cmlenz@4: .. -*- mode: rst; encoding: utf-8 -*- cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: ============================= cmlenz@4: Working with Message Catalogs cmlenz@4: ============================= cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: .. contents:: Contents cmlenz@4: :depth: 2 cmlenz@4: .. sectnum:: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Introduction cmlenz@4: ============ cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: The ``gettext`` translation system enables you to mark any strings used in your cmlenz@4: application as subject to localization, by wrapping them in functions such as cmlenz@4: ``gettext(str)`` and ``ngettext(singular, plural, num)``. For brevity, the cmlenz@4: ``gettext`` function is often aliased to ``_(str)``, so you can write:: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: print _("Hello") cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: instead of just:: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: print "Hello" cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: to make the string "Hello" localizable. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Message catalogs are collections of translations for such localizable messages cmlenz@4: used in an application. They are commonly stored in PO (Portable Object) and MO cmlenz@4: (Machine Object) files, the formats of which are defined by the GNU `gettext`_ cmlenz@4: tools and the GNU `translation project`_. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: .. _`gettext`: cmlenz@4: .. _`translation project`: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: The general procedure for building message catalogs looks something like this: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: * use a tool (such as ``xgettext``) to extract localizable strings from the cmlenz@4: code base and write them to a POT (PO Template) file. cmlenz@4: * make a copy of the POT file for a specific locale (for example, "en_US") cmlenz@4: and start translating the messages cmlenz@4: * use a tool such as ``msgfmt`` to compile the locale PO file into an binary cmlenz@4: MO file cmlenz@4: * later, when code changes make it necessary to update the translations, you cmlenz@4: regenerate the POT file and merge the changes into the various cmlenz@4: locale-specific PO files, for example using ``msgmerge`` cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Python provides the `gettext module`_ as part of the standard library, which cmlenz@4: enables applications to work with appropriately generated MO files. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: .. _`gettext module`: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: As ``gettext`` provides a solid and well supported foundation for translating cmlenz@4: application messages, Babel does not reinvent the wheel, but rather reuses this cmlenz@4: infrastructure, and makes it easier to build message catalogs for Python cmlenz@4: applications. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Message Extraction cmlenz@4: ================== cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Babel provides functionality similar to that of the ``xgettext`` program, cmlenz@4: except that only extraction from Python source files is built-in, while support cmlenz@4: for other file formats can be added using a simple extension mechanism. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: (TODO: more) cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: -------------------------- cmlenz@4: Writing Extraction Methods cmlenz@4: -------------------------- cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: (TODO: write) cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: --------------------- cmlenz@4: ```` Commands cmlenz@4: --------------------- cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: (TODO: overview) cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: See `Distutils/Setuptools Integration `_ for more information. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: ------------------- cmlenz@4: Command-line script cmlenz@4: ------------------- cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: (TODO: overview) cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: See `Command-Line Interface `_ for more information. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Extended ``Translations`` Class cmlenz@4: =============================== cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: Many web-based applications are composed of a variety of different components cmlenz@4: (possibly using some kind of plugin system), and some of those components may cmlenz@4: provide their own message catalogs that need to be integrated into the larger cmlenz@4: system. cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: To support this usage pattern, Babel provides a ``Translations`` class that is cmlenz@4: derived from the ``GNUTranslations`` class in the ``gettext`` module. This cmlenz@4: class adds a ``merge()`` method that takes another ``Translations`` instance, cmlenz@4: and merges its contents into the catalog:: cmlenz@4: cmlenz@4: translations = Translations.load('main') cmlenz@4: translations.merge(Translations.load('plugin1'))