view doc/commands.txt @ 450:9d0651c819a8

Proper fix for #165, [493] was broken. This time with added tests.
author cmlenz
date Thu, 23 Aug 2007 22:51:36 +0000
parents 74c51f648466
children 6718f9a5c1f1
line wrap: on
line source
.. -*- mode: rst; encoding: utf-8 -*-

Build Recipe Commands

`Build recipes`_ are represented by XML documents. This page describes what
commands are generally available in recipes. Please note, though, that
third-party packages can add additional commands, which would then be
documented by that third party.

.. _`build recipes`: recipes.html

.. contents:: Contents
   :depth: 2
.. sectnum::

Generic Commands

These are commands that are used without a namespace prefix.


Parse an XML file and send it to the master as a report with a given category.
Use this command in conjunction with the ``<sh:pipe>`` or ``<x:transform>``
commands to send custom reports to the build master.


| Name         | Description                                                 |
| ``category`` | Category of the report (for example "test" or "coverage").  |
| ``file``     | Path to the XML file containing the report data, relative   |
|              | to the project directory.                                   |

Both parameters must be specified.

Shell Tools

A bundle of generic tools that are not specific to any programming language or

:Namespace: ````
:Common prefix: ``sh``


Executes a program or script.


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``executable`` | The name of the executable program.                       |
| ``file``       | Path to the script to execute, relative to the project    |
|                | directory                                                 |
| ``output``     | Path to the output file                                   |
| ``args``       | Any arguments to pass to the executable or script         |

Either ``executable`` or ``file`` must be specified.




Pipes the content of a file through a program or script.


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``executable`` | The name of the executable program.                       |
| ``file``       | Path to the script to execute, relative to the project    |
|                | directory                                                 |
| ``input``      | Path to the input file                                    |
| ``output``     | Path to the output file                                   |
| ``args``       | Any arguments to pass to the executable or script         |

Either ``executable`` or ``file`` must be specified.



C/Unix Tools

These commands provide support for tools commonly used for development of C/C++
applications on Unix platforms, such as ``make``.

:Namespace: ````
:Common prefix: ``c``


Executes a configure script as generated by Autoconf.


| Name         | Description                                                 |
| ``file``     | Name of the configure script (defaults to "configure")      |
| ``enable``   | List of features to enable, separated by spaces.            |
| ``disable``  | List of features to disable, separated by spaces.           |
| ``with``     | List of packages to include, separated by spaces.           |
| ``without``  | List of packages to exclude, separated by spaces.           |
| ``cflags``   | Value of the `CFLAGS` variable to pass to the script.       |
| ``cxxflags`` | Value of the `CXXFLAGS` variable to pass to the script.     |


.. code-block:: xml

  <c:configure enable="threadsafe" cflags="-O"/>

Runs the ``configure`` script in the base directory, enable the ``threadsafe``
feature, and passing ``-O`` as ``CFLAGS``. This is equivalent to::

  ./configure --enable-threadsafe CFLAGS="-O"


Run gcov_ to extract coverage data where available.

.. _gcov:


| Name         | Description                                                |
| ``include``  | List of glob patterns (separated by space) that specify    |
|              | which source files should be included in the coverage      |
|              | report                                                     |
| ``exclude``  | List of glob patterns (separated by space) that specify    |
|              | which source files should be excluded from the coverage    |
|              | report                                                     |
| ``prefix``   | Optional prefix name that is added to object files by the  |
|              | build system                                               |


Executes a Makefile.


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``target``     | Name of the target to execute (defaults to "all")         |
| ``file``       | Path to the Makefile that should be used.                 |
| ``keep-going`` | Whether `make` should try to continue even after          |
|                | encountering errors.                                      |


.. code-block:: xml

  <c:make target="compile" file="build/Makefile" />

Runs the target "compile" of the ``Makefile`` located in the sub-directory


Report the test output generated by the CppUnit_ unit testing framework. The
output from CppUnit must be in XML format and in already, specified by the
``file`` argument of this recipe.

.. _cppunit:


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``file``       | Path to the cppunit XML output file.                      |


.. code-block:: xml

  <sh:exec executable="run_unit_tests" output="test_results.xml" />
  <c:cppunit file="test_results.xml" />

Runs the program ``run_unit_tests`` to gather the data output by CppUnit in the
``test_results.xml`` file and then reports it.

Java Tools

A bundle of recipe commands that support tools commonly used by Java projects.

:Namespace: ````
:Common prefix: ``java``


Runs an Ant_ build.

.. _ant:


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``file``       | Path of the build file, relative to the project source    |
|                | directory (default is ``build.xml``).                     |
| ``target``     | Name of the build target(s) to execute.                   |
| ``args``       | Additional arguments to pass to Ant, separated by         |
|                | whitespace.                                               |
| ``keep_going`` | Tell Ant to continue even when errors are in encountered  |
|                | in the build.                                             |


.. code-block:: xml

  <java:ant target="compile" />

Executes the target ``compile`` of the ``build.xml`` buildfile at the top of the
project source directory.


Extract code coverage data from a Cobertura_ XML file.

.. _cobertura:


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``file``       | Path to the XML file generated by Cobertura               |


.. code-block:: xml

  <java:cobertura file="build/cobertura.xml" />

Reads the specifid XML file, extracts the coverage data, and builds a coverage
report to be sent to the build master.


Extracts information about unit test results from a file in JUnit_ XML format.

.. _junit:


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``file``       | Path to the JUnit XML test results file. This can include |
|                | wildcards, in which case all the file matching the        |
|                | pattern will be included.                                 |
| ``srcdir``     | Path of the directory unit test sources. Used to link the |
|                | test cases to files.                                      |

The ``file`` attribute is required.


.. code-block:: xml

  <java:junit file="build/tests/results/TEST-*.xml" srcdir="src/tests" />

Collects the test results from all files in the `build/tests/results` directory
that match the pattern `TEST-*.xml`. Also, maps the class names in the results
files to Java source files in the directory `src/tests`.

PHP Tools

A bundle of recipe commands for PHP_ projects.

:Namespace: ````
:Common prefix: ``php``

.. _php:


Runs a Phing_ build.

.. _phing:


| Name              | Description                                           |
| ``file``          | Path of the build file, relative to the project       |
|                   | source directory (default is ``build.xml``).          |
| ``target``        | Name of the build target(s) to execute.               |
| ``args``          | Additional arguments to pass to Phing, separated by   |
|                   | whitespace.                                           |
| ``executable``    | Phing executable program (default is ``phing``).      |


.. code-block:: xml

  <php:phing target="compile" />

Executes the target ``compile`` of the ``build.xml`` buildfile at the top of the
project source directory.


Extracts information from PHPUnit_ test results recorded in an XML file.

.. _phpunit:


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``file``       | Path to the XML results file, relative to the project     |
|                | source directory.                                         |


.. code-block:: xml

  <php:phpunit file="build/test-results.xml"/>

Extracts the test results from the XML file located at


Extracts coverage information Phing_'s code coverage task recorded in an XML


| Name          | Description                                               |
| ``file``      | Path to the XML coverage file, relative to the project    |
|               | source directory.                                         |


.. code-block:: xml

  <php:coverage file="build/coverage.xml" />

Python Tools

A bundle of recipe commands that support tools commonly used by Python_

:Namespace: ````
:Common prefix: ``python``

.. _python:


Executes a Python script.


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``file``       | Path of the script to execute, relative to the project    |
|                | source directory.                                         |
| ``module``     | Name of the Python module to execute.                     |
| ``function``   | Name of the function in the Python module to run. Only    |
|                | works when also specifying the `module` attribute.        |
| ``args``       | Any arguments that should be passed to the script.        |
| ``output``     | Path to a file where any output by the script should be   |
|                | recorded.                                                 |

Either `file` or `module` must be specified.


.. code-block:: xml

  <python:exec module="pylint.lint" output="pylint-report.txt" args="myproj" />

Executes Pylint_ on the module/package ``myproj`` and stores the output into a
file named ``pylint-report.txt``.


Executes a distutils_ script.

.. _distutils:


| Name           | Description                                               |
| `command`      | The name of the `distutils` command that should be run    |
| `options`      | Additional options to pass to the command, separated by   |
|                | spaces                                                    |


.. code-block:: xml

  <python:distutils command="sdist" />

Instructs `distutils` to produce a source distribution.

.. code-block:: xml

  <python:distutils command="unittest" options="
      --xml-output build/test-results.xml
      --coverage-summary build/test-coverage.txt
      --coverage-dir build/coverage"/>

Instructs `distutils` to run the ``unittest`` command (which is provided by
Bitten), and passes the options needed to determine the output paths for test
results and code coverage reports.


Extracts information from unittest_ results recorded in an XML file.

.. _unittest:
.. note:: This report must be used in conjunction with the ``distutils`` command
          "unittest" that comes with Bitten.


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``file``       | Path to the XML results file, relative to the project     |
|                | source directory.                                         |


.. code-block:: xml

  <python:unittest file="build/test-results.xml"/>

Extracts the test results from the XML file located at


Extracts coverage information recorded by the built-in Python module


| Name         | Description                                                 |
| ``summary``  | Path to the summary file written by ````,           |
|              | relative to the project source directory.                   |
| ``coverdir`` | Path to the directory containing the coverage files written |
|              | by ````, relative to the project source directory.  |
| ``include``  | List of glob patterns (separated by space) that specify     |
|              | which Python file should be included in the coverage report |
| ``exclude``  | List of glob patterns (separated by space) that specify     |
|              | which Python file should be excluded from the coverage      |
|              | report                                                      |


.. code-block:: xml

  <python:trace summary="build/trace.out" coverdir="build/coverage" />


Extracts information from Pylint_ reports.

.. _pylint:


| Name         | Description                                                 |
| ``file``     | Path to the file containing the Pylint output, relative to  |
|              | the project source directory.                               |


.. code-block:: xml

  <python:pylint file="build/pylint.out" />

Subversion Tools

A collection of recipe commands for working with the Subversion_ version
control system. This commands are commonly used as the first step of a build
recipe to actually pull the code that should be built from the repository.

.. _subversion:

:Namespace: ````
:Common prefix: ``svn``


Check out a working copy from a Subversion repository.


| Name         | Description                                                 |
| ``url``      | URL of the repository.                                      |
| ``path``     | The path inside the repository that should be checked out.  |
|              | You should normally set this to ``${path}`` so that the     |
|              | path of the build configuration is used.                    |
| ``revision`` | The revision that should be checked out. You should         |
|              | normally set this to ``${revision}`` so that the revision   |
|              | of the build is used.                                       |


.. code-block:: xml

  <svn:checkout url=""
      path="${path}" revision="${revision}"/>

This checks out the a working copy into the current directory.


Download a file or directory from a Subversion repository. This is similar to
performing a checkout, but will not include the meta-data Subversion uses to
connect the local working copy to the repository (i.e. it does not include the
``.svn`` directories.)


| Name         | Description                                                 |
| ``url``      | URL of the repository.                                      |
| ``path``     | The path inside the repository that should be checked out.  |
|              | You should normally set this to ``${path}`` so that the     |
|              | path of the build configuration is used.                    |
| ``revision`` | The revision that should be checked out. You should         |
|              | normally set this to ``${revision}`` so that the revision   |
|              | of the build is used.                                       |


.. code-block:: xml

  <svn:export url=""
      path="${path}" revision="${revision}"/>

This downloads the file or directory at ``${path}`` from the Subversion
repository at ````. Variables are used
for the ``path`` and ``revision`` attributes so they are populated from the
properties of the build and build configuration.


Update an existing working copy from a Subversion repository to a specific


| Name         | Description                                                 |
| ``revision`` | The revision that should be checked out. You should         |
|              | normally set this to ``${revision}`` so that the revision   |
|              | of the build is used.                                       |


.. code-block:: xml

  <svn:update revision="${revision}"/>

This updates the working copy in the current directory. The revision is
specified as a variable so that it is populated from the properties of the

XML Tools

A collection of recipe commands for XML processing.

:Namespace: ````
:Common prefix: ``x``


Apply an XSLT stylesheet .

.. note:: that this command requires either libxslt_ (with `Python bindings`_)
          or, on Windows platforms, MSXML (version 3 or later) to be installed
          on the slave machine.

.. _libxslt:
.. _`python bindings`:


| Name           | Description                                               |
| ``src``        | Path of the source XML file.                              |
| ``dest``       | Path of the destition XML file.                           |
| ``stylesheet`` | Path to the XSLT stylesheet file.                         |

All these are interpreted relative to the project source directory.


.. code-block:: xml

  <x:transform src="src.xml" dest="dest.xml" stylesheet="util/convert.xsl" />

This applies the stylesheet in ``util/convert.xsl`` to the source file
``src.xml``, and writes the resulting XML document to ``dest.xml``.
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