diff bitten/master.py @ 392:026d9aa41b85

Merged HTTP branch into trunk.
author cmlenz
date Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:48:47 +0000
parents 0df178e07fdb
children a10942252ebc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/bitten/master.py
+++ b/bitten/master.py
@@ -7,17 +7,13 @@
 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
 # are also available at http://bitten.cmlenz.net/wiki/License.
-"""Build master implementation.
-This module is runnable as a script to launch the build master. The build
-master starts a single process that handles connections to any number of build
+"""Build master implementation."""
 import calendar
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 import logging
 import os
+import re
 except NameError:
@@ -25,295 +21,177 @@
 import sys
 import time
+from trac.config import BoolOption, IntOption
+from trac.core import *
 from trac.env import Environment
+from trac.web import IRequestHandler, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPConflict, \
+                     HTTPForbidden, HTTPMethodNotAllowed, HTTPNotFound, \
+                     RequestDone
 from bitten.model import BuildConfig, Build, BuildStep, BuildLog, Report
 from bitten.queue import BuildQueue
+from bitten.recipe import Recipe
 from bitten.trac_ext.main import BuildSystem
-from bitten.util import beep, xmlio
-log = logging.getLogger('bitten.master')
-DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL = 120 # 2 minutes
-class Master(beep.Listener):
-    """BEEP listener implementation for the build master."""
-    def __init__(self, envs, ip, port, build_all=False,
-                 adjust_timestamps=False,
-                 check_interval=DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL):
-        beep.Listener.__init__(self, ip, port)
-        self.profiles[OrchestrationProfileHandler.URI] = \
-                OrchestrationProfileHandler
-        self.adjust_timestamps = adjust_timestamps
-        self.check_interval = check_interval
-        self.handlers = {} # Map of connected slaves keyed by name
-        self.queues = []
-        for env in envs:
-            self.queues.append(BuildQueue(env, build_all=build_all))
-        self.schedule(self.check_interval, self._enqueue_builds)
-    def close(self):
-        for queue in self.queues:
-            queue.reset_orphaned_builds()
-        beep.Listener.close(self)
-    def _enqueue_builds(self):
-        self.schedule(self.check_interval, self._enqueue_builds)
-        for queue in self.queues:
-            queue.populate()
-        self.schedule(self.check_interval * 0.2, self._initiate_builds)
-    def _initiate_builds(self):
-        available_slaves = set([name for name in self.handlers
-                                if not self.handlers[name].building])
-        for idx, queue in enumerate(self.queues[:]):
-            build, slave = queue.get_next_pending_build(available_slaves)
-            if build:
-                self.handlers[slave].send_initiation(queue, build)
-                available_slaves.discard(slave)
-                self.queues.append(self.queues.pop(idx)) # Round robin
-    def register(self, handler):
-        if handler.name in self.handlers:
-            # The slave is for some reason still registered... this shouldn't
-            # happen in theory, but apparently it does in the real world (see
-            # #106). We simply unregister it before trying to register it
-            # again.
-            self.unregister(handler)
-        any_match = False
-        for queue in self.queues:
-            if queue.register_slave(handler.name, handler.info):
-                any_match = True
-        if not any_match:
-            log.warning('Slave %s does not match any of the configured target '
-                        'platforms', handler.name)
-            return False
-        self.handlers[handler.name] = handler
-        self.schedule(self.check_interval * 0.2, self._initiate_builds)
-        log.info('Registered slave "%s"', handler.name)
-        return True
-    def unregister(self, handler):
-        if handler.name not in self.handlers:
-            return
-        for queue in self.queues:
-            if queue.unregister_slave(handler.name):
-                for build in list(Build.select(queue.env, slave=handler.name,
-                                               status=Build.IN_PROGRESS)):
-                    handler._build_aborted(queue, build)
-        del self.handlers[handler.name]
-        log.info('Unregistered slave "%s"', handler.name)
+from bitten.util import xmlio
-class OrchestrationProfileHandler(beep.ProfileHandler):
-    """Handler for communication on the Bitten build orchestration profile from
-    the perspective of the build master.
-    An instance of this class is associated with exactly one remote build slave.
-    """
-    URI = 'http://bitten.cmlenz.net/beep/orchestration'
-    def handle_connect(self):
-        self.master = self.session.listener
-        assert self.master
-        self.name = None
-        self.building = False
-        self.info = {}
-    def handle_disconnect(self):
-        self.master.unregister(self)
-    def handle_msg(self, msgno, payload):
-        assert payload.content_type == beep.BEEP_XML
-        elem = xmlio.parse(payload.body)
-        if elem.name == 'register':
-            self.name = elem.attr['name']
-            self.info[Build.IP_ADDRESS] = self.session.addr[0]
-            for child in elem.children():
-                if child.name == 'platform':
-                    self.info[Build.MACHINE] = child.gettext()
-                    self.info[Build.PROCESSOR] = child.attr.get('processor')
-                elif child.name == 'os':
-                    self.info[Build.OS_NAME] = child.gettext()
-                    self.info[Build.OS_FAMILY] = child.attr.get('family')
-                    self.info[Build.OS_VERSION] = child.attr.get('version')
-                elif child.name == 'package':
-                    for name, value in child.attr.items():
-                        if name == 'name':
-                            continue
-                        self.info[child.attr['name'] + '.' + name] = value
-            if not self.master.register(self):
-                raise beep.ProtocolError(550, 'Nothing for you to build here, '
-                                         'please move along')
-            xml = xmlio.Element('ok')
-            self.channel.send_rpy(msgno, beep.Payload(xml))
+class BuildMaster(Component):
+    """BEEP listener implementation for the build master."""
-    def send_initiation(self, queue, build):
-        log.info('Initiating build of %d ("%s" as of [%s]) on slave %s',
-                 build.id, build.config, build.rev, self.name)
-        build.slave = self.name
-        build.slave_info.update(self.info)
-        build.status = Build.IN_PROGRESS
-        build.update()
-        self.building = True
-        config = BuildConfig.fetch(queue.env, build.config)
-        def handle_reply(cmd, msgno, ansno, payload):
-            if cmd == 'ERR':
-                if payload.content_type == beep.BEEP_XML:
-                    elem = xmlio.parse(payload.body)
-                    if elem.name == 'error':
-                        log.warning('Slave %s refused build request: %s (%d)',
-                                    self.name, elem.gettext(),
-                                    int(elem.attr['code']))
-                self.building = False
-                self._build_aborted(queue, build)
-                return
+    implements(IRequestHandler)
-            elem = xmlio.parse(payload.body)
-            if elem.name != 'proceed':
-                raise beep.ProtocolError(500)
+    # Configuration options
-            snapshots = queue.snapshots[config.name]
-            snapshot = snapshots.get(build.rev)
-            if not snapshot:
-                # Request a snapshot for this build, and schedule a poll
-                # function that kicks off the snapshot transmission once the
-                # archive has been completely built
-                worker = snapshots.create(build.rev)
-                def _check_snapshot():
-                    worker.join(.5)
-                    if worker.isAlive():
-                        self.master.schedule(2, _check_snapshot)
-                    else:
-                        if self.name not in self.master.handlers:
-                            # The slave disconnected while we were building
-                            # the archive
-                            return
-                        snapshot = snapshots.get(build.rev)
-                        if snapshot is None:
-                            log.error('Failed to create snapshot archive for '
-                                      '%s@%s', config.path, build.rev)
-                            return
-                        self.send_snapshot(queue, build, snapshot)
-                _check_snapshot()
-            else:
-                self.send_snapshot(queue, build, snapshot)
+    adjust_timestamps = BoolOption('bitten', 'adjust_timestamps', False, doc=
+        """Whether the timestamps of builds should be adjusted to be close '
+        to the timestamps of the corresponding changesets.""")
+    build_all = BoolOption('bitten', 'build_all', False, doc=
+        """Whether to request builds of older revisions even if a younger
+        revision has already been built.""")
+    slave_timeout = IntOption('bitten', 'slave_timeout', 3600, doc=
+        """The time in seconds after which a build is cancelled if the slave
+        does not report progress.""")
+    # IRequestHandler methods
+    def match_request(self, req):
+        match = re.match(r'/builds(?:/(\d+)(?:/(\w+)/([^/]+))?)?$',
+                         req.path_info)
+        if match:
+            if match.group(1):
+                req.args['id'] = match.group(1)
+                req.args['collection'] = match.group(2)
+                req.args['member'] = match.group(3)
+            return True
+    def process_request(self, req):
+        req.perm.assert_permission('BUILD_EXEC')
+        if 'id' not in req.args:
+            if req.method != 'POST':
+                raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed('Method not allowed')
+            return self._process_build_creation(req)
+        build = Build.fetch(self.env, req.args['id'])
+        if not build:
+            raise HTTPNotFound('No such build')
+        config = BuildConfig.fetch(self.env, build.config)
+        if not req.args['collection']:
+            return self._process_build_initiation(req, config, build)
+        if req.method != 'PUT':
+            raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed('Method not allowed')
+        if req.args['collection'] == 'steps':
+            return self._process_build_step(req, config, build,
+                                            req.args['member'])
+        else:
+            raise HTTPNotFound('No such collection')
+    def _process_build_creation(self, req):
+        queue = BuildQueue(self.env, build_all=self.build_all)
+        queue.populate()
+        try:
+            elem = xmlio.parse(req.read())
+        except xmlio.ParseError, e:
+            raise HTTPBadRequest('XML parser error')
+        name = elem.attr['name']
+        properties = {Build.IP_ADDRESS: req.remote_addr}
+        self.log.info('Build slave %r connected from %s', name, req.remote_addr)
+        for child in elem.children():
+            if child.name == 'platform':
+                properties[Build.MACHINE] = child.gettext()
+                properties[Build.PROCESSOR] = child.attr.get('processor')
+            elif child.name == 'os':
+                properties[Build.OS_NAME] = child.gettext()
+                properties[Build.OS_FAMILY] = child.attr.get('family')
+                properties[Build.OS_VERSION] = child.attr.get('version')
+            elif child.name == 'package':
+                for name, value in child.attr.items():
+                    if name == 'name':
+                        continue
+                    properties[child.attr['name'] + '.' + name] = value
+        build = queue.get_build_for_slave(name, properties)
+        if not build:
+            req.send_response(204)
+            req.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+            req.write('No pending builds')
+            raise RequestDone
+        req.send_response(201)
+        req.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+        req.send_header('Location', req.abs_href.builds(build.id))
+        req.write('Build pending')
+        raise RequestDone
+    def _process_build_initiation(self, req, config, build):
+        build.started = int(time.time())
+        build.update()
         xml = xmlio.parse(config.recipe)
-        xml.attr['project'] = os.path.basename(queue.env.path)
-        self.channel.send_msg(beep.Payload(xml),
-                              handle_reply=handle_reply, force_flush=True)
-    def send_snapshot(self, queue, build, snapshot):
-        timestamp_delta = 0
-        if self.master.adjust_timestamps:
-            d = datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds=self.master.check_interval) \
-                - datetime.fromtimestamp(build.rev_time)
-            log.info('Warping timestamps by %s', d)
-            timestamp_delta = d.days * 86400 + d.seconds
-        def handle_reply(cmd, msgno, ansno, payload):
-            if cmd == 'ERR':
-                if payload.content_type != beep.BEEP_XML:
-                    raise beep.ProtocolError(500)
-                elem = xmlio.parse(payload.body)
-                if elem.name == 'error':
-                    log.warning('Slave %s refused to start build: %s (%d)',
-                                self.name, elem.gettext(),
-                                int(elem.attr['code']))
-                self.building = False
-                self._build_aborted(queue, build)
-            elif cmd == 'ANS':
-                if payload.content_type != beep.BEEP_XML:
-                    raise beep.ProtocolError(500)
-                elem = xmlio.parse(payload.body)
+        xml.attr['path'] = config.path
+        xml.attr['revision'] = build.rev
+        body = str(xml)
-                # verify that the build hasn't been modified out from
-                # under us-- we don't want to accept any build information
-                # from builds that have been invalidated or claimed by
-                # other slaves.
-                current_build = Build.fetch(queue.env, build.id)
-                if current_build.status != Build.IN_PROGRESS or \
-                        current_build.slave != self.name:
-                    raise beep.ProtocolError(550, 'Build %s has been '
-                        'invalidated, will not accept completed steps from '
-                        'slave %s' % (build.id, self.name))
-                if elem.name == 'started':
-                    self._build_started(queue, build, elem, timestamp_delta)
-                elif elem.name == 'step':
-                    self._build_step_completed(queue, build, elem,
-                                               timestamp_delta)
-                elif elem.name == 'completed':
-                    self._build_completed(queue, build, elem, timestamp_delta)
-                elif elem.name == 'aborted':
-                    self._build_aborted(queue, build)
-                elif elem.name == 'error':
-                    build.status = Build.FAILURE
-            elif cmd == 'NUL':
-                self.building = False
+        req.send_response(200)
+        req.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-bitten+xml')
+        req.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(body)))
+        req.send_header('Content-Disposition',
+                        'attachment; filename=recipe_%s_r%s.xml' %
+                        (config.name, build.rev))
+        req.write(body)
+        raise RequestDone
-        snapshot_name = os.path.basename(snapshot)
-        message = beep.Payload(file(snapshot, 'rb'),
-                               content_type='application/tar',
-                               content_encoding='bzip2',
-                               content_disposition=snapshot_name)
-        self.channel.send_msg(message, handle_reply=handle_reply)
-    def _build_started(self, queue, build, elem, timestamp_delta=None):
-        build.started = int(_parse_iso_datetime(elem.attr['time']))
-        if timestamp_delta:
-            build.started -= timestamp_delta
-        build.update()
+    def _process_build_step(self, req, config, build, stepname):
+        step = BuildStep.fetch(self.env, build=build.id, name=stepname)
+        if step:
+            raise HTTPConflict('Build step already exists')
-        log.info('Slave %s started build %d ("%s" as of [%s])',
-                 self.name, build.id, build.config, build.rev)
-        for listener in BuildSystem(queue.env).listeners:
-            listener.build_started(build)
-    def _build_step_completed(self, queue, build, elem, timestamp_delta=None):
-        log.debug('Slave %s completed step "%s" with status %s', self.name,
-                  elem.attr['id'], elem.attr['result'])
+        recipe = Recipe(xmlio.parse(config.recipe))
+        index = None
+        current_step = None
+        for num, recipe_step in enumerate(recipe):
+            if recipe_step.id == stepname:
+                index = num
+                current_step = recipe_step
+        if index is None:
+            raise HTTPForbidden('No such build step')
+        last_step = index == num
-        db = queue.env.get_db_cnx()
+        try:
+            elem = xmlio.parse(req.read())
+        except xmlio.ParseError, e:
+            raise HTTPBadRequest('XML parser error')
-        step = BuildStep(queue.env, build=build.id, name=elem.attr['id'],
-                         description=elem.attr.get('description'))
-        step.started = int(_parse_iso_datetime(elem.attr['time']))
-        step.stopped = step.started + int(elem.attr['duration'])
-        if timestamp_delta:
-            step.started -= timestamp_delta
-            step.stopped -= timestamp_delta
-        if elem.attr['result'] == 'failure':
-            log.warning('Build %s Step %s failed', build.id, elem.attr['id']) 
+        self.log.debug('Slave %s completed step %d (%s) with status %s',
+                       build.slave, index, stepname, elem.attr['status'])
+        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
+        step = BuildStep(self.env, build=build.id, name=stepname)
+        try:
+            step.started = int(_parse_iso_datetime(elem.attr['time']))
+            step.stopped = step.started + float(elem.attr['duration'])
+        except ValueError, e:
+            raise HTTPBadRequest(e.args[0])
+        if elem.attr['status'] == 'failure':
+            self.log.warning('Build %s step %s failed', build.id, stepname)
             step.status = BuildStep.FAILURE
             step.status = BuildStep.SUCCESS
         step.errors += [error.gettext() for error in elem.children('error')]
+        # Collect log messages from the request body
         for idx, log_elem in enumerate(elem.children('log')):
-            build_log = BuildLog(queue.env, build=build.id, step=step.name,
+            build_log = BuildLog(self.env, build=build.id, step=step.name,
             for message_elem in log_elem.children('message'):
@@ -321,8 +199,9 @@
+        # Collect report data from the request body
         for report_elem in elem.children('report'):
-            report = Report(queue.env, build=build.id, step=step.name,
+            report = Report(self.env, build=build.id, step=step.name,
             for item_elem in report_elem.children():
@@ -333,42 +212,40 @@
+        # If this was the last step in the recipe we mark the build as
+        # completed
+        if last_step or step.status == BuildStep.FAILURE and \
+                current_step.onerror == 'fail':
+            self.log.info('Slave %s completed build %d ("%s" as of [%s])',
+                          build.slave, build.id, build.config, build.rev)
+            build.stopped = step.stopped
+            # Determine overall outcome of the build by checking the outcome
+            # of the individual steps against the "onerror" specification of
+            # each step in the recipe
+            for num, recipe_step in enumerate(recipe):
+                step = BuildStep.fetch(self.env, build.id, recipe_step.id)
+                if step.status == BuildStep.FAILURE:
+                    if recipe_step.onerror != 'ignore':
+                        build.status = Build.FAILURE
+                        break
+            else:
+                build.status = Build.SUCCESS
+            build.update(db=db)
-    def _build_completed(self, queue, build, elem, timestamp_delta=None):
-        build.stopped = int(_parse_iso_datetime(elem.attr['time']))
-        if timestamp_delta:
-            build.stopped -= timestamp_delta
-        if elem.attr['result'] == 'failure':
-            build.status = Build.FAILURE
-        else:
-            build.status = Build.SUCCESS
-        build.update()
-        log.info('Slave %s completed build %d ("%s" as of [%s]) with status %s',
-                 self.name, build.id, build.config, build.rev,
-                 build.status == Build.FAILURE and 'FAILURE' or 'SUCCESS')
-        for listener in BuildSystem(queue.env).listeners:
-            listener.build_completed(build)
+        if last_step:
+            for listener in BuildSystem(self.env).listeners:
+                listener.build_completed(build)
-    def _build_aborted(self, queue, build):
-        log.info('Slave %s aborted build %d ("%s" as of [%s])',
-                 self.name, build.id, build.config, build.rev)
-        for listener in BuildSystem(queue.env).listeners:
-            listener.build_aborted(build)
-        db = queue.env.get_db_cnx()
-        for step in list(BuildStep.select(queue.env, build=build.id, db=db)):
-            step.delete(db=db)
-        build.slave = None
-        build.slave_info = {}
-        build.started = 0
-        build.status = Build.PENDING
-        build.update(db=db)
-        db.commit()
+        body = 'Build step processed'
+        req.send_response(200)
+        req.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+        req.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(body)))
+        req.write(body)
+        raise RequestDone
 def _parse_iso_datetime(string):
@@ -380,106 +257,4 @@
         string = string.split('.', 1)[0] # strip out microseconds
         return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(string, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
     except ValueError, e:
-        raise ValueError('Invalid ISO date/time %s (%s)' % (string, e))
-def main():
-    """Main entry point for running the build master."""
-    from bitten import __version__ as VERSION
-    from optparse import OptionParser
-    # Parse command-line arguments
-    parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] ENV_PATHS',
-                          version='%%prog %s' % VERSION)
-    parser.add_option('-p', '--port', action='store', type='int', dest='port',
-                      help='port number to use')
-    parser.add_option('-H', '--host', action='store', dest='host',
-                      metavar='HOSTNAME',
-                      help='the host name or IP address to bind to')
-    parser.add_option('-l', '--log', dest='logfile', metavar='FILENAME',
-                      help='write log messages to FILENAME')
-    parser.add_option('-i', '--interval', dest='interval', metavar='SECONDS',
-                      default=DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL, type='int',
-                      help='poll interval for changeset detection')
-    parser.add_option('--build-all', action='store_true', dest='buildall',
-                      help='build older revisions even when a build for a '
-                           'newer revision has already been performed')
-    parser.add_option('--timewarp', action='store_true', dest='timewarp',
-                      help='adjust timestamps of builds to be near the '
-                           'timestamps of the corresponding changesets')
-    parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
-                      const=logging.DEBUG, help='enable debugging output')
-    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
-                      const=logging.INFO, help='print as much as possible')
-    parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
-                      const=logging.ERROR, help='print as little as possible')
-    parser.set_defaults(port=7633, loglevel=logging.WARNING)
-    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-    if len(args) < 1:
-        parser.error('incorrect number of arguments')
-    # Configure logging
-    logger = logging.getLogger('bitten')
-    logger.setLevel(options.loglevel)
-    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
-    if options.logfile:
-        handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
-    else:
-        handler.setLevel(options.loglevel)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
-    handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-    logger.addHandler(handler)
-    if options.logfile:
-        handler = logging.FileHandler(options.logfile)
-        handler.setLevel(options.loglevel)
-        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(name)s] %(levelname)s: '
-                                      '%(message)s')
-        handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-        logger.addHandler(handler)
-    port = options.port
-    if not (1 <= port <= 65535):
-        parser.error('port must be an integer in the range 1-65535')
-    host = options.host
-    if not host:
-        import socket
-        ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
-        try:
-            host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
-        except socket.error, e:
-            log.warning('Reverse host name lookup failed (%s)', e)
-            host = ip
-    envs = []
-    env_names = set()
-    for env_path in [os.path.normpath(arg) for arg in args]:
-        if not os.path.isdir(env_path):
-            log.warning('Ignoring %s: not a directory', env_path)
-            continue
-        env_name = os.path.basename(env_path)
-        if env_name in env_names:
-            log.warning('Ignoring %s: duplicate project name "%s"', env_path,
-                        env_name)
-            continue
-        env_names.add(env_name)
-        env = Environment(env_path)
-        if BuildSystem(env):
-            if env.needs_upgrade():
-                log.warning('Environment at %s needs to be upgraded', env.path)
-                continue
-            envs.append(env)
-    if not envs:
-        log.error('None of the specified environments has support for Bitten')
-        sys.exit(2)
-    master = Master(envs, host, port, build_all=options.buildall,
-                    adjust_timestamps=options.timewarp,
-                    check_interval=options.interval)
-    try:
-        master.run(timeout=5.0)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        master.quit()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
+        raise ValueError('Invalid ISO date/time %r' % string)
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