view @ 771:b4c973fbe6f5

Unbuffered match templates could result in parts of the matched content being included in the output if the match template didn't actually consume it via one or more calls to the `select()` function. Closes #243. Thanks to Felix Schwarz for the report and test case.
author cmlenz
date Mon, 07 Jul 2008 16:35:06 +0000
parents 3a456053fa1a
children d30a27266b45
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Edgewall Software
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at

from distutils.cmd import Command
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
from distutils.errors import CCompilerError, DistutilsPlatformError
import doctest
from glob import glob
import os
    from setuptools import setup, Extension, Feature
except ImportError:
    from distutils.core import setup, Extension
    Feature = None
import sys

sys.path.append(os.path.join('doc', 'common'))
    from doctools import build_doc, test_doc
except ImportError:
    build_doc = test_doc = None

class optional_build_ext(build_ext):
    # This class allows C extension building to fail.
    def run(self):
        except DistutilsPlatformError:

    def build_extension(self, ext):
            build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
        except CCompilerError, x:

    def _unavailable(self):
        print '*' * 70
        print """WARNING:
An optional C extension could not be compiled, speedups will not be
        print '*' * 70

if Feature:
    speedups = Feature(
        "optionial C speed-enhancements",
        standard = True,
        ext_modules = [
            Extension('genshi._speedups', ['genshi/_speedups.c']),
    speedups = None

    name = 'Genshi',
    version = '0.6',
    description = 'A toolkit for generation of output for the web',
    long_description = \
"""Genshi is a Python library that provides an integrated set of
components for parsing, generating, and processing HTML, XML or
other textual content for output generation on the web. The major
feature is a template language, which is heavily inspired by Kid.""",
    author = 'Edgewall Software',
    author_email = '',
    license = 'BSD',
    url = '',
    download_url = '',
    zip_safe = True,

    classifiers = [
        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
        'Environment :: Web Environment',
        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
        'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
        'Operating System :: OS Independent',
        'Programming Language :: Python',
        'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content',
        'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
        'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML',
        'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: XML'
    keywords = ['python.templating.engines'],
    packages = ['genshi', 'genshi.filters', 'genshi.template'],
    test_suite = 'genshi.tests.suite',

    extras_require = {
        'i18n': ['Babel>=0.8'],
        'plugin': ['setuptools>=0.6a2']
    entry_points = """
    genshi = genshi.filters.i18n:extract[i18n]
    genshi = genshi.template.plugin:MarkupTemplateEnginePlugin[plugin]
    genshi-markup = genshi.template.plugin:MarkupTemplateEnginePlugin[plugin]
    genshi-text = genshi.template.plugin:TextTemplateEnginePlugin[plugin]

    features = {'speedups': speedups},
    cmdclass = {'build_doc': build_doc, 'test_doc': test_doc,
                'build_ext': optional_build_ext}
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Edgewall Software