view genshi/template/ @ 357:c5684b65c9b7

Improve the way locals (in list comprehensions, lambdas and generator expressions) are handled in template expressions.
author cmlenz
date Thu, 16 Nov 2006 16:18:21 +0000
parents 4ff2338e89cd
children d7da3fba7faf 55cf81951686
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 Edgewall Software
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at

"""Support for "safe" evaluation of Python expressions."""

import __builtin__
from compiler import ast, parse
from compiler.pycodegen import ExpressionCodeGenerator
import new
except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set

from genshi.util import flatten

__all__ = ['Expression', 'Undefined']

class Expression(object):
    """Evaluates Python expressions used in templates.

    >>> data = dict(test='Foo', items=[1, 2, 3], dict={'some': 'thing'})
    >>> Expression('test').evaluate(data)

    >>> Expression('items[0]').evaluate(data)
    >>> Expression('items[-1]').evaluate(data)
    >>> Expression('dict["some"]').evaluate(data)
    Similar to e.g. Javascript, expressions in templates can use the dot
    notation for attribute access to access items in mappings:
    >>> Expression('dict.some').evaluate(data)
    This also works the other way around: item access can be used to access
    any object attribute (meaning there's no use for `getattr()` in templates):
    >>> class MyClass(object):
    ...     myattr = 'Bar'
    >>> data = dict(mine=MyClass(), key='myattr')
    >>> Expression('mine.myattr').evaluate(data)
    >>> Expression('mine["myattr"]').evaluate(data)
    >>> Expression('mine[key]').evaluate(data)
    All of the standard Python operators are available to template expressions.
    Built-in functions such as `len()` are also available in template
    >>> data = dict(items=[1, 2, 3])
    >>> Expression('len(items)').evaluate(data)
    __slots__ = ['source', 'code']

    def __init__(self, source, filename=None, lineno=-1):
        """Create the expression, either from a string, or from an AST node.
        @param source: either a string containing the source code of the
            expression, or an AST node
        @param filename: the (preferably absolute) name of the file containing
            the expression
        @param lineno: the number of the line on which the expression was found
        if isinstance(source, basestring):
            self.source = source
            self.code = _compile(_parse(source), self.source, filename=filename,
            assert isinstance(source, ast.Node)
            self.source = '?'
            self.code = _compile(ast.Expression(source), filename=filename,

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (type(other) == Expression) and (self.code == other.code)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.code)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Expression(%r)' % self.source

    def evaluate(self, data):
        """Evaluate the expression against the given data dictionary.
        @param data: a mapping containing the data to evaluate against
        @return: the result of the evaluation
        return eval(self.code, {'data': data,
                                '_lookup_name': _lookup_name,
                                '_lookup_attr': _lookup_attr,
                                '_lookup_item': _lookup_item},
                               {'data': data})

class Undefined(object):
    """Represents a reference to an undefined variable.
    Unlike the Python runtime, template expressions can refer to an undefined
    variable without causing a `NameError` to be raised. The result will be an
    instance of the `Undefined´ class, which is treated the same as `False` in
    conditions, and acts as an empty collection in iterations:
    >>> foo = Undefined('foo')
    >>> bool(foo)
    >>> list(foo)
    >>> print foo
    However, calling an undefined variable, or trying to access an attribute
    of that variable, will raise an exception that includes the name used to
    reference that undefined variable.
    >>> foo('bar')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NameError: Variable "foo" is not defined

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NameError: Variable "foo" is not defined
    __slots__ = ['_name']

    def __init__(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        __traceback_hide__ = True

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        __traceback_hide__ = True

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter([])

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'undefined'

    def throw(self):
        __traceback_hide__ = True
        raise NameError('Variable "%s" is not defined' % self._name)

def _parse(source, mode='eval'):
    if isinstance(source, unicode):
        source = '\xef\xbb\xbf' + source.encode('utf-8')
    return parse(source, mode)

def _compile(node, source=None, filename=None, lineno=-1):
    tree = ExpressionASTTransformer().visit(node)
    if isinstance(filename, unicode):
        # unicode file names not allowed for code objects
        filename = filename.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
    elif not filename:
        filename = '<string>'
    tree.filename = filename
    if lineno <= 0:
        lineno = 1

    gen = ExpressionCodeGenerator(tree)
    gen.optimized = True
    code = gen.getCode()

    # We'd like to just set co_firstlineno, but it's readonly. So we need to
    # clone the code object while adjusting the line number
    return new.code(0, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize,
                    code.co_flags | 0x0040, code.co_code, code.co_consts,
                    code.co_names, code.co_varnames, filename,
                    '<Expression %s>' % (repr(source or '?').replace("'", '"')),
                    lineno, code.co_lnotab, (), ())

BUILTINS = __builtin__.__dict__.copy()
BUILTINS['Undefined'] = Undefined

def _lookup_name(data, name):
    __traceback_hide__ = True
    val = data.get(name, Undefined)
    if val is Undefined:
        val = BUILTINS.get(name, val)
        if val is Undefined:
            return val(name)
    return val

def _lookup_attr(data, obj, key):
    __traceback_hide__ = True
    if type(obj) is Undefined:
    if hasattr(obj, key):
        return getattr(obj, key)
        return obj[key]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
        return Undefined(key)

def _lookup_item(data, obj, key):
    __traceback_hide__ = True
    if type(obj) is Undefined:
    if len(key) == 1:
        key = key[0]
        return obj[key]
    except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError), e:
        if isinstance(key, basestring):
            val = getattr(obj, key, Undefined)
            if val is Undefined:
                val = Undefined(key)
            return val

class ASTTransformer(object):
    """General purpose base class for AST transformations.
    Every visitor method can be overridden to return an AST node that has been
    altered or replaced in some way.
    _visitors = {}

    def visit(self, node):
        v = self._visitors.get(node.__class__)
        if not v:
            v = getattr(self, 'visit%s' % node.__class__.__name__)
            self._visitors[node.__class__] = v
        return v(node)

    def visitExpression(self, node):
        node.node = self.visit(node.node)
        return node

    # Functions & Accessors

    def visitCallFunc(self, node):
        node.node = self.visit(node.node)
        node.args = [self.visit(x) for x in node.args]
        if node.star_args:
            node.star_args = self.visit(node.star_args)
        if node.dstar_args:
            node.dstar_args = self.visit(node.dstar_args)
        return node

    def visitLambda(self, node):
        node.code = self.visit(node.code)
        node.filename = '<string>' # workaround for bug in pycodegen
        return node

    def visitGetattr(self, node):
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        return node

    def visitSubscript(self, node):
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        node.subs = [self.visit(x) for x in node.subs]
        return node

    # Operators

    def _visitBoolOp(self, node):
        node.nodes = [self.visit(x) for x in node.nodes]
        return node
    visitAnd = visitOr = visitBitand = visitBitor = visitAssTuple = _visitBoolOp

    def _visitBinOp(self, node):
        node.left = self.visit(node.left)
        node.right = self.visit(node.right)
        return node
    visitAdd = visitSub = _visitBinOp
    visitDiv = visitFloorDiv = visitMod = visitMul = visitPower = _visitBinOp
    visitLeftShift = visitRightShift = _visitBinOp

    def visitCompare(self, node):
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        node.ops = [(op, self.visit(n)) for op, n in  node.ops]
        return node

    def _visitUnaryOp(self, node):
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        return node
    visitUnaryAdd = visitUnarySub = visitNot = visitInvert = _visitUnaryOp
    visitBackquote = _visitUnaryOp

    # Identifiers, Literals and Comprehensions

    def _visitDefault(self, node):
        return node
    visitAssName = visitConst = visitName = _visitDefault

    def visitDict(self, node):
        node.items = [(self.visit(k),
                       self.visit(v)) for k, v in node.items]
        return node

    def visitGenExpr(self, node):
        node.code = self.visit(node.code)
        node.filename = '<string>' # workaround for bug in pycodegen
        return node

    def visitGenExprFor(self, node):
        node.assign = self.visit(node.assign)
        node.iter = self.visit(node.iter)
        node.ifs = [self.visit(x) for x in node.ifs]
        return node

    def visitGenExprIf(self, node):
        node.test = self.visit(node.test)
        return node

    def visitGenExprInner(self, node):
        node.quals = [self.visit(x) for x in node.quals]
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        return node

    def visitKeyword(self, node):
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        return node

    def visitList(self, node):
        node.nodes = [self.visit(n) for n in node.nodes]
        return node

    def visitListComp(self, node):
        node.quals = [self.visit(x) for x in node.quals]
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        return node

    def visitListCompFor(self, node):
        node.assign = self.visit(node.assign)
        node.list = self.visit(node.list)
        node.ifs = [self.visit(x) for x in node.ifs]
        return node

    def visitListCompIf(self, node):
        node.test = self.visit(node.test)
        return node

    def visitSlice(self, node):
        node.expr = self.visit(node.expr)
        if node.lower is not None:
            node.lower = self.visit(node.lower)
        if node.upper is not None:
            node.upper = self.visit(node.upper)
        return node

    def visitSliceobj(self, node):
        node.nodes = [self.visit(x) for x in node.nodes]
        return node

    def visitTuple(self, node):
        node.nodes = [self.visit(n) for n in node.nodes]
        return node

class ExpressionASTTransformer(ASTTransformer):
    """Concrete AST transformer that implements the AST transformations needed
    for template expressions.

    def __init__(self):
        self.locals = []

    def visitConst(self, node):
        if isinstance(node.value, str):
            try: # If the string is ASCII, return a `str` object
            except ValueError: # Otherwise return a `unicode` object
                return ast.Const(node.value.decode('utf-8'))
        return node

    def visitAssName(self, node):
        return node

    def visitGenExpr(self, node):
        node = ASTTransformer.visitGenExpr(self, node)
        return node

    def visitGetattr(self, node):
        return ast.CallFunc(ast.Name('_lookup_attr'), [
            ast.Name('data'), self.visit(node.expr),

    def visitLambda(self, node):
        node = ASTTransformer.visitLambda(self, node)
        return node

    def visitListComp(self, node):
        node = ASTTransformer.visitListComp(self, node)
        return node

    def visitName(self, node):
        # If the name refers to a local inside a lambda, list comprehension, or
        # generator expression, leave it alone
        for frame in self.locals:
            if in frame:
                return node
        # Otherwise, translate the name ref into a context lookup
        func_args = [ast.Name('data'), ast.Const(]
        return ast.CallFunc(ast.Name('_lookup_name'), func_args)

    def visitSubscript(self, node):
        return ast.CallFunc(ast.Name('_lookup_item'), [
            ast.Name('data'), self.visit(node.expr),
            ast.Tuple([self.visit(sub) for sub in node.subs])
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