diff examples/tutorial/geddit/controller.py @ 611:16b1be35c265

Add current code for GenshiTutorial to the `examples` directory.
author cmlenz
date Wed, 29 Aug 2007 17:51:45 +0000
children d8f961381f75
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tutorial/geddit/controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import pickle
+import sys
+import cherrypy
+from formencode import Invalid
+from genshi.filters import HTMLFormFiller
+from paste.evalexception.middleware import EvalException
+from geddit.form import SubmissionForm, CommentForm
+from geddit.lib import template
+from geddit.model import Submission, Comment
+class Root(object):
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        self.data = data
+        self.submission_lookup = {}
+        self.comment_lookup = {}
+        for submission in self.data:
+            self.submission_lookup[submission.code] = submission
+            for comment in submission.comments:
+                self.comment_lookup[comment.code] = comment
+                def _add_replies(comment):
+                    for reply in comment.replies:
+                        self.comment_lookup[reply.code] = reply
+                _add_replies(comment)
+    @cherrypy.expose
+    @template.output('index.html', method='html', doctype='html')
+    def index(self):
+        return template.render(submissions=self.data)
+    @cherrypy.expose
+    @template.output('info.html', method='html', doctype='html')
+    def info(self, code):
+        submission = self.submission_lookup.get(code)
+        if not submission:
+            raise cherrypy.NotFound()
+        return template.render(submission=submission)
+    @cherrypy.expose
+    @template.output('submit.html', method='html', doctype='html')
+    def submit(self, cancel=False, **data):
+        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
+            if cancel:
+                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/')
+            form = SubmissionForm()
+            try:
+                data = form.to_python(data)
+                submission = Submission(**data)
+                self.data.append(submission)
+                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/')
+            except Invalid, e:
+                errors = e.unpack_errors()
+        else:
+            errors = {}
+        return template.render(errors=errors) | HTMLFormFiller(data=data)
+    @cherrypy.expose
+    @template.output('comment.html', method='html', doctype='html')
+    def comment(self, code, cancel=False, **data):
+        submission = self.submission_lookup.get(code)
+        if not submission:
+            raise cherrypy.NotFound()
+        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
+            if cancel:
+                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/info/%s' % submission.code)
+            form = CommentForm()
+            try:
+                data = form.to_python(data)
+                comment = submission.add_comment(**data)
+                self.comment_lookup[comment.code] = comment
+                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/')
+            except Invalid, e:
+                errors = e.unpack_errors()
+        else:
+            errors = {}
+        return template.render(submission=submission, comment=None,
+                               errors=errors)
+    @cherrypy.expose
+    @template.output('comment.html', method='html', doctype='html')
+    def reply(self, code, cancel=False, **data):
+        comment = self.comment_lookup.get(code)
+        submission = comment.submission
+        if not comment:
+            raise cherrypy.NotFound()
+        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
+            if cancel:
+                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/info/%s' % submission.code)
+            form = CommentForm()
+            try:
+                data = form.to_python(data)
+                comment = comment.add_reply(**data)
+                self.comment_lookup[comment.code] = comment
+                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/')
+            except Invalid, e:
+                errors = e.unpack_errors()
+        else:
+            errors = {}
+        return template.render(submission=submission, comment=comment,
+                               errors=errors)
+def main(filename):
+    # load data from the pickle file, or initialize it to an empty list
+    if os.path.exists(filename):
+        fileobj = open(filename, 'rb')
+        try:
+            data = pickle.load(fileobj)
+        finally:
+            fileobj.close()
+    else:
+        data = []
+    def _save_data():
+        # save data back to the pickle file
+        fileobj = open(filename, 'wb')
+        try:
+            pickle.dump(data, fileobj)
+        finally:
+            fileobj.close()
+    cherrypy.engine.on_stop_engine_list.append(_save_data)
+    # Some global configuration; note that this could be moved into a configuration file
+    cherrypy.config.update({
+        'request.throw_errors': True,
+        'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.encode.encoding': 'utf-8',
+        'tools.decode.on': True,
+        'tools.trailing_slash.on': True,
+        'tools.staticdir.root': os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
+    })
+    # Initialize the application, and add EvalException for more helpful error messages
+    app = cherrypy.Application(Root(data))
+    app.wsgiapp.pipeline.append(('paste_exc', EvalException))
+    cherrypy.quickstart(app, '/', {
+        '/media': {
+            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
+            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static'
+        }
+    })
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import formencode
+    formencode.api.set_stdtranslation(languages=['en'])
+    main(sys.argv[1])
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