diff babel/dates.py @ 3:e9eaddab598e

Import of initial code base.
author cmlenz
date Tue, 29 May 2007 20:33:55 +0000
children 0ca5dd65594f
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/babel/dates.py
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Edgewall Software
+# All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License.
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
+"""Locale dependent formatting and parsing of dates and times.
+The default locale for the functions in this module is determined by the
+following environment variables, in that order:
+ * ``LC_TIME``,
+ * ``LC_ALL``, and
+ * ``LANG``
+from datetime import date, datetime, time
+from babel.core import Locale
+from babel.util import default_locale
+__all__ = ['format_date', 'format_datetime', 'format_time', 'parse_date',
+           'parse_datetime', 'parse_time']
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
+LC_TIME = default_locale('LC_TIME')
+def get_period_names(locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Return the names for day periods (AM/PM) used by the locale.
+    >>> get_period_names(locale='en_US')['am']
+    u'AM'
+    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
+    :return: the dictionary of period names
+    :rtype: `dict`
+    """
+    return Locale.parse(locale).periods
+def get_day_names(width='wide', context='format', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Return the day names used by the locale for the specified format.
+    >>> get_day_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
+    u'Monday'
+    >>> get_day_names('abbreviated', locale='es')[1]
+    u'lun'
+    >>> get_day_names('narrow', context='stand-alone', locale='de_DE')[1]
+    u'M'
+    :param width: the width to use, one of "wide", "abbreviated", or "narrow"
+    :param context: the context, either "format" or "stand-alone"
+    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
+    :return: the dictionary of day names
+    :rtype: `dict`
+    """
+    return Locale.parse(locale).days[context][width]
+def get_month_names(width='wide', context='format', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Return the month names used by the locale for the specified format.
+    >>> get_month_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
+    u'January'
+    >>> get_month_names('abbreviated', locale='es')[1]
+    u'ene'
+    >>> get_month_names('narrow', context='stand-alone', locale='de_DE')[1]
+    u'J'
+    :param width: the width to use, one of "wide", "abbreviated", or "narrow"
+    :param context: the context, either "format" or "stand-alone"
+    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
+    :return: the dictionary of month names
+    :rtype: `dict`
+    """
+    return Locale.parse(locale).months[context][width]
+def get_quarter_names(width='wide', context='format', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Return the quarter names used by the locale for the specified format.
+    >>> get_quarter_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
+    u'1st quarter'
+    >>> get_quarter_names('abbreviated', locale='de_DE')[1]
+    u'Q1'
+    :param width: the width to use, one of "wide", "abbreviated", or "narrow"
+    :param context: the context, either "format" or "stand-alone"
+    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
+    :return: the dictionary of quarter names
+    :rtype: `dict`
+    """
+    return Locale.parse(locale).quarters[context][width]
+def get_era_names(width='wide', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Return the era names used by the locale for the specified format.
+    >>> get_era_names('wide', locale='en_US')[1]
+    u'Anno Domini'
+    >>> get_era_names('abbreviated', locale='de_DE')[1]
+    u'n. Chr.'
+    :param width: the width to use, either "wide" or "abbreviated"
+    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
+    :return: the dictionary of era names
+    :rtype: `dict`
+    """
+    return Locale.parse(locale).eras[width]
+def get_date_format(format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Return the date formatting patterns used by the locale for the specified
+    format.
+    >>> get_date_format(locale='en_US')
+    <DateTimeFormatPattern u'MMM d, yyyy'>
+    >>> get_date_format('full', locale='de_DE')
+    <DateTimeFormatPattern u'EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy'>
+    :param format: the format to use, one of "full", "long", "medium", or
+                   "short"
+    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
+    :return: the date format pattern
+    :rtype: `dict`
+    """
+    return Locale.parse(locale).date_formats[format]
+def get_time_format(format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Return the time formatting patterns used by the locale for the specified
+    format.
+    >>> get_time_format(locale='en_US')
+    <DateTimeFormatPattern u'h:mm:ss a'>
+    >>> get_time_format('full', locale='de_DE')
+    <DateTimeFormatPattern u"H:mm' Uhr 'z">
+    :param format: the format to use, one of "full", "long", "medium", or
+                   "short"
+    :param locale: the `Locale` object, or a locale string
+    :return: the time format pattern
+    :rtype: `dict`
+    """
+    return Locale.parse(locale).time_formats[format]
+def format_date(date, format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Returns a date formatted according to the given pattern.
+    >>> d = date(2007, 04, 01)
+    >>> format_date(d, locale='en_US')
+    u'Apr 1, 2007'
+    >>> format_date(d, format='full', locale='de_DE')
+    u'Sonntag, 1. April 2007'
+    :param date: the ``date`` object
+    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short"
+    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale string
+    :rtype: `unicode`
+    """
+    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
+    if format in ('full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'):
+        format = get_date_format(format, locale=locale)
+    pattern = parse_pattern(format)
+    return parse_pattern(format).apply(date, locale)
+def format_datetime(datetime, format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Returns a date formatted according to the given pattern.
+    :param datetime: the ``date`` object
+    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short"
+    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale string
+    :rtype: `unicode`
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError
+def format_time(time, format='medium', locale=LC_TIME):
+    """Returns a time formatted according to the given pattern.
+    >>> t = time(15, 30)
+    >>> format_time(t, locale='en_US')
+    u'3:30:00 PM'
+    >>> format_time(t, format='short', locale='de_DE')
+    u'15:30'
+    :param time: the ``time`` object
+    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short"
+    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale string
+    :rtype: `unicode`
+    """
+    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
+    if format in ('full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'):
+        format = get_time_format(format, locale=locale)
+    return parse_pattern(format).apply(time, locale)
+def parse_date(string, locale=LC_TIME):
+    raise NotImplementedError
+def parse_datetime(string, locale=LC_TIME):
+    raise NotImplementedError
+def parse_time(string, locale=LC_TIME):
+    raise NotImplementedError
+class DateTimeFormatPattern(object):
+    def __init__(self, pattern, format):
+        self.pattern = pattern
+        self.format = format
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.pattern)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.pattern
+    def __mod__(self, other):
+        assert type(other) is DateTimeFormat
+        return self.format % other
+    def apply(self, datetime, locale):
+        return self % DateTimeFormat(datetime, locale)
+class DateTimeFormat(object):
+    def __init__(self, value, locale):
+        assert isinstance(value, (date, datetime, time))
+        self.value = value
+        self.locale = Locale.parse(locale)
+    def __getitem__(self, name):
+        # TODO: a number of fields missing here
+        if name[0] == 'G':
+            return self.format_era(len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'y':
+            return self.format_year(self.value.year, len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'Y':
+            return self.format_year(self.value.isocalendar()[0], len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'Q':
+            return self.format_quarter(len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'q':
+            return self.format_quarter(len(name), context='stand-alone')
+        elif name[0] == 'M':
+            return self.format_month(len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'L':
+            return self.format_month(len(name), context='stand-alone')
+        elif name[0] == 'd':
+            return self.format(self.value.day, len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'E':
+            return self.format_weekday(len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'c':
+            return self.format_weekday(len(name), context='stand-alone')
+        elif name[0] == 'a':
+            return self.format_period()
+        elif name[0] == 'h':
+            return self.format(self.value.hour % 12, len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'H':
+            return self.format(self.value.hour, len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 'm':
+            return self.format(self.value.minute, len(name))
+        elif name[0] == 's':
+            return self.format(self.value.second, len(name))
+        else:
+            raise KeyError('Unsupported date/time field %r' % name[0])
+    def format_era(self, num):
+        width = {3: 'abbreviated', 4: 'wide', 5: 'narrow'}[max(3, num)]
+        era = int(self.value.year >= 0)
+        return get_era_names(width, self.locale)[era]
+    def format_year(self, value, num):
+        year = self.format(value, num)
+        if num == 2:
+            year = year[-2:]
+        return year
+    def format_month(self, num, context='format'):
+        if num <= 2:
+            return ('%%0%dd' % num) % self.value.month
+        width = {3: 'abbreviated', 4: 'wide', 5: 'narrow'}[num]
+        return get_month_names(width, context, self.locale)[self.value.month]
+    def format_weekday(self, num, context='format'):
+        width = {3: 'abbreviated', 4: 'wide', 5: 'narrow'}[max(3, num)]
+        weekday = self.value.weekday() + 1
+        return get_day_names(width, context, self.locale)[weekday]
+    def format_period(self):
+        period = {0: 'am', 1: 'pm'}[int(self.value.hour > 12)]
+        return get_period_names(locale=self.locale)[period]
+    def format(self, value, length):
+        return ('%%0%dd' % length) % value
+    'G': 5,                                 # era
+    'y': None, 'Y': None, 'u': None,        # year
+    'Q': 4, 'q': 4,                         # quarter
+    'M': 5, 'L': 5,                         # month
+    'w': 2, 'W': 1,                         # week
+    'd': 2, 'D': 3, 'F': 1, 'g': None,      # day
+    'E': 5, 'e': 5, 'c': 5,                 # week day
+    'a': 1,                                 # period
+    'h': 2, 'H': 2, 'K': 2, 'k': 2,         # hour
+    'm': 2,                                 # minute
+    's': 2, 'S': None, 'A': None,           # second
+    'z': 4, 'Z': 4, 'v': 4                  # zone
+def parse_pattern(pattern):
+    """Parse date, time, and datetime format patterns.
+    >>> parse_pattern("MMMMd").format
+    u'%(MMMM)s%(d)s'
+    >>> parse_pattern("MMM d, yyyy").format
+    u'%(MMM)s %(d)s, %(yyyy)s'
+    >>> parse_pattern("H:mm' Uhr 'z").format
+    u'%(H)s:%(mm)s Uhr %(z)s'
+    :param pattern: the formatting pattern to parse
+    """
+    if type(pattern) is DateTimeFormatPattern:
+        return pattern
+    result = []
+    quotebuf = None
+    charbuf = []
+    fieldchar = ['']
+    fieldnum = [0]
+    def append_chars():
+        result.append(''.join(charbuf).replace('%', '%%'))
+        del charbuf[:]
+    def append_field():
+        limit = PATTERN_CHARS[fieldchar[0]]
+        if limit is not None and fieldnum[0] > limit:
+            raise ValueError('Invalid length for field: %r'
+                             % (fieldchar[0] * fieldnum[0]))
+        result.append('%%(%s)s' % (fieldchar[0] * fieldnum[0]))
+        fieldchar[0] = ''
+        fieldnum[0] = 0
+    for idx, char in enumerate(pattern):
+        if quotebuf is None:
+            if char == "'": # quote started
+                if fieldchar[0]:
+                    append_field()
+                elif charbuf:
+                    append_chars()
+                quotebuf = []
+            elif char in PATTERN_CHARS:
+                if charbuf:
+                    append_chars()
+                if char == fieldchar[0]:
+                    fieldnum[0] += 1
+                else:
+                    if fieldchar[0]:
+                        append_field()
+                    fieldchar[0] = char
+                    fieldnum[0] = 1
+            else:
+                if fieldchar[0]:
+                    append_field()
+                charbuf.append(char)
+        elif quotebuf is not None:
+            if char == "'": # quote ended
+                charbuf.extend(quotebuf)
+                quotebuf = None
+            else: # inside quote
+                quotebuf.append(char)
+    if fieldchar[0]:
+        append_field()
+    elif charbuf:
+        append_chars()
+    return DateTimeFormatPattern(pattern, u''.join(result))
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