diff genshi/template/text.py @ 820:1837f39efd6f experimental-inline

Sync (old) experimental inline branch with trunk@1027.
author cmlenz
date Wed, 11 Mar 2009 17:51:06 +0000
parents 0742f421caba
children 09cc3627654c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/genshi/template/text.py
+++ b/genshi/template/text.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Edgewall Software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Edgewall Software
 # All rights reserved.
 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
@@ -11,23 +11,235 @@
 # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
 # history and logs, available at http://genshi.edgewall.org/log/.
-"""Plain text templating engine."""
+"""Plain text templating engine.
+This module implements two template language syntaxes, at least for a certain
+transitional period. `OldTextTemplate` (aliased to just `TextTemplate`) defines
+a syntax that was inspired by Cheetah/Velocity. `NewTextTemplate` on the other
+hand is inspired by the syntax of the Django template language, which has more
+explicit delimiting of directives, and is more flexible with regards to
+white space and line breaks.
+In a future release, `OldTextTemplate` will be phased out in favor of
+`NewTextTemplate`, as the names imply. Therefore the new syntax is strongly
+recommended for new projects, and existing projects may want to migrate to the
+new syntax to remain compatible with future Genshi releases.
 import re
-from genshi.template.base import BadDirectiveError, Template, INCLUDE, SUB
+from genshi.core import TEXT
+from genshi.template.base import BadDirectiveError, Template, \
+                                 TemplateSyntaxError, EXEC, INCLUDE, SUB
+from genshi.template.eval import Suite
 from genshi.template.directives import *
-from genshi.template.directives import Directive, _apply_directives
+from genshi.template.directives import Directive
 from genshi.template.interpolation import interpolate
-__all__ = ['TextTemplate']
+__all__ = ['NewTextTemplate', 'OldTextTemplate', 'TextTemplate']
 __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
-class TextTemplate(Template):
-    """Implementation of a simple text-based template engine.
+class NewTextTemplate(Template):
+    r"""Implementation of a simple text-based template engine. This class will
+    replace `OldTextTemplate` in a future release.
-    >>> tmpl = TextTemplate('''Dear $name,
+    It uses a more explicit delimiting style for directives: instead of the old
+    style which required putting directives on separate lines that were prefixed
+    with a ``#`` sign, directives and commenbtsr are enclosed in delimiter pairs
+    (by default ``{% ... %}`` and ``{# ... #}``, respectively).
+    Variable substitution uses the same interpolation syntax as for markup
+    languages: simple references are prefixed with a dollar sign, more complex
+    expression enclosed in curly braces.
+    >>> tmpl = NewTextTemplate('''Dear $name,
+    ... 
+    ... {# This is a comment #}
+    ... We have the following items for you:
+    ... {% for item in items %}
+    ...  * ${'Item %d' % item}
+    ... {% end %}
+    ... ''')
+    >>> print tmpl.generate(name='Joe', items=[1, 2, 3]).render()
+    Dear Joe,
+    We have the following items for you:
+     * Item 1
+     * Item 2
+     * Item 3
+    By default, no spaces or line breaks are removed. If a line break should
+    not be included in the output, prefix it with a backslash:
+    >>> tmpl = NewTextTemplate('''Dear $name,
+    ... 
+    ... {# This is a comment #}\
+    ... We have the following items for you:
+    ... {% for item in items %}\
+    ...  * $item
+    ... {% end %}\
+    ... ''')
+    >>> print tmpl.generate(name='Joe', items=[1, 2, 3]).render()
+    Dear Joe,
+    We have the following items for you:
+     * 1
+     * 2
+     * 3
+    Backslashes are also used to escape the start delimiter of directives and
+    comments:
+    >>> tmpl = NewTextTemplate('''Dear $name,
+    ... 
+    ... \{# This is a comment #}
+    ... We have the following items for you:
+    ... {% for item in items %}\
+    ...  * $item
+    ... {% end %}\
+    ... ''')
+    >>> print tmpl.generate(name='Joe', items=[1, 2, 3]).render()
+    Dear Joe,
+    {# This is a comment #}
+    We have the following items for you:
+     * 1
+     * 2
+     * 3
+    :since: version 0.5
+    """
+    directives = [('def', DefDirective),
+                  ('when', WhenDirective),
+                  ('otherwise', OtherwiseDirective),
+                  ('for', ForDirective),
+                  ('if', IfDirective),
+                  ('choose', ChooseDirective),
+                  ('with', WithDirective)]
+    serializer = 'text'
+    _DIRECTIVE_RE = r'((?<!\\)%s\s*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*%s|(?<!\\)%s.*?%s)'
+    _ESCAPE_RE = r'\\\n|\\(\\)|\\(%s)|\\(%s)'
+    def __init__(self, source, filepath=None, filename=None, loader=None,
+                 encoding=None, lookup='strict', allow_exec=False,
+                 delims=('{%', '%}', '{#', '#}')):
+        self.delimiters = delims
+        Template.__init__(self, source, filepath=filepath, filename=filename,
+                          loader=loader, encoding=encoding, lookup=lookup)
+    def _get_delims(self):
+        return self._delims
+    def _set_delims(self, delims):
+        if len(delims) != 4:
+            raise ValueError('delimiers tuple must have exactly four elements')
+        self._delims = delims
+        self._directive_re = re.compile(self._DIRECTIVE_RE % tuple(
+            map(re.escape, delims)
+        ), re.DOTALL)
+        self._escape_re = re.compile(self._ESCAPE_RE % tuple(
+            map(re.escape, delims[::2])
+        ))
+    delimiters = property(_get_delims, _set_delims, """\
+    The delimiters for directives and comments. This should be a four item tuple
+    of the form ``(directive_start, directive_end, comment_start,
+    comment_end)``, where each item is a string.
+    """)
+    def _parse(self, source, encoding):
+        """Parse the template from text input."""
+        stream = [] # list of events of the "compiled" template
+        dirmap = {} # temporary mapping of directives to elements
+        depth = 0
+        source = source.read()
+        if isinstance(source, str):
+            source = source.decode(encoding or 'utf-8', 'replace')
+        offset = 0
+        lineno = 1
+        _escape_sub = self._escape_re.sub
+        def _escape_repl(mo):
+            groups = filter(None, mo.groups()) 
+            if not groups:
+                return ''
+            return groups[0]
+        for idx, mo in enumerate(self._directive_re.finditer(source)):
+            start, end = mo.span(1)
+            if start > offset:
+                text = _escape_sub(_escape_repl, source[offset:start])
+                for kind, data, pos in interpolate(text, self.filepath, lineno,
+                                                   lookup=self.lookup):
+                    stream.append((kind, data, pos))
+                lineno += len(text.splitlines())
+            lineno += len(source[start:end].splitlines())
+            command, value = mo.group(2, 3)
+            if command == 'include':
+                pos = (self.filename, lineno, 0)
+                value = list(interpolate(value, self.filepath, lineno, 0,
+                                         lookup=self.lookup))
+                if len(value) == 1 and value[0][0] is TEXT:
+                    value = value[0][1]
+                stream.append((INCLUDE, (value, None, []), pos))
+            elif command == 'python':
+                if not self.allow_exec:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError('Python code blocks not allowed',
+                                              self.filepath, lineno)
+                try:
+                    suite = Suite(value, self.filepath, lineno,
+                                  lookup=self.lookup)
+                except SyntaxError, err:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(err, self.filepath,
+                                              lineno + (err.lineno or 1) - 1)
+                pos = (self.filename, lineno, 0)
+                stream.append((EXEC, suite, pos))
+            elif command == 'end':
+                depth -= 1
+                if depth in dirmap:
+                    directive, start_offset = dirmap.pop(depth)
+                    substream = stream[start_offset:]
+                    stream[start_offset:] = [(SUB, ([directive], substream),
+                                              (self.filepath, lineno, 0))]
+            elif command:
+                cls = self.get_directive(command)
+                if cls is None:
+                    raise BadDirectiveError(command)
+                directive = cls, value, None, (self.filepath, lineno, 0)
+                dirmap[depth] = (directive, len(stream))
+                depth += 1
+            offset = end
+        if offset < len(source):
+            text = _escape_sub(_escape_repl, source[offset:])
+            for kind, data, pos in interpolate(text, self.filepath, lineno,
+                                               lookup=self.lookup):
+                stream.append((kind, data, pos))
+        return stream
+class OldTextTemplate(Template):
+    """Legacy implementation of the old syntax text-based templates. This class
+    is provided in a transition phase for backwards compatibility. New code
+    should use the `NewTextTemplate` class and the improved syntax it provides.
+    >>> tmpl = OldTextTemplate('''Dear $name,
     ... We have the following items for you:
     ... #for item in items
@@ -36,7 +248,7 @@
     ... All the best,
     ... Foobar''')
-    >>> print tmpl.generate(name='Joe', items=[1, 2, 3]).render('text')
+    >>> print tmpl.generate(name='Joe', items=[1, 2, 3]).render()
     Dear Joe,
     We have the following items for you:
@@ -54,6 +266,7 @@
                   ('if', IfDirective),
                   ('choose', ChooseDirective),
                   ('with', WithDirective)]
+    serializer = 'text'
     _DIRECTIVE_RE = re.compile(r'(?:^[ \t]*(?<!\\)#(end).*\n?)|'
                                r'(?:^[ \t]*(?<!\\)#((?:\w+|#).*)\n?)',
@@ -64,10 +277,10 @@
         stream = [] # list of events of the "compiled" template
         dirmap = {} # temporary mapping of directives to elements
         depth = 0
-        if not encoding:
-            encoding = 'utf-8'
-        source = source.read().decode(encoding, 'replace')
+        source = source.read()
+        if isinstance(source, str):
+            source = source.decode(encoding or 'utf-8', 'replace')
         offset = 0
         lineno = 1
@@ -75,8 +288,7 @@
             start, end = mo.span()
             if start > offset:
                 text = source[offset:start]
-                for kind, data, pos in interpolate(text, self.basedir,
-                                                   self.filename, lineno,
+                for kind, data, pos in interpolate(text, self.filepath, lineno,
                     stream.append((kind, data, pos))
                 lineno += len(text.splitlines())
@@ -98,9 +310,9 @@
                                               (self.filepath, lineno, 0))]
             elif command == 'include':
                 pos = (self.filename, lineno, 0)
-                stream.append((INCLUDE, (value.strip(), []), pos))
+                stream.append((INCLUDE, (value.strip(), None, []), pos))
             elif command != '#':
-                cls = self._dir_by_name.get(command)
+                cls = self.get_directive(command)
                 if cls is None:
                     raise BadDirectiveError(command)
                 directive = cls, value, None, (self.filepath, lineno, 0)
@@ -111,9 +323,11 @@
         if offset < len(source):
             text = source[offset:].replace('\\#', '#')
-            for kind, data, pos in interpolate(text, self.basedir,
-                                               self.filename, lineno,
+            for kind, data, pos in interpolate(text, self.filepath, lineno,
                 stream.append((kind, data, pos))
         return stream
+TextTemplate = OldTextTemplate
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