view bitten/util/ @ 895:7d93d6358fe0

Use our own HTTPBasicAuthHandler under Python 2.6 to avoid issue Fixes #658.
author hodgestar
date Wed, 09 Mar 2011 14:48:35 +0000
parents 7c80375d4817
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christopher Lenz <>
# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Edgewall Software
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at

"""Utility code for easy input and output of XML.

The current implementation uses ``xml.dom.minidom`` under the hood for parsing.

import os
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from StringIO import StringIO
from UserDict import DictMixin

import cgi
import string

__all__ = ['Fragment', 'Element', 'ParsedElement', 'parse']
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

def _from_utf8(text):
    """Convert utf-8 string to unicode. All other input returned as-is."""
    if isinstance(text, str):
        return text.decode('utf-8')
        return text

def _to_utf8(text):
    """Convert any input to utf-8 byte string."""
    if isinstance(text, str):
        return text # presumes utf-8
    elif not isinstance(text, unicode):
        text = unicode(text)
    return text.encode('utf-8')

__trans = string.maketrans('', '')
# (partial)
__todel = ('\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e\x0f\x10\x12\x13\x14'
__uni_trans = dict([(ord(c), None) for c in __todel])

def _escape_text(text):
    """Escape special characters in the provided text so that it can be safely
    included in XML text nodes.
    if isinstance(text, str):
        text = cgi.escape(text.translate(__trans, __todel))
    elif isinstance(text, unicode):
        text = cgi.escape(text.translate(__uni_trans))
    return text

def _escape_attr(attr):
    """Escape special characters in the provided text so that it can be safely
    included in XML attribute values.
    if isinstance(attr, basestring):
        return _escape_text(attr).replace('"', '&quot;')
        return attr

class Fragment(object):
    """A collection of XML elements."""
    __slots__ = ['children']

    def __init__(self):
        """Create an XML fragment."""
        self.children = []

    def __getitem__(self, nodes):
        """Add nodes to the fragment."""
        if not isinstance(nodes, (list, tuple)):
            nodes = [nodes]
        for node in nodes:
        return self

    def __str__(self):
        """Return a string representation of the XML fragment."""
        buf = StringIO()
        return buf.getvalue()

    def append(self, node):
        """Append an element or fragment as child."""
        if isinstance(node, Element):
        elif isinstance(node, Fragment):
            self.children += node.children
        elif node is not None and node != '':
            if isinstance(node, basestring):

    def write(self, out, newlines=False):
        """Serializes the element and writes the XML to the given output
        for child in self.children:
            if isinstance(child, (Element, ParsedElement)):
                child.write(out, newlines=newlines)
                if child.startswith('<'):
                    out.write('<![CDATA[' + _to_utf8(child) + ']]>')

class Element(Fragment):
    """Simple XML output generator based on the builder pattern.

    Construct XML elements by passing the tag name to the constructor:

    >>> print Element('foo')

    Attributes can be specified using keyword arguments. The values of the
    arguments will be converted to strings and any special XML characters

    >>> print Element('foo', bar=42)
    <foo bar="42"/>
    >>> print Element('foo', bar='1 < 2')
    <foo bar="1 &lt; 2"/>
    >>> print Element('foo', bar='"baz"')
    <foo bar="&quot;baz&quot;"/>

    The order in which attributes are rendered is undefined.

    Elements can be using item access notation:

    >>> print Element('foo')[Element('bar'), Element('baz')]

    Text nodes can be nested in an element by using strings instead of elements
    in item access. Any special characters in the strings are escaped

    >>> print Element('foo')['Hello world']
    <foo>Hello world</foo>
    >>> print Element('foo')[42]
    >>> print Element('foo')['1 < 2']
    <foo>1 &lt; 2</foo>

    This technique also allows mixed content:

    >>> print Element('foo')['Hello ', Element('b')['world']]
    <foo>Hello <b>world</b></foo>

    Finally, text starting with an opening angle bracket is treated specially:
    under the assumption that the text actually contains XML itself, the whole
    thing is wrapped in a CDATA block instead of escaping all special characters

    >>> print Element('foo')['<bar a="3" b="4"><baz/></bar>']
    <foo><![CDATA[<bar a="3" b="4"><baz/></bar>]]></foo>

    Valid input are utf-8 or unicode strings, or any type easily converted
    to unicode such as integers. Output is always utf-8.
    __slots__ = ['name', 'attr']

    def __init__(self, name_, **attr):
        """Create an XML element using the specified tag name.
        The tag name must be supplied as the first positional argument. All
        keyword arguments following it are handled as attributes of the element.
        Fragment.__init__(self) = _from_utf8(name_)
        self.attr = dict([(_from_utf8(name), _from_utf8(value)) \
                          for name, value in attr.items() \
                          if value is not None])

    def write(self, out, newlines=False):
        """Serializes the element and writes the XML to the given output
        for name, value in self.attr.items():
            out.write(_to_utf8(' %s="%s"' % (name, _escape_attr(value))))
        if self.children:
            Fragment.write(self, out, newlines)
            out.write('</' + _to_utf8( + '>')
        if newlines:

class ParseError(Exception):
    """Exception thrown when there's an error parsing an XML document."""

def parse(text_or_file):
    """Parse an XML document provided as string or file-like object.
    Returns an instance of `ParsedElement` that can be used to traverse the
    parsed document.
    from xml.dom import minidom
    from xml.parsers import expat
        if isinstance(text_or_file, basestring):
            dom = minidom.parseString(_to_utf8(text_or_file))
            dom = minidom.parse(text_or_file)
        return ParsedElement(dom.documentElement)
    except expat.error, e:
        raise ParseError(e)

class ParsedElement(object):
    """Representation of an XML element that was parsed from a string or
    This class should not be used directly. Rather, XML text parsed using
    `xmlio.parse()` will return an instance of this class.
    >>> xml = parse('<root/>')
    >>> print
    Parsed elements can be serialized to a string using the `write()` method:
    >>> import sys
    >>> parse('<root></root>').write(sys.stdout)
    For convenience, this is also done when coercing the object to a string
    using the builtin ``str()`` function, which is used when printing an
    >>> print parse('<root></root>')
    (Note that serializing the element will produce a normalized representation
    that may not excatly match the input string.)
    Attributes are accessed via the `attr` member:
    >>> print parse('<root foo="bar"/>').attr['foo']
    Attributes can also be updated, added or removed:
    >>> xml = parse('<root foo="bar"/>')
    >>> xml.attr['foo'] = 'baz'
    >>> print xml
    <root foo="baz"/>

    >>> del xml.attr['foo']
    >>> print xml

    >>> xml.attr['foo'] = 'bar'
    >>> print xml
    <root foo="bar"/>

    CDATA sections are included in the text content of the element returned by
    >>> xml = parse('<root>foo<![CDATA[ <bar> ]]>baz</root>')
    >>> xml.gettext()
    'foo <bar> baz'

    Valid input are utf-8 or unicode strings, or any type easily converted
    to unicode such as integers. Output is always utf-8.
    __slots__ = ['_node', 'attr']

    class _Attrs(DictMixin):
        """Simple wrapper around the element attributes to provide a dictionary
        def __init__(self, node):
            self._node = node
        def __getitem__(self, name):
            attr = self._node.getAttributeNode(name)
            if not attr:
                raise KeyError(name)
            return _to_utf8(attr.value)
        def __setitem__(self, name, value):
            self._node.setAttribute(name, value)
        def __delitem__(self, name):
        def keys(self):
            return [_to_utf8(key) for key in self._node.attributes.keys()]

    def __init__(self, node):
        self._node = node
        self.attr = ParsedElement._Attrs(node)

    name = property(fget=lambda self: self._node.localName,
                    doc='Local name of the element')
    namespace = property(fget=lambda self: self._node.namespaceURI,
                         doc='Namespace URI of the element')

    def children(self, name=None):
        """Iterate over the child elements of this element.

        If the parameter `name` is provided, only include elements with a
        matching local name. Otherwise, include all elements.
        for child in [c for c in self._node.childNodes if c.nodeType == 1]:
            if name in (None, child.tagName):
                yield ParsedElement(child)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.children()

    def gettext(self):
        """Return the text content of this element.
        This concatenates the values of all text and CDATA nodes that are
        immediate children of this element.
        return ''.join([_to_utf8(c.nodeValue)
                        for c in self._node.childNodes
                        if c.nodeType in (3, 4)])

    def write(self, out, newlines=False):
        """Serializes the element and writes the XML to the given output
        out.write(self._node.toprettyxml(newl=newlines and '\n' or '',
                        indent=newlines and '\t' or '', encoding='utf-8'))

    def __str__(self):
        """Return a string representation of the XML element."""
        buf = StringIO()
        return buf.getvalue()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Edgewall Software