view markup/ @ 107:5a9b6e0aa3cc

Add example that shows how to transform an HTML document.
author cmlenz
date Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:52:23 +0000
parents 61fa4cadb766
children 8a4d9064f363
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 Edgewall Software
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at

"""Basic support for evaluating XPath expressions against streams."""

import re

from markup.core import QName, Stream, START, END, TEXT, COMMENT, PI

__all__ = ['Path', 'PathSyntaxError']

class Path(object):
    """Implements basic XPath support on streams.
    Instances of this class represent a "compiled" XPath expression, and provide
    methods for testing the path against a stream, as well as extracting a
    substream matching that path.

    def __init__(self, text):
        """Create the path object from a string.
        @param text: the path expression
        self.source = text
        self.paths = _PathParser(text).parse()

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.source)

    def select(self, stream):
        """Returns a substream of the given stream that matches the path.
        If there are no matches, this method returns an empty stream.
        >>> from markup.input import XML
        >>> xml = XML('<root><elem><child>Text</child></elem></root>')
        >>> print Path('child').select(xml)
        >>> print Path('child/text()').select(xml)
        @param stream: the stream to select from
        @return: the substream matching the path, or an empty stream
        stream = iter(stream)
        def _generate():
            test = self.test()
            for kind, data, pos in stream:
                result = test(kind, data, pos)
                if result is True:
                    yield kind, data, pos
                    depth = 1
                    while depth > 0:
                        subkind, subdata, subpos =
                        if subkind is START:
                            depth += 1
                        elif subkind is END:
                            depth -= 1
                        yield subkind, subdata, subpos
                        test(subkind, subdata, subpos)
                elif result:
                    yield result
        return Stream(_generate())

    def test(self, ignore_context=False):
        """Returns a function that can be used to track whether the path matches
        a specific stream event.
        The function returned expects the positional arguments `kind`, `data`,
        and `pos`, i.e. basically an unpacked stream event. If the path matches
        the event, the function returns the match (for example, a `START` or
        `TEXT` event.) Otherwise, it returns `None`.
        >>> from markup.input import XML
        >>> xml = XML('<root><elem><child id="1"/></elem><child id="2"/></root>')
        >>> test = Path('child').test()
        >>> for kind, data, pos in xml:
        ...     if test(kind, data, pos):
        ...         print kind, data
        START (u'child', [(u'id', u'1')])
        START (u'child', [(u'id', u'2')])
        paths = [(idx, steps, len(steps), [0])
                 for idx, steps in enumerate(self.paths)]

        def _test(kind, data, pos):
            for idx, steps, size, stack in paths:
                if not stack:
                cursor = stack[-1]

                if kind is END:

                elif kind is START:

                matched = None
                closure, node_test, predicates = steps[cursor]

                matched = node_test(kind, data, pos)
                if matched and predicates:
                    for predicate in predicates:
                        if not predicate(kind, data, pos):
                            matched = None

                if matched:
                    if cursor + 1 == size: # the last location step
                        if ignore_context or len(stack) > 2 \
                                          or node_test.axis != 'child':
                            return matched
                        stack[-1] += 1

                elif kind is START and not closure:
                    # If this step is not a closure, it cannot be matched until
                    # the current element is closed... so we need to move the
                    # cursor back to the last closure and retest that against
                    # the current element
                    closures = [step for step in steps[:cursor] if step[0]]
                    for closure, node_test, predicates in closures:
                        cursor -= 1
                        if closure:
                            matched = node_test(kind, data, pos)
                            if matched:
                                cursor += 1
                    stack[-1] = cursor

            return None

        return _test

def _node_test_current_element():
    def _node_test_current_element(kind, *_):
        return kind is START
    _node_test_current_element.axis = 'self'
    return _node_test_current_element

def _node_test_any_child_element():
    def _node_test_any_child_element(kind, *_):
        return kind is START
    _node_test_any_child_element.axis = 'child'
    return _node_test_any_child_element

def _node_test_child_element_by_name(name):
    def _node_test_child_element_by_name(kind, data, _):
        return kind is START and data[0].localname == name
    _node_test_child_element_by_name.axis = 'child'
    return _node_test_child_element_by_name

def _node_test_any_attribute():
    def _node_test_any_attribute(kind, data, _):
        if kind is START and data[1]:
            return data[1]
    _node_test_any_attribute.axis = 'attribute'
    return _node_test_any_attribute

def _node_test_attribute_by_name(name):
    def _node_test_attribute_by_name(kind, data, pos):
        if kind is START and name in data[1]:
            return TEXT, data[1].get(name), pos
    _node_test_attribute_by_name.axis = 'attribute'
    return _node_test_attribute_by_name

def _function_comment():
    def _function_comment(kind, data, pos):
        return kind is COMMENT and (kind, data, pos)
    _function_comment.axis = None
    return _function_comment

def _function_node():
    def _function_node(kind, data, pos):
        return True
    _function_node.axis = None
    return _function_node

def _function_processing_instruction(name=None):
    def _function_processing_instruction(kind, data, pos):
        if kind is PI and (not name or data[0] == name):
            return (kind, data, pos)
    _function_processing_instruction.axis = None
    return _function_processing_instruction

def _function_text():
    def _function_text(kind, data, pos):
        return kind is TEXT and (kind, data, pos)
    _function_text.axis = None
    return _function_text

def _literal_string(text):
    def _literal_string(*_):
        return TEXT, text, (None, -1, -1)
    _literal_string.axis = None
    return _literal_string

def _operator_eq(lval, rval):
    def _operator_eq(kind, data, pos):
        lv = lval(kind, data, pos)
        rv = rval(kind, data, pos)
        return (lv and lv[1]) == (rv and rv[1])
    _operator_eq.axis = None
    return _operator_eq

def _operator_neq(lval, rval):
    def _operator_neq(kind, data, pos):
        lv = lval(kind, data, pos)
        rv = rval(kind, data, pos)
        return (lv and lv[1]) != (rv and rv[1])
    _operator_neq.axis = None
    return _operator_neq

def _operator_and(lval, rval):
    def _operator_and(kind, data, pos):
        lv = lval(kind, data, pos)
        if not lv or (lv is not True and not lv[1]):
            return False
        rv = rval(kind, data, pos)
        if not rv or (rv is not True and not rv[1]):
            return False
        return True
    _operator_and.axis = None
    return _operator_and

def _operator_or(lval, rval):
    def _operator_or(kind, data, pos):
        lv = lval(kind, data, pos)
        if lv and (lv is True or lv[1]):
            return True
        rv = rval(kind, data, pos)
        if rv and (rv is True or rv[1]):
            return True
        return False
    _operator_or.axis = None
    return _operator_or

class PathSyntaxError(Exception):
    """Exception raised when an XPath expression is syntactically incorrect."""

    def __init__(self, message, filename=None, lineno=-1, offset=-1):
        if filename:
            message = '%s (%s, line %d)' % (message, filename, lineno)
        Exception.__init__(self, message)
        self.filename = filename
        self.lineno = lineno
        self.offset = offset

class _PathParser(object):
    """Tokenizes and parses an XPath expression."""

    _QUOTES = (("'", "'"), ('"', '"'))
    _TOKENS = ('::', ':', '..', '.', '//', '/', '[', ']', '()', '(', ')', '@',
               '=', '!=', '!', '|')
    _tokenize = re.compile('(%s)|([^%s\s]+)|\s+' % (
                           '|'.join([re.escape(t) for t in _TOKENS]),
                           ''.join([re.escape(t[0]) for t in _TOKENS]))).findall

    def __init__(self, text):
        self.tokens = filter(None, [a or b for a, b in self._tokenize(text)])
        self.pos = 0

    # Tokenizer

    at_end = property(lambda self: self.pos == len(self.tokens) - 1)
    cur_token = property(lambda self: self.tokens[self.pos])

    def next_token(self):
        self.pos += 1
        return self.tokens[self.pos]

    def peek_token(self):
        if not self.at_end:
            return self.tokens[self.pos + 1]
        return None

    # Recursive descent parser

    def parse(self):
        """Parses the XPath expression and returns a list of location path
        For union expressions (such as `*|text()`), this function returns one
        test for each operand in the union. For patch expressions that don't
        use the union operator, the function always returns a list of size 1.
        Each path test in turn is a sequence of tests that correspond to the
        location steps, each tuples of the form `(closure, testfunc, predicates)`
        paths = [self._location_path()]
        while self.cur_token == '|':
        if not self.at_end:
            raise PathSyntaxError('Unexpected token %r after end of expression'
                                  % self.cur_token)
        return paths

    def _location_path(self):
        next_is_closure = True
        if self.cur_token.startswith('/'):

        steps = []
        while True:
            step = self._location_step()
            steps.append((next_is_closure, step[1], step[2]))
            next_is_closure = False
            if self.cur_token == '//':
                next_is_closure = True
            elif self.at_end or self.cur_token != '/':
        return steps

    def _location_step(self):
        step = [False, None, []]
        if self.cur_token == '@':
            axis = 'attribute'
            # FIXME: support full axis specifiers (name followed by ::)
            axis = 'child'
        step[1] = self._node_test(axis)
        while self.cur_token == '[':
        return step

    def _node_test(self, axis=None):
        test = None
        if self.peek_token() in ('(', '()'): # Node type test
            test = self._node_type()

        else: # Name test
            if axis == 'attribute':
                if self.cur_token == '*':
                    test = _node_test_any_attribute()
                    test = _node_test_attribute_by_name(self.cur_token)
                if self.cur_token == '.':
                    test = _node_test_current_element()
                elif self.cur_token == '*':
                    test = _node_test_any_child_element()
                    test = _node_test_child_element_by_name(self.cur_token)

        if not self.at_end:
        return test

    def _node_type(self):
        name = self.cur_token
        if name == 'comment':
            return _function_comment()
        elif name == 'node':
            return _function_node()
        elif name == 'processing-instruction':
            args = []
            if self.cur_token != '()':
                # The processing-instruction() function optionally accepts the
                # name of the PI as argument, which must be a literal string
                self.next_token() # (
                if self.cur_token != ')':
                    string = self.cur_token
                    if (string[0], string[-1]) in self._QUOTES:
                        string = string[1:-1]
            return _function_processing_instruction(*args)
        elif name == 'text':
            return _function_text()
            raise PathSyntaxError('%s() not allowed here' % name)

    def _predicate(self):
        assert self.cur_token == '['
        return self._or_expr()
        assert self.cur_token == ']'

    def _or_expr(self):
        expr = self._and_expr()
        while self.cur_token == 'or':
            expr = _operator_or(expr, self._and_expr())
        return expr

    def _and_expr(self):
        expr = self._equality_expr()
        while self.cur_token == 'and':
            expr = _operator_and(expr, self._equality_expr())
        return expr

    def _equality_expr(self):
        expr = self._primary_expr()
        while self.cur_token in ('=', '!='):
            op = {'=': _operator_eq, '!=': _operator_neq}[self.cur_token]
            expr = op(expr, self._primary_expr())
        return expr

    def _primary_expr(self):
        token = self.cur_token
        if len(token) > 1 and (token[0], token[-1]) in self._QUOTES:
            return _literal_string(token[1:-1])
        elif token[0].isdigit():
            return _literal_number(float(token))
            axis = None
            if token == '@':
                axis = 'attribute'
            return self._node_test(axis)
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