cmlenz@379: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- cmlenz@13: # cmlenz@408: # Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software cmlenz@408: # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christopher Lenz cmlenz@163: # All rights reserved. cmlenz@13: # cmlenz@163: # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which cmlenz@163: # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms cmlenz@408: # are also available at cmlenz@13: cmlenz@392: """Build master implementation.""" cmlenz@313: cmlenz@312: import calendar cmlenz@392: import re cmlenz@47: import time cmlenz@18: osimons@577: from trac.config import BoolOption, IntOption, Option cmlenz@392: from trac.core import * cmlenz@392: from trac.web import IRequestHandler, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPConflict, \ cmlenz@392: HTTPForbidden, HTTPMethodNotAllowed, HTTPNotFound, \ cmlenz@392: RequestDone cmlenz@392: dfraser@554: from bitten.model import BuildConfig, Build, BuildStep, BuildLog, Report, \ dfraser@554: TargetPlatform dfraser@554: cmlenz@410: from bitten.main import BuildSystem cmlenz@227: from bitten.queue import BuildQueue cmlenz@392: from bitten.recipe import Recipe cmlenz@392: from bitten.util import xmlio cmlenz@83: cmlenz@411: __all__ = ['BuildMaster'] cmlenz@411: __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' cmlenz@411: cmlenz@56: cmlenz@392: class BuildMaster(Component): wbell@542: """Trac request handler implementation for the build master.""" cmlenz@13: cmlenz@392: implements(IRequestHandler) cmlenz@51: cmlenz@392: # Configuration options cmlenz@51: cmlenz@392: adjust_timestamps = BoolOption('bitten', 'adjust_timestamps', False, doc= cmlenz@432: """Whether the timestamps of builds should be adjusted to be close cmlenz@392: to the timestamps of the corresponding changesets.""") cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: build_all = BoolOption('bitten', 'build_all', False, doc= cmlenz@392: """Whether to request builds of older revisions even if a younger cmlenz@392: revision has already been built.""") cmlenz@468: cmlenz@468: stabilize_wait = IntOption('bitten', 'stabilize_wait', 0, doc= cmlenz@468: """The time in seconds to wait for the repository to stabilize before cmlenz@468: queuing up a new build. This allows time for developers to check in cmlenz@468: a group of related changes back to back without spawning multiple cmlenz@468: builds.""") cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: slave_timeout = IntOption('bitten', 'slave_timeout', 3600, doc= cmlenz@392: """The time in seconds after which a build is cancelled if the slave cmlenz@392: does not report progress.""") cmlenz@392: osimons@577: logs_dir = Option('bitten', 'logs_dir', "log/bitten", doc= dfraser@516: """The directory on the server in which client log files will be stored.""") dfraser@516: dfraser@557: quick_status = BoolOption('bitten', 'quick_status', False, doc= dfraser@557: """Whether to show the current build status withing the Trac main dfraser@557: navigation bar""") dfraser@557: osimons@568: def __init__(self): osimons@568: self.env.systeminfo.append(('Bitten', osimons@568: __import__('bitten', ['__version__']).__version__)) osimons@568: cmlenz@392: # IRequestHandler methods cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: def match_request(self, req): cmlenz@401: match = re.match(r'/builds(?:/(\d+)(?:/(\w+)/([^/]+)?)?)?$', cmlenz@392: req.path_info) cmlenz@392: if match: cmlenz@392: if cmlenz@392: req.args['id'] = cmlenz@392: req.args['collection'] = cmlenz@392: req.args['member'] = cmlenz@392: return True cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: def process_request(self, req): cmlenz@392: req.perm.assert_permission('BUILD_EXEC') cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: if 'id' not in req.args: cmlenz@392: if req.method != 'POST': cmlenz@392: raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed('Method not allowed') cmlenz@392: return self._process_build_creation(req) cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: build = Build.fetch(self.env, req.args['id']) cmlenz@392: if not build: cmlenz@392: raise HTTPNotFound('No such build') cmlenz@392: config = BuildConfig.fetch(self.env, build.config) cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: if not req.args['collection']: cmlenz@420: if req.method == 'DELETE': cmlenz@420: return self._process_build_cancellation(req, config, build) cmlenz@420: else: cmlenz@420: return self._process_build_initiation(req, config, build) cmlenz@392: cmlenz@401: if req.method != 'POST': cmlenz@392: raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed('Method not allowed') cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: if req.args['collection'] == 'steps': cmlenz@401: return self._process_build_step(req, config, build) cmlenz@392: else: cmlenz@392: raise HTTPNotFound('No such collection') cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: def _process_build_creation(self, req): cmlenz@468: queue = BuildQueue(self.env, build_all=self.build_all, cmlenz@468: stabilize_wait=self.stabilize_wait, cmlenz@419: timeout=self.slave_timeout) cmlenz@392: queue.populate() cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: try: cmlenz@392: elem = xmlio.parse( cmlenz@392: except xmlio.ParseError, e: cmlenz@492: self.log.error('Error parsing build initialization request: %s', e, cmlenz@492: exc_info=True) cmlenz@392: raise HTTPBadRequest('XML parser error') cmlenz@392: cmlenz@426: slavename = elem.attr['name'] cmlenz@463: properties = {'name': slavename, Build.IP_ADDRESS: req.remote_addr} cmlenz@426:'Build slave %r connected from %s', slavename, cmlenz@426: req.remote_addr) cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: for child in elem.children(): cmlenz@392: if == 'platform': cmlenz@392: properties[Build.MACHINE] = child.gettext() cmlenz@392: properties[Build.PROCESSOR] = child.attr.get('processor') cmlenz@392: elif == 'os': cmlenz@392: properties[Build.OS_NAME] = child.gettext() cmlenz@392: properties[Build.OS_FAMILY] = child.attr.get('family') cmlenz@392: properties[Build.OS_VERSION] = child.attr.get('version') cmlenz@392: elif == 'package': cmlenz@392: for name, value in child.attr.items(): cmlenz@392: if name == 'name': cmlenz@392: continue cmlenz@392: properties[child.attr['name'] + '.' + name] = value cmlenz@392: cmlenz@444: self.log.debug('Build slave configuration: %r', properties) cmlenz@444: cmlenz@426: build = queue.get_build_for_slave(slavename, properties) cmlenz@392: if not build: cmlenz@392: req.send_response(204) cmlenz@420: req.write('') cmlenz@392: raise RequestDone cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: req.send_response(201) cmlenz@392: req.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') cmlenz@392: req.send_header('Location', req.abs_href.builds( cmlenz@392: req.write('Build pending') cmlenz@392: raise RequestDone cmlenz@392: cmlenz@420: def _process_build_cancellation(self, req, config, build): cmlenz@420:'Build slave %r cancelled build %d', build.slave, cmlenz@420: cmlenz@420: build.status = Build.PENDING cmlenz@420: build.slave = None cmlenz@420: build.slave_info = {} cmlenz@420: build.started = 0 cmlenz@420: db = self.env.get_db_cnx() cmlenz@420: for step in list(,, db=db)): cmlenz@420: step.delete(db=db) cmlenz@420: build.update(db=db) cmlenz@420: db.commit() cmlenz@420: cmlenz@458: for listener in BuildSystem(self.env).listeners: cmlenz@458: listener.build_aborted(build) cmlenz@458: cmlenz@420: req.send_response(204) cmlenz@420: req.write('') cmlenz@420: raise RequestDone cmlenz@420: cmlenz@392: def _process_build_initiation(self, req, config, build): cmlenz@420:'Build slave %r initiated build %d', build.slave, cmlenz@420: cmlenz@392: build.started = int(time.time()) cmlenz@392: build.update() cmlenz@277: cmlenz@458: for listener in BuildSystem(self.env).listeners: cmlenz@458: listener.build_started(build) cmlenz@458: cmlenz@287: xml = xmlio.parse(config.recipe) cmlenz@392: xml.attr['path'] = config.path cmlenz@392: xml.attr['revision'] = build.rev cmlenz@466: xml.attr['config'] = cmlenz@466: xml.attr['build'] = str( dfraser@554: target_platform = TargetPlatform.fetch(self.env, build.platform) dfraser@554: xml.attr['platform'] = cmlenz@392: body = str(xml) wbell@374: wbell@473:'Build slave %r initiated build %d', build.slave, wbell@473: wbell@473: cmlenz@392: req.send_response(200) cmlenz@392: req.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-bitten+xml') cmlenz@392: req.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(body))) cmlenz@392: req.send_header('Content-Disposition', cmlenz@392: 'attachment; filename=recipe_%s_r%s.xml' % cmlenz@392: (, build.rev)) cmlenz@392: req.write(body) cmlenz@392: raise RequestDone cmlenz@227: cmlenz@401: def _process_build_step(self, req, config, build): cmlenz@401: try: cmlenz@401: elem = xmlio.parse( cmlenz@401: except xmlio.ParseError, e: cmlenz@492: self.log.error('Error parsing build step result: %s', e, cmlenz@492: exc_info=True) cmlenz@401: raise HTTPBadRequest('XML parser error') cmlenz@401: stepname = elem.attr['step'] wbell@473: wbell@479: # make sure it's the right slave. cmlenz@494: if build.status != Build.IN_PROGRESS or \ cmlenz@494: build.slave_info.get(Build.IP_ADDRESS) != req.remote_addr: cmlenz@494: raise HTTPForbidden('Build %s has been invalidated for host %s.' cmlenz@494: % (, req.remote_addr)) cmlenz@401: cmlenz@392: step = BuildStep.fetch(self.env,, name=stepname) cmlenz@392: if step: cmlenz@392: raise HTTPConflict('Build step already exists') cmlenz@253: cmlenz@392: recipe = Recipe(xmlio.parse(config.recipe)) cmlenz@392: index = None cmlenz@392: current_step = None cmlenz@392: for num, recipe_step in enumerate(recipe): cmlenz@392: if == stepname: cmlenz@392: index = num cmlenz@392: current_step = recipe_step cmlenz@392: if index is None: cmlenz@392: raise HTTPForbidden('No such build step') cmlenz@392: last_step = index == num cmlenz@200: cmlenz@494: self.log.debug('Slave %s (build %d) completed step %d (%s) with ' cmlenz@494: 'status %s', build.slave,, index, stepname, cmlenz@494: elem.attr['status']) cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: db = self.env.get_db_cnx() cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: step = BuildStep(self.env,, name=stepname) cmlenz@392: try: cmlenz@392: step.started = int(_parse_iso_datetime(elem.attr['time'])) cmlenz@392: step.stopped = step.started + float(elem.attr['duration']) cmlenz@392: except ValueError, e: cmlenz@492: self.log.error('Error parsing build step timestamp: %s', e, cmlenz@492: exc_info=True) cmlenz@392: raise HTTPBadRequest(e.args[0]) cmlenz@392: if elem.attr['status'] == 'failure': cmlenz@392: self.log.warning('Build %s step %s failed',, stepname) cmlenz@109: step.status = BuildStep.FAILURE cmlenz@459: if current_step.onerror == 'fail': cmlenz@459: last_step = True cmlenz@109: else: cmlenz@109: step.status = BuildStep.SUCCESS cmlenz@277: step.errors += [error.gettext() for error in elem.children('error')] cmlenz@112: step.insert(db=db) cmlenz@109: cmlenz@392: # Collect log messages from the request body cmlenz@203: for idx, log_elem in enumerate(elem.children('log')): cmlenz@401: build_log = BuildLog(self.env,, step=stepname, cmlenz@203: generator=log_elem.attr.get('generator'), cmlenz@203: orderno=idx) cmlenz@115: for message_elem in log_elem.children('message'): cmlenz@115: build_log.messages.append((message_elem.attr['level'], cmlenz@115: message_elem.gettext())) cmlenz@112: build_log.insert(db=db) cmlenz@109: cmlenz@392: # Collect report data from the request body cmlenz@203: for report_elem in elem.children('report'): cmlenz@401: report = Report(self.env,, step=stepname, cmlenz@213: category=report_elem.attr.get('category'), cmlenz@213: generator=report_elem.attr.get('generator')) cmlenz@203: for item_elem in report_elem.children(): cmlenz@203: item = {'type':} cmlenz@203: item.update(item_elem.attr) cmlenz@203: for child_elem in item_elem.children(): cmlenz@203: item[] = child_elem.gettext() cmlenz@203: report.items.append(item) cmlenz@203: report.insert(db=db) cmlenz@116: cmlenz@392: # If this was the last step in the recipe we mark the build as cmlenz@392: # completed cmlenz@459: if last_step: cmlenz@392:'Slave %s completed build %d ("%s" as of [%s])', cmlenz@392: build.slave,, build.config, build.rev) cmlenz@392: build.stopped = step.stopped cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: # Determine overall outcome of the build by checking the outcome cmlenz@392: # of the individual steps against the "onerror" specification of cmlenz@392: # each step in the recipe cmlenz@392: for num, recipe_step in enumerate(recipe): cmlenz@392: step = BuildStep.fetch(self.env,, cmlenz@392: if step.status == BuildStep.FAILURE: cmlenz@392: if recipe_step.onerror != 'ignore': cmlenz@392: build.status = Build.FAILURE cmlenz@392: break cmlenz@392: else: cmlenz@392: build.status = Build.SUCCESS cmlenz@392: cmlenz@392: build.update(db=db) cmlenz@392: cmlenz@200: db.commit() cmlenz@200: cmlenz@459: if last_step: cmlenz@392: for listener in BuildSystem(self.env).listeners: cmlenz@392: listener.build_completed(build) cmlenz@253: cmlenz@392: body = 'Build step processed' cmlenz@402: req.send_response(201) cmlenz@392: req.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') cmlenz@392: req.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(body))) cmlenz@402: req.send_header('Location', req.abs_href.builds(, 'steps', cmlenz@402: stepname)) cmlenz@392: req.write(body) cmlenz@392: raise RequestDone cmlenz@109: cmlenz@13: cmlenz@82: def _parse_iso_datetime(string): cmlenz@82: """Minimal parser for ISO date-time strings. cmlenz@82: cmlenz@82: Return the time as floating point number. Only handles UTC timestamps cmlenz@82: without time zone information.""" cmlenz@82: try: cmlenz@82: string = string.split('.', 1)[0] # strip out microseconds cmlenz@312: return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(string, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) cmlenz@82: except ValueError, e: cmlenz@392: raise ValueError('Invalid ISO date/time %r' % string)