view bitten/build/ @ 605:c94481bc4646

0.6dev: Reverting [677] as many of these paths are also used for URLs, and hadn't considered this change enough. No major point in changing code that already works well, so simply reverting seems the best idea...
author osimons
date Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:51:11 +0000
parents 7af6ebc30ff8
children 639e5c466c96
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christopher Lenz <>
# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at

"""Recipe commands for build tasks commonly used for C/C++ projects."""

import logging
import re
import os
import posixpath
import shlex

from import CommandLine, FileSet
from bitten.util import xmlio

log = logging.getLogger('')

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

def configure(ctxt, file_='configure', enable=None, disable=None, with_=None,
              without=None, cflags=None, cxxflags=None, prefix=None, **kw):
    """Run a ``configure`` script.
    :param ctxt: the build context
    :type ctxt: `Context`
    :param file\_: name of the configure script
    :param enable: names of the features to enable, seperated by spaces
    :param disable: names of the features to disable, separated by spaces
    :param with_: names of external packages to include
    :param without: names of external packages to exclude
    :param cflags: ``CFLAGS`` to pass to the configure script
    :param cxxflags: ``CXXFLAGS`` to pass to the configure script
    :param prefix: install prefix to pass to the configure script, will be postfixed by the machine name from the build
    args = []
    if enable:
        args += ['--enable-%s' % feature for feature in enable.split()]
    if disable:
        args += ['--disable-%s' % feature for feature in disable.split()]
    # since 'with' is a reserved word in python, we need to handle the argument carefully
    with_ = kw.pop('with', with_)
    for key in kw:
        raise TypeError("configure() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % key)
    if with_:
        for pkg in with_.split():
            pkg_path = pkg + '.path'
            if pkg_path in ctxt.config:
                args.append('--with-%s=%s' % (pkg, ctxt.config[pkg_path]))
                args.append('--with-%s' % pkg)
    if without:
        args += ['--without-%s' % pkg for pkg in without.split()]
    if cflags:
        args.append('CFLAGS=%s' % cflags)
    if cxxflags:
        args.append('CXXFLAGS=%s' % cxxflags)
    if prefix:
        args.append('--prefix=%ss' % prefix)

    from import shtools
    returncode = shtools.execute(ctxt, file_=file_, args=args)
    if returncode != 0:
        ctxt.error('configure failed (%s)' % returncode)

def autoreconf(ctxt, file_='configure', force=None, install=None, symlink=None,
              warnings=None, prepend_include=None, include =None):
    """Run the autotoll ``autoreconf``.
    :param ctxt: the build context
    :type ctxt: `Context`
    :param force: consider all files obsolete
    :param install: copy missing auxiliary files
    :param symlink: install symbolic links instead of copies
    :param warnings: report the warnings falling in CATEGORY
    :prepend_include: prepend directories to search path
    :include: append directories to search path

    args = []
    if install:
        if symlink:
    if force:
    if warnings:
        args.append('--warnings=%s' % warnings)
    if include:
        args += ['--include=%s' % inc for inc in include.split()]
    if prepend_include:
        args += ['--prepend-include=%s' % pinc for pinc in prepend_include.split()]
    from import shtools
    returncode = shtools.execute(ctxt, 'autoreconf', args=args)
    if returncode != 0:
        ctxt.error('autoreconf failed (%s)' % returncode)

def make(ctxt, target=None, file_=None, keep_going=False, directory=None, jobs=None, args=None):
    """Execute a Makefile target.
    :param ctxt: the build context
    :type ctxt: `Context`
    :param file\_: name of the Makefile
    :param keep_going: whether make should keep going when errors are
    :param directory: directory in which to build; defaults to project source directory
    :param jobs: number of concurrent jobs to run
    :param args: command-line arguments to pass to the script
    executable = ctxt.config.get_filepath('make.path') or 'make'

    if directory is None:
        directory = ctxt.basedir

    margs = ['--directory', directory]

    if file_:
        margs += ['--file', ctxt.resolve(file_)]
    if keep_going:
    if target:
    if jobs:
        margs += ['--jobs', jobs]

    if args:
        if isinstance(args, basestring):
            margs += shlex.split(args)

    from import shtools
    returncode = shtools.execute(ctxt, executable=executable, args=margs)
    if returncode != 0:
        ctxt.error('make failed (%s)' % returncode)

def cppunit(ctxt, file_=None, srcdir=None):
    """Collect CppUnit XML data.
    :param ctxt: the build context
    :type ctxt: `Context`
    :param file\_: path of the file containing the CppUnit results; may contain
                  globbing wildcards to match multiple files
    :param srcdir: name of the directory containing the source files, used to
                   link the test results to the corresponding files
    assert file_, 'Missing required attribute "file"'

        fileobj = file(ctxt.resolve(file_), 'r')
            total, failed = 0, 0
            results = xmlio.Fragment()
            for group in xmlio.parse(fileobj):
                if not in ('FailedTests', 'SuccessfulTests'):
                for child in group.children():
                    test = xmlio.Element('test')
                    name = child.children('Name').next().gettext()
                    if '::' in name:
                        parts = name.split('::')
                        test.attr['fixture'] = '::'.join(parts[:-1])
                        name = parts[-1]
                    test.attr['name'] = name

                    for location in child.children('Location'):
                        for file_elem in location.children('File'):
                            filepath = file_elem.gettext()
                            if srcdir is not None:
                                filepath = posixpath.join(srcdir, filepath)
                            test.attr['file'] = filepath
                        for line_elem in location.children('Line'):
                            test.attr['line'] = line_elem.gettext()

                    if == 'FailedTest':
                        for message in child.children('Message'):
                        test.attr['status'] = 'failure'
                        failed += 1
                        test.attr['status'] = 'success'

                    total += 1

            if failed:
                ctxt.error('%d of %d test%s failed' % (failed, total,
                           total != 1 and 's' or ''))

  'test', results)


    except IOError, e:
        log.warning('Error opening CppUnit results file (%s)', e)
    except xmlio.ParseError, e:
        print e
        log.warning('Error parsing CppUnit results file (%s)', e)

def cunit (ctxt, file_=None, srcdir=None):
    """Collect CUnit XML data.
    :param ctxt: the build context
    :type ctxt: `Context`
    :param file\_: path of the file containing the CUnit results; may contain
                  globbing wildcards to match multiple files
    :param srcdir: name of the directory containing the source files, used to
                   link the test results to the corresponding files
    assert file_, 'Missing required attribute "file"'

        fileobj = file(ctxt.resolve(file_), 'r')
            total, failed = 0, 0
            results = xmlio.Fragment()
            log_elem = xmlio.Fragment()
            def info (msg):
                log_elem.append (xmlio.Element ('message', level='info')[msg])
            def warning (msg):
                log.warning (msg)
                log_elem.append (xmlio.Element ('message', level='warning')[msg])
            def error (msg):
                log.error (msg)
                log_elem.append (xmlio.Element ('message', level='error')[msg])
            for node in xmlio.parse(fileobj):
                if != 'CUNIT_RESULT_LISTING':
                for suiteRun in node.children ('CUNIT_RUN_SUITE'):
                    for suite in suiteRun.children():
                        if not in ('CUNIT_RUN_SUITE_SUCCESS', 'CUNIT_RUN_SUITE_FAILURE'):
                            warning ("Unknown node: %s" %
                        suiteName = suite.children ('SUITE_NAME').next().gettext()
                        info ("%s [%s]" % ("*" * (57 - len (suiteName)), suiteName))
                        for record in suite.children ('CUNIT_RUN_TEST_RECORD'):
                            for result in record.children():
                                if not in ('CUNIT_RUN_TEST_SUCCESS', 'CUNIT_RUN_TEST_FAILURE'):
                                testName = result.children ('TEST_NAME').next().gettext()
                                info ("Running %s..." % testName);
                                test = xmlio.Element('test')
                                test.attr['fixture'] = suiteName
                                test.attr['name'] = testName
                                if == 'CUNIT_RUN_TEST_FAILURE':
                                    error ("%s(%d): %s"
                                               % (result.children ('FILE_NAME').next().gettext(),
                                                  int (result.children ('LINE_NUMBER').next().gettext()),
                                                  result.children ('CONDITION').next().gettext()))
                                    test.attr['status'] = 'failure'
                                    failed += 1
                                    test.attr['status'] = 'success'

                                total += 1

            if failed:
                ctxt.error('%d of %d test%s failed' % (failed, total,
                           total != 1 and 's' or ''))

  'test', results)
            ctxt.log (log_elem)


    except IOError, e:
        log.warning('Error opening CUnit results file (%s)', e)
    except xmlio.ParseError, e:
        print e
        log.warning('Error parsing CUnit results file (%s)', e)

def gcov(ctxt, include=None, exclude=None, prefix=None, root=""):
    """Run ``gcov`` to extract coverage data where available.
    :param ctxt: the build context
    :type ctxt: `Context`
    :param include: patterns of files and directories to include
    :param exclude: patterns of files and directories that should be excluded
    :param prefix: optional prefix name that is added to object files by the
                   build system
    :param root: optional root path in which the build system puts the object
    file_re = re.compile(r'^File (?:\'|\`)(?P<file>[^\']+)\'\s*$')
    lines_re = re.compile(r'^Lines executed:(?P<cov>\d+\.\d+)\% of (?P<num>\d+)\s*$')

    files = []
    for filename in FileSet(ctxt.basedir, include, exclude):
        if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in ('.c', '.cpp', '.cc', '.cxx'):

    coverage = xmlio.Fragment()
    log_elem = xmlio.Fragment()
    def info (msg): (msg)
        log_elem.append (xmlio.Element ('message', level='info')[msg])
    def warning (msg):
        log.warning (msg)
        log_elem.append (xmlio.Element ('message', level='warning')[msg])
    def error (msg):
        log.error (msg)
        log_elem.append (xmlio.Element ('message', level='error')[msg])

    for srcfile in files:
        # Determine the coverage for each source file by looking for a .gcno
        # and .gcda pair
        info ("Getting coverage info for %s" % srcfile)
        filepath, filename = os.path.split(srcfile)
        stem = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        if prefix is not None:
            stem = prefix + '-' + stem

        objfile = os.path.join (root, filepath, stem + '.o')
        if not os.path.isfile(ctxt.resolve(objfile)):
            warning ('No object file found for %s at %s' % (srcfile, objfile))
        if not os.path.isfile (ctxt.resolve (os.path.join (root, filepath, stem + '.gcno'))):
            warning ('No .gcno file found for %s at %s' % (srcfile, os.path.join (root, filepath, stem + '.gcno')))
        if not os.path.isfile (ctxt.resolve (os.path.join (root, filepath, stem + '.gcda'))):
            warning ('No .gcda file found for %s at %s' % (srcfile, os.path.join (root, filepath, stem + '.gcda')))

        num_lines, num_covered = 0, 0
        skip_block = False
        cmd = CommandLine('gcov', ['-b', '-n', '-o', objfile, srcfile],
        for out, err in cmd.execute():
            if out == '': # catch blank lines, reset the block state...
                skip_block = False
            elif out and not skip_block:
                # Check for a file name
                match = file_re.match(out)
                if match:
                    if os.path.isabs('file')):
                        skip_block = True
                    # check for a "Lines executed" message
                    match = lines_re.match(out)
                    if match:
                        lines = float('num'))
                        cov = float('cov'))
                        num_covered += int(lines * cov / 100)
                        num_lines += int(lines)
        if cmd.returncode != 0:

        module = xmlio.Element('coverage', name=os.path.basename(srcfile),
                                file=srcfile.replace(os.sep, '/'),
                                lines=num_lines, percentage=0)
        if num_lines:
            percent = int(round(num_covered * 100 / num_lines))
            module.attr['percentage'] = percent
        coverage.append(module)'coverage', coverage)
    ctxt.log (log_elem)
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Edgewall Software