz@593: return reduce(operator.or_, athomas@534: [self.flag_map[flag] for flag in flags], re.U) athomas@534: def __repr__(self): athomas@534: return 'contains(%r, %r)' % (self.string1, self.string2) athomas@534: cmlenz@155: class FalseFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `false` function, which always returns the boolean `false` value.""" cmlenz@155: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@155: return False cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'false()' cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class FloorFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `ceiling` function, which returns the nearest higher integer number cmlenz@161: for the given number. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['number'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, number): cmlenz@155: self.number = number cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: number = self.number(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return floor(as_float(number)) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'floor(%r)' % self.number cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class LocalNameFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `local-name` function, which returns the local name of the current cmlenz@161: element. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@137: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@137: if kind is START: cmlenz@234: return data[0].localname cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return 'local-name()' cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: class NameFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `name` function, which returns the qualified name of the current cmlenz@161: element. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@137: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@137: if kind is START: cmlenz@234: return data[0] cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return 'name()' cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: class NamespaceUriFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `namespace-uri` function, which returns the namespace URI of the cmlenz@161: current element. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@137: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@137: if kind is START: cmlenz@234: return data[0].namespace cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return 'namespace-uri()' cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: class NotFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `not` function, which returns the negated boolean value of its cmlenz@161: argument. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['expr'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, expr): cmlenz@137: self.expr = expr cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: return not as_bool(self.expr(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return 'not(%s)' % self.expr cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: class NormalizeSpaceFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `normalize-space` function, which removes leading and trailing cmlenz@161: whitespace in the given string, and replaces multiple adjacent whitespace cmlenz@161: characters inside the string with a single space. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['expr'] cmlenz@155: _normalize = re.compile(r'\s{2,}').sub cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, expr): cmlenz@155: self.expr = expr cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: string = self.expr(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return self._normalize(' ', as_string(string).strip()) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'normalize-space(%s)' % repr(self.expr) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class NumberFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `number` function that converts its argument to a number.""" cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['expr'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, expr): cmlenz@155: self.expr = expr cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: val = self.expr(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_float(val) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'number(%r)' % self.expr cmlenz@155: cmlenz@162: class RoundFunction(Function): cmlenz@162: """The `round` function, which returns the nearest integer number for the cmlenz@162: given number. cmlenz@162: """ cmlenz@162: __slots__ = ['number'] cmlenz@162: def __init__(self, number): cmlenz@162: self.number = number cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: number = self.number(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return round(as_float(number)) cmlenz@162: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@162: return 'round(%r)' % self.number cmlenz@162: cmlenz@155: class StartsWithFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `starts-with` function that returns whether one string starts with cmlenz@161: a given substring. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['string1', 'string2'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, string1, string2): cmlenz@282: self.string1 = string1 cmlenz@155: self.string2 = string2 cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: string1 = self.string1(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: string2 = self.string2(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_string(string1).startswith(as_string(string2)) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'starts-with(%r, %r)' % (self.string1, self.string2) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class StringLengthFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `string-length` function that returns the length of the given cmlenz@161: string. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['expr'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, expr): cmlenz@155: self.expr = expr cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: string = self.expr(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return len(as_string(string)) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'string-length(%r)' % self.expr cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class SubstringFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `substring` function that returns the part of a string that starts cmlenz@161: at the given offset, and optionally limited to the given length. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['string', 'start', 'length'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, string, start, length=None): cmlenz@155: self.string = string cmlenz@155: self.start = start cmlenz@155: self.length = length cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: string = self.string(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: start = self.start(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@155: length = 0 cmlenz@155: if self.length is not None: cmlenz@224: length = self.length(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return string[as_long(start):len(as_string(string)) - as_long(length)] cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: if self.length is not None: cmlenz@155: return 'substring(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.string, self.start, cmlenz@155: self.length) cmlenz@155: else: cmlenz@155: return 'substring(%r, %r)' % (self.string, self.start) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class SubstringAfterFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `substring-after` function that returns the part of a string that cmlenz@161: is found after the given substring. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['string1', 'string2'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, string1, string2): cmlenz@155: self.string1 = string1 cmlenz@155: self.string2 = string2 cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: string1 = as_string(self.string1(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@518: string2 = as_string(self.string2(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@155: index = string1.find(string2) cmlenz@155: if index >= 0: cmlenz@155: return string1[index + len(string2):] cmlenz@852: return '' cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'substring-after(%r, %r)' % (self.string1, self.string2) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class SubstringBeforeFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `substring-before` function that returns the part of a string that cmlenz@161: is found before the given substring. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['string1', 'string2'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, string1, string2): cmlenz@155: self.string1 = string1 cmlenz@155: self.string2 = string2 cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: string1 = as_string(self.string1(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@518: string2 = as_string(self.string2(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@155: index = string1.find(string2) cmlenz@155: if index >= 0: cmlenz@155: return string1[:index] cmlenz@852: return '' cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'substring-after(%r, %r)' % (self.string1, self.string2) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class TranslateFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `translate` function that translates a set of characters in a cmlenz@161: string to target set of characters. cmlenz@161: """ cmlenz@155: __slots__ = ['string', 'fromchars', 'tochars'] cmlenz@155: def __init__(self, string, fromchars, tochars): cmlenz@155: self.string = string cmlenz@155: self.fromchars = fromchars cmlenz@155: self.tochars = tochars cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: string = as_string(self.string(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@518: fromchars = as_string(self.fromchars(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@518: tochars = as_string(self.tochars(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@155: table = dict(zip([ord(c) for c in fromchars], cmlenz@155: [ord(c) for c in tochars])) cmlenz@155: return string.translate(table) cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'translate(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.string, self.fromchars, cmlenz@155: self.tochars) cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class TrueFunction(Function): cmlenz@161: """The `true` function, which always returns the boolean `true` value.""" cmlenz@155: __slots__ = [] cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@155: return True cmlenz@155: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@155: return 'true()' cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: _function_map = {'boolean': BooleanFunction, 'ceiling': CeilingFunction, cmlenz@155: 'concat': ConcatFunction, 'contains': ContainsFunction, athomas@534: 'matches': MatchesFunction, 'false': FalseFunction, 'floor': athomas@534: FloorFunction, 'local-name': LocalNameFunction, 'name': athomas@534: NameFunction, 'namespace-uri': NamespaceUriFunction, cmlenz@155: 'normalize-space': NormalizeSpaceFunction, 'not': NotFunction, cmlenz@162: 'number': NumberFunction, 'round': RoundFunction, athomas@534: 'starts-with': StartsWithFunction, 'string-length': athomas@534: StringLengthFunction, 'substring': SubstringFunction, athomas@534: 'substring-after': SubstringAfterFunction, 'substring-before': athomas@534: SubstringBeforeFunction, 'translate': TranslateFunction, athomas@534: 'true': TrueFunction} cmlenz@137: cmlenz@179: # Literals & Variables cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: class Literal(object): cmlenz@155: """Abstract base class for literal nodes.""" cmlenz@155: cmlenz@155: class StringLiteral(Literal): cmlenz@161: """A string literal node.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['text'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, text): cmlenz@137: self.text = text cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@228: return self.text cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return '"%s"' % self.text cmlenz@137: cmlenz@155: class NumberLiteral(Literal): cmlenz@161: """A number literal node.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['number'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, number): cmlenz@137: self.number = number cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@228: return self.number cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return str(self.number) cmlenz@137: cmlenz@179: class VariableReference(Literal): cmlenz@179: """A variable reference node.""" cmlenz@179: __slots__ = ['name'] cmlenz@179: def __init__(self, name): cmlenz@179: = name cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@228: return variables.get( cmlenz@179: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@215: return str( cmlenz@179: cmlenz@137: # Operators cmlenz@137: cmlenz@137: class AndOperator(object): cmlenz@161: """The boolean operator `and`.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@137: self.lval = lval cmlenz@137: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: lval = as_bool(self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@161: if not lval: cmlenz@161: return False cmlenz@224: rval = self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_bool(rval) cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@161: return '%s and %s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@137: cmlenz@161: class EqualsOperator(object): cmlenz@161: """The equality operator `=`.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@137: self.lval = lval cmlenz@137: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: lval = as_scalar(self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@518: rval = as_scalar(self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@161: return lval == rval cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@161: return '%s=%s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@137: cmlenz@161: class NotEqualsOperator(object): cmlenz@161: """The equality operator `!=`.""" cmlenz@137: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@137: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@137: self.lval = lval cmlenz@137: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: lval = as_scalar(self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) athomas@518: rval = as_scalar(self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@161: return lval != rval cmlenz@161: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@161: return '%s!=%s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@161: cmlenz@161: class OrOperator(object): cmlenz@161: """The boolean operator `or`.""" cmlenz@161: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@161: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@161: self.lval = lval cmlenz@161: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): athomas@518: lval = as_bool(self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables)) cmlenz@161: if lval: cmlenz@137: return True cmlenz@224: rval = self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_bool(rval) cmlenz@137: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@137: return '%s or %s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@137: cmlenz@162: class GreaterThanOperator(object): cmlenz@162: """The relational operator `>` (greater than).""" cmlenz@162: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@162: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@162: self.lval = lval cmlenz@162: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: lval = self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: rval = self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_float(lval) > as_float(rval) cmlenz@162: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@162: return '%s>%s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@162: cmlenz@162: class GreaterThanOrEqualOperator(object): cmlenz@162: """The relational operator `>=` (greater than or equal).""" cmlenz@162: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@162: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@162: self.lval = lval cmlenz@162: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: lval = self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: rval = self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_float(lval) >= as_float(rval) cmlenz@162: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@162: return '%s>=%s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@162: cmlenz@162: class LessThanOperator(object): cmlenz@162: """The relational operator `<` (less than).""" cmlenz@162: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@162: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@162: self.lval = lval cmlenz@162: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: lval = self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: rval = self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_float(lval) < as_float(rval) cmlenz@162: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@162: return '%s<%s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@162: cmlenz@162: class LessThanOrEqualOperator(object): cmlenz@162: """The relational operator `<=` (less than or equal).""" cmlenz@162: __slots__ = ['lval', 'rval'] cmlenz@162: def __init__(self, lval, rval): cmlenz@162: self.lval = lval cmlenz@162: self.rval = rval cmlenz@224: def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables): cmlenz@224: lval = self.lval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) cmlenz@224: rval = self.rval(kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables) athomas@518: return as_float(lval) <= as_float(rval) cmlenz@162: def __repr__(self): cmlenz@162: return '%s<=%s' % (self.lval, self.rval) cmlenz@162: cmlenz@162: _operator_map = {'=': EqualsOperator, '!=': NotEqualsOperator, cmlenz@162: '>': GreaterThanOperator, '>=': GreaterThanOrEqualOperator, cmlenz@162: '<': LessThanOperator, '>=': LessThanOrEqualOperator} cmlenz@333: cmlenz@333: cmlenz@333: _DOTSLASHSLASH = (DESCENDANT_OR_SELF, PrincipalTypeTest(None), ()) cmlenz@818: _DOTSLASH = (SELF, PrincipalTypeTest(None), ())